Advice for newbie

I've just started using this tool and am excited about the possibilities.

My first test was to add code into an MFC app I'm working on to try out the boolean operations.

Here is the test:
TopoDS_Shape theBox = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(200,40,40);
TopoDS_Shape theSphere = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(gp_Pnt(100,20,20),80);
TopoDS_Shape ShapeCut = BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(theSphere,theBox);

The first two lines seem to work fine, but the Cut command gives me an assert:
Unhandled exception at 0x7c81eb33 in ZEditor.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: StdFail_NotDone @ 0x0012eb7c.

Any idea what I did (or forgot to do?)


torkos's picture

Okay, I managed to get past this with the following code:

TopoDS_Shape theBox = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(200,40,40);
TopoDS_Shape theSphere = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(gp_Pnt(100,20,20),80);
TopoDS_Shape ShapeCut;
BRepAlgoAPI_Cut aCutOperation(theBox, theSphere);
if (aCutOperation.IsDone()) { // triangulate}

Now I have trouble triangulating.
The code I am using is as follows (which I got from the forum):

ShapeCut = aCutOperation.Shape();
for ( TopExp_Explorer ex( ShapeCut, TopAbs_FACE ) ; ex.More(); ex.Next() )
TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face(ex.Current());
// Get triangulation
TopLoc_Location L;
Handle (Poly_Triangulation) facing = BRep_Tool::Triangulation(F,L);
const Poly_Array1OfTriangle & triangles = facing->Triangles();
const TColgp_Array1OfPnt & nodes = facing->Nodes();
for ( int i=triangles.Upper(); i >= triangles.Lower()+1; --i ) // (indeksy 1...N)
Poly_Triangle triangle = triangles(i);

Standard_Integer node1,node2,node3;
triangle.Get(node1, node2, node3);

gp_Pnt v1 = nodes(node1);
gp_Pnt v2 = nodes(node2);
gp_Pnt v3 = nodes(node3);
// now we need to transform vertices
// don't forget about face orientation :)

I am using my own renderer, so am not using any of open cascade's display functionality. Should I be using another function as well? I read somewhere that I might be able to use BRepMesh::IncrementalMesh, but am not sure how to use it in this setup.

Patrik Mueller's picture

Hi Nick,

could you give us further informations about your problem with triangulation?



torkos's picture

Oh, sorry. I wasn't getting any data. I think I figured that out.
My current problem involves getting mesh data from a sphere. What is the best way to do that?
If you know something is a sphere in advance it is pretty easy to triangulate it. However, the method I am using is as follows:

m_shape = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(radius);
TopExp_Explorer ex;
for ( ex.Init( m_shape, TopAbs_FACE ) ; ex.More(); ex.Next() )
TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face(ex.Current());
// Get triangulation
TopLoc_Location L;
Handle (Poly_Triangulation) facing = BRep_Tool::Triangulation(F,L);
const Poly_Array1OfTriangle & triangles = facing->Triangles();
const TColgp_Array1OfPnt & nodes = facing->Nodes();
if (!facing.IsNull())
for ( int i=facing->NbTriangles(); i >= 1; --i ) // (indeksy 1...N)
Poly_Triangle triangle = triangles(i);

Standard_Integer node1,node2,node3;
triangle.Get(node1, node2, node3);

gp_Pnt v1 = nodes(node1);
gp_Pnt v2 = nodes(node2);
gp_Pnt v3 = nodes(node3);

// do my own render of the circle

The mesh comes out, but it isn't very pretty. Is there a different way to do this if your object is a known primitive like a box or a sphere? If not, what is a good number for getting a decent looking mesh of a sphere, given that I have an idea of how dense I want the polys, and I want the triangles to look better.

Final question is that the line :
if (!facing.IsNull())

fails if the radius is about 1.68 or greater. Not sure why.

Patrik Mueller's picture

Hi Nick,

there are several possibilities to check for known primitives (esp. spheres):
- (Shapetype)
- a second possiblity would eb the "canonical recognition" toolkit from OCCT. I think Pavel could give you further informations?

So if you know your shape is a sphere I would triangulate it without OCCs triangulation tools - how to triangulate a sphere shouldn't be a large problem...



oumaia's picture

I wanted to make sections, but I found the same error Nick Torkos.
I used the method isdone () but I havn't understand why the section does not made for some shape

oumaia's picture

I found the solution.
I have used BRepAlgo_Section instead BRepAlgoAPI_Section

rtfiya's picture

Hi Nick,I am also new here.Sorry if i am not able to help you at this time.:(
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