Fri, 02/05/2016 - 11:18
Hey guys,
thank you in advance for having a look onto my question. I am currently trying to install occ via cmake on OpenSuse 13.2, and as far as I can tell, the mandatories were met. But when using the configure button, I am running into the error message above. What is odd is that I enter some infos to the window to where the libraries etc. are, but when running configure, the entries get empty and it gets to this error.
Any help or hint is very appreciated!
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 17:34
Dear Thomas,
We have tried to reproduce the reported problem on our station SUSEX (SUSE LINUX Enterprise 9 (x86_64)) with next environment:
• OCCT v6.9.1
• CMake 3.1.0
• Freetype 2.5.5 - 64
• TclTk 8.6.0 - 64
and it seems that there is no problem to configure via CMake.
Unfortunately we don't have OpenSuse configuration and can't check the reported problem in the specified environment.
Best regards
Tue, 03/08/2016 - 19:34
Good afternoon,
In case it helps, I have the same issue in Opensuse SLES11 (x86_64): the THIRDPARTY_TK variables get reset after each call to configure
Here is the config I'm using
Best regards
Wed, 03/09/2016 - 13:22
Hello Julien,
Have you installed the development package of Tcl/Tk? Looks like you miss it on your workstation...
Best regards,
Forum supervisor