Tue, 09/09/2003 - 12:58
// File: Blend_SurfPointFuncInv.cxx
// Created: Wed Feb 12 14:01:00 1997
// Author: Laurent BOURESCHE
Can anyone tell me what the Blend_SurfPointFuncInv shall be good for ?
I looked at the "class-browser". As usually, there is no line describing the purpose. The same goes for the header-file and for the source-file (s. below).
By the way, therer is no lend_SurfPointFuncInv.ixx file anywhere to find. Although there is an include-instruction, the Makefile never fires a problem. Strange ?
Any hints ?
//function : NbVariables
//purpose :
Standard_Integer Blend_SurfPointFuncInv::NbVariables() const
return 3;
Tue, 09/09/2003 - 15:57
Hello Christian,
a very good source of documentation for class documentation are the cdl files. There is one for each OCC class, and most of the time it is documented. Here is the documentation for the class you asked:
-- File: Blend_SurfPointFuncInv.cdl
-- Created: Wed Feb 12 11:16:58 1997
-- Author: Laurent BOURESCHE
---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1997
deferred class SurfPointFuncInv from Blend
---Purpose: Deferred class for a function used to compute a
-- blending surface between a surface and a curve, using
-- a guide line. This function is used to find a
-- solution on a done point of the curve.
-- The vector used in Value, Values and Derivatives
-- methods has to be the vector of the parametric
-- coordinates w, U, V where w is the parameter on the
-- guide line, U,V are the parametric coordinates of a
-- point on the partner surface.
inherits FunctionSetWithDerivatives from math
Pnt from gp,
Vector from math,
Matrix from math
---Purpose: Returns 3.
returns Integer from Standard
is static;
---Purpose: returns the number of equations of the function.
returns Integer from Standard
is deferred;
Value(me: in out; X: Vector; F: out Vector)
---Purpose: computes the values of the Functions for the
-- variable .
-- Returns True if the computation was done successfully,
-- False otherwise.
returns Boolean from Standard
is deferred;
Derivatives(me: in out; X: Vector; D: out Matrix)
---Purpose: returns the values of the derivatives for the
-- variable .
-- Returns True if the computation was done successfully,
-- False otherwise.
returns Boolean from Standard
is deferred;
Values(me: in out; X: Vector; F: out Vector; D: out Matrix)
---Purpose: returns the values of the functions and the derivatives
-- for the variable .
-- Returns True if the computation was done successfully,
-- False otherwise.
returns Boolean from Standard
is deferred;
Set(me: in out; P : Pnt from gp)
---Purpose: Set the Point on which a solution has to be found.
is deferred;
GetTolerance(me; Tolerance: out Vector from math; Tol: Real from Standard)
---Purpose: Returns in the vector Tolerance the parametric tolerance
-- for each of the 3 variables;
-- Tol is the tolerance used in 3d space.
is deferred;
GetBounds(me; InfBound,SupBound: out Vector from math)
---Purpose: Returns in the vector InfBound the lowest values allowed
-- for each of the 3 variables.
-- Returns in the vector SupBound the greatest values allowed
-- for each of the 3 variables.
is deferred;
IsSolution(me: in out; Sol: Vector from math; Tol: Real from Standard)
---Purpose: Returns Standard_True if Sol is a zero of the function.
-- Tol is the tolerance used in 3d space.
returns Boolean from Standard
is deferred;
end SurfPointFuncInv;