Thu, 12/21/2000 - 16:25
Hello OpenCASCADE community !
It's just a requirement to me to say something here.
I know CasCade about 5 years now. And I had many discussions with Sana Abou Haidar, Martine Langlois and some other guys of Matra about the application and the usability of CasCade. And I badly remember when I began to work with CasCade (V1.3): Damn, it took me a whole week, only to get it installed and running (on IRIX). With the next Versions everything improved a bit, but from my point of view insufficiently. Especially the whole documentation was horrible. Now, primarily since it became open source it improved a lot. Even the documentation is on top. Open CASCADE is now one year old and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole team and all people for their hard work, which made Open CASCADE to what it is now: 3.1 stable Version, the best version ever !!
Keep on going! I really appreciate your work.
I wish all members of the community a merry christmas and a peaceful new year.
With kind regards, sincerly
M. Gandyra
University of Kaiserslautern
Research Group for Computer Application in Engineering Design
Thu, 12/21/2000 - 21:25
Thank you Michael. One of the reasons the Open Source CASCADE is better is because of all the positive feedback of the developer community. This project is a success and we are very proud of that but a lot is due to you guys out there.
Keep the Open Source spirit and let us look forward to a very exciting CASCADIAN new year!