I have a problem with a BSpline. How can I compute y-value of point at the BSpline(2d) if I have a x-value? This point is not a control point.
Thank you for your help.
Damir J.
Igor Feoktistov (not verified) Mon, 04/02/2001 - 07:13
intersect your bspline with line x = x-value (by Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve class). You get 2d point (or several 2d points) and can take its y-coordinats.
Mon, 04/02/2001 - 07:13
intersect your bspline with line x = x-value (by Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve class). You get 2d point (or several 2d points) and can take its y-coordinats.
Best regards, Igor.