
Hello every body,
I tryed to apply the boolean operation BRepAlgoAPI_Cut and BRepAlgoAPI_Common on two bodies selected in the Viewer Window. The operation is done and I got the result represented. However, as I tryed to get the properties of the result shape, I found no value for the Location value!

Do some one have an idea??

To follow is a snap shot of the debugger results.

- aResult_C {...}
+ myTShape {...}
- myLocation {...}
- myItems {...}
- myNode {...}
- Handle_MMgt_TShared {...}
- Handle_Standard_Transient {...}
- entity 0xfefd0000
__vfptr CXX0030: Fehler: Ausdruck kann nicht ausgewertet werden
count CXX0030: Fehler: Ausdruck kann nicht ausgewertet werden
myOrient TopAbs_FORWARD

MCV's picture

Forget BRep_AlgoAPI, it seems to be a piece of new code-crap.

Take BRep_Algo.

This works.


MOMO's picture

HI how can i accede to the selected object
thanks to all