
Hello there!
I've noticed that OCC does only fillets on EDGEs belongin' to a (sewed) solid.
Is there a way to do fillets on single surfaces (like rhino does)? The result would be 3 surfaces to sew to make a shell.

Thank you

Cauchy Ding's picture

Hi Thomas,

1. Firstly, OCC can not only fillet edge on solid but on shell.
2. To fillet edges between independent faces, you have to sew these faces together before doing fillet operation.

Good luck.


QbProg's picture

Hi Ding,
thank you for your answer.
With independent faces, I meant fillet two non connected faces (or faces with no "precise" intersection), and obtain three connected surfaces. Would be that possible to do?

Thank you!

Cauchy Ding's picture

Hi Thomas,

Do you mean add a "Bridge" face? If it does, try API BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFilling.

BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFilling nsurf(3, 15, 2, Standard_False, disTol2d, disTol3d, 0.1);
for(i=0; i<2; ++i)
for(j=0; j

QbProg's picture

Thank you for the snippet, I'll try it! Maybe this doesn't do a "fillet" (in the sense of a cicular surface mergin two surfaces), anyway after this "fill" one can easily sew the surface and apply the fillet!