Sat, 01/27/2018 - 22:05
I obtain unexpected result when using HLRBRep_PolyAlgo vs HLRBRep_Algo. It appears that the poly algo does not respect the origin point of the coordinate system passed to HLRAlgo_Projector. Can anybody confirm or point out my usage error?
Note that in a perspective projection, HLRBRep_PolyAlgo does provide a result centred on the origin point of the CS, just as HLRBRep_Algo does.
Working sample code attached.
PolyAlgo Start
exactAlgo Result:
edge: 1 start: (-25,-25,0) end: (-25,25,0)
edge: 2 start: (25,-25,0) end: (25,25,0)
edge: 3 start: (-25,-25,0) end: (25,-25,0)
edge: 4 start: (-25,25,0) end: (25,25,0)
polyAlgo Result:
edge: 1 start: (0,50,0) end: (50,50,0)
edge: 2 start: (0,0,0) end: (50,0,0)
edge: 3 start: (50,0,0) end: (50,50,0)
edge: 4 start: (0,0,0) end: (0,50,0)
PolyAlgo End
Edit: version is self compiled 7.2.0 on Ubuntu 12.04
Sat, 01/27/2018 - 22:16
Edit: version is self compiled 7.2.0 on Ubuntu 12.04.