Fri, 12/19/2008 - 09:41
I am getting a Cascade error while importing an STL file into the opencascade application.
My application is working fine for 2.7MB STL file,but when I am opening an STL file of size 75MB, I'm getting cascade error in Read() method of StlAPI_Reader....
What may be the problem..Can you please help me out in this regard..
And one more thing is that "Is it possible to modify the source code of read() in STLAPI_Reader?"...If it's possible please let me know...
I am waiting for your sugestions...
Thanks in Advance
Fri, 12/19/2008 - 10:22
hi, Probably STL file may be corrupted or when You read stl.
I have earlier same kind of problem with OPENGL application.
I was able to read STL file of ASCII format and nt able to read the DATA which is in the form of BINARY.
for reading STL file in OPENGL I used read the data in the 'RB' mode...instead of "R" mode.