Sat, 12/30/2000 - 15:46
I downloaded a copy of opencascade4.0dev1(WindowsNT Binary Debug) and installed it, I have followed all step in tutorial and the TTOPOLOGY seems works,it recognize commands but the WindowNT Draw Window is all blank and dont' display anything.Still,I got this error while trying to run the java samples.Somebody seems to have encountered this problem before,But I didn't find resolution in forum and FAQ,Could anyone tell me what to do?
Thanks very much
error dump: 0x074AF9CC : Aspect_GraphicDeviceDefinitionError: the procedure doesn't exist
jcas.CasCadeException: 0x074AF9CC : Aspect_GraphicDeviceDefinitionError: ??????? ?????î•
at SampleGeometryJni.SampleGeometryPackage.CreateViewer3d(Native Method)
at SampleGeometryPanel.createViewPanel(SampleGeometryPanel.java:183)
at SamplePanel.jbInit(SamplePanel.java:58)
at SamplePanel.
at SamplePanel.
at SampleGeometryPanel.
at SamplesStarter.
at SamplesStarter.main(SamplesStarter.java:183) Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at SampleGeometryPanel.
at SamplesStarter.
at SamplesStarter.main(SamplesStarter.java:183)
Wed, 01/03/2001 - 13:45
Please set the CSF_GraphicShr environment variable to :