Thu, 09/20/2018 - 18:26
I'm using BRepAlgo_Section concurrently with std::async(...) and it crashes. Of course it doesn't with single-threaded execution.
Is BRepAlgo_Section supposed to be thread-safe or not ? I guess not but just asking to be sure.
See the call-stack in the attached piece, by the way I'm using OpenCascade 7.3.0 and VS2017.
Thu, 09/20/2018 - 18:40
I'm not sure I understand how you are trying using BRepAlgo_Section with std::async.
Maybe you could share a code quotation clarifying your context?
Thu, 09/20/2018 - 19:11
Hello Kirill,
Yes sure, see this snippet
Fri, 09/21/2018 - 00:22
OK, I see now - you are creating a dedicated BRepAlgo_Section instance taking the same input TopoDS_Shape.
And here we have two items for concurrency:
- Does BRepAlgo_Section use any global-state variables? I believe it doesn't.
- Does BRepAlgo_Section modifies the input shape? Actually it could - non-destructive principle introduced within OCCT 7.0.0 is not enabled by default (#0027049).
So at first you may try enabling SetNonDestructive() flag in Boolean algorithm
(note that BRepAlgo_Section is marked as deprecated, you will find this flag only using non-deprecated API BRepAlgoAPI_Section).
If it still crashes - you may prepare a reproducible test case and register an issue on Bugtracker.
To check if the issue is due to (concurrent) modification of input shape, you may add a code making a deep copy of TopoDS_Shape before putting it to Boolean algorithm.
Note that Boolean operations in OCCT have some built-in mutli-threading support, and building preliminary structures for the input shape may take considerable time;
you may consider alternative ways for performing big number of sections in more efficient way using OCCT API.
Fri, 09/21/2018 - 18:13
Hello Kirill,
Following your instructions, I simply used BRepAlgoAPI_Section instead of BRepAlgo_Section, and it works without crashes now!
Thanks for the help!