A case that boolean fusion fails


I used a boolean common and subtract to divide a torus into two parts. Then I tried to unite both part back into a torus. Here I attach both parts in brep file. Both my code calling BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse and Salome4.1.4 Fuse operation gives non-valid shape. I think it's a bug somewhere in BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse, or should I call other code to achieve my goal?

Thank you for your possible help on this!


Jane Hu's picture

Here's the second part used for fusion. Please see attachment.


Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Jane,
I would like to inform you that the posted problem has been checked and reproduced.
The corresponding issue with ID = 22829 has been registered.
Later you may check if the issue is resolved by checking references to the specified ID in OCCT Release Notes. The analysis of the issue will take some time depending on our technical capability and availability of resources.
If the problem is critical for you, you may contact us via the Contact Form http://www.opencascade.org/about/contacts/.
We will try to find a solution/workaround acceptable for you.

Jane Hu's picture

Thank you , Forum Supervisor. I am looking forward for a fix for this problem. This is really critical in that there's no work-around for such problems.
