Thu, 09/27/2001 - 10:16
I want to create face from wire but my wire is not planar as said the BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.
Then how triangulate my wire to to obtain a listof face ? I didn't find the function which triangultae a wire. I only found the function which triangulate a Face.
Thu, 09/27/2001 - 11:11
I am not sure to quite understand your problem. A wire is (in Open CasCade) just a set of connected edges which are supported by curves. So I don't think you want to "triangulate" curves.
When you provide a planar wire to BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace, it can deduce easily a plane which can then be used to build the face. SO in this case you don't need to provide a surface to BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace. In case of a non-planar wire it is not obvious to deduce the supporting surface. So in this case you have to provide a surface ( a bezier, bspline,cylinder, sphere, etc) to BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.