Mon, 05/15/2017 - 17:27
Hi all,
I have a simple question. I tried to find out few materials over internet. But I could not gather much information on this. How can I build/construct a surface based on a set of 3D points and edges connecting these points? I tried the example shown in this link here:
This is what I have done so far, without positive results. Experienced people kindly give some information on this and let me know what is it that I am missing.
//constants for algorithm
const Standard_Integer aNbIter = 5; //number of algorithm iterations
const Standard_Integer aNbPnts = 10; //sample points per each constraint
const Standard_Integer aDeg = 3; //requested surface degree ? const Standard_Integer aMaxDeg = theMaxDeg;
const Standard_Integer aMaxSeg = 10000;
const Standard_Real aTol3d = 1.e-04;
const Standard_Real aTol2d = 1.e-05;
const Standard_Real anAngTol = 1.e-02; //angular
const Standard_Real aCurvTol = 1.e-01; //curvature
gp_Pnt p1(0, 0, 0);
gp_Pnt p2(0, 10, 10);
gp_Pnt p3(10, 10, 5);
gp_Pnt p4(10, 0, -5);
Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aSegment1 = GC_MakeSegment(p1, p2);
Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aSegment2 = GC_MakeSegment(p2, p3);
Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aSegment3 = GC_MakeSegment(p3, p4);
Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aSegment4 = GC_MakeSegment(p4, p1);
TopoDS_Edge anEdge1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aSegment1);
TopoDS_Edge anEdge2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aSegment2);
TopoDS_Edge anEdge3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aSegment3);
TopoDS_Edge anEdge4 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aSegment4);
TopoDS_Face myFace;
Handle(GeomAdaptor_HCurve) aCurve1 = new GeomAdaptor_HCurve(
Handle(GeomAdaptor_HCurve) aCurve2 = new GeomAdaptor_HCurve(
Handle(GeomAdaptor_HCurve) aCurve3 = new GeomAdaptor_HCurve(
Handle(GeomAdaptor_HCurve) aCurve4 = new GeomAdaptor_HCurve(
TColStd_ListOfTransient theBoundaries;
Handle(Geom_Surface) aRes;
GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface aPlateBuilder;
TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfTransient anIt (theBoundaries);
if (anIt.More())
int i = 1;
for (; anIt.More(); anIt.Next(), i++)
const Handle(Standard_Transient)& aCur = anIt.Value();
if (aCur.IsNull())
std::cout << "IS NULL" << std::endl;
Standard_ConstructionError::Raise ("ACISAlgo::MakeSurface()");
else if (aCur->IsKind (STANDARD_TYPE (Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface)))
//G1 constraint
const Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface)& aHCOS = Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface)::DownCast (aCur);
Handle (GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) aConst =
new GeomPlate_CurveConstraint (aHCOS, 1 /*GeomAbs_G1*/, aNbPnts, aTol3d, anAngTol, aCurvTol);
aPlateBuilder.Add (aConst);
else if (aCur->IsKind (STANDARD_TYPE (GeomAdaptor_HCurve)))
//G0 constraint
const Handle(GeomAdaptor_HCurve)& aHC = Handle(GeomAdaptor_HCurve)::DownCast (aCur);
Handle (GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) aConst =
new GeomPlate_CurveConstraint (aHC, 0 /*GeomAbs_G0*/, aNbPnts, aTol3d);
aPlateBuilder.Add (aConst);
Standard_TypeMismatch::Raise ("ACISAlgo::MakeSurface()");
Standard_ConstructionError::Raise ("ACISAlgo::MakeSurface()");
if (!aPlateBuilder.IsDone())
// return aRes;
std::cout << "Failed building plate" << std::endl;
const Handle(GeomPlate_Surface)& aPlate = aPlateBuilder.Surface(); //approximation (see BRepFill_Filling - when no initial surface was given)
TopoDS_Shape resShape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aPlateBuilder.SurfInit(), 0.00001);
BRepTools::Write(resShape, "makeFace1.brep");
I am not yet sure whether I am on the right path or not.
Thanks in advance
Rakesh Patil
Mon, 05/15/2017 - 17:39
Forgot to mention that the geometry in the above example is the closed polygon in 3D space.
Wed, 05/17/2017 - 12:57
I am still trying to get the surface from the set of outline points. The above piece of code did not give me expected output. May be I am doing something really wrong. Is there anything else in OCCT which I am not aware and help me to achieve my goal? Kindly guide me to build a surface from the set of points.
Thanks & Regards
Rakesh Patil
Wed, 05/17/2017 - 13:14
Hello Rakesh,
I think that you should convert GeomPlate_Surface object to the standard spline geometry. It can be performed using GeomPlate_MakeApprox class. After that, you can convert a result to a face.
Fri, 05/19/2017 - 13:04
Hi I have made an online OCC Explorer:
Here is an example that uses BRepFill_Filling:
Thu, 05/18/2017 - 18:55
I see that my application crashes when GeomPlate_MakeApprox is called. Below is my updated code:
gp_Pnt ph[9];
ph[0] = gp_Pnt(11.76, -25.57, 0);
ph[1] = gp_Pnt(14.38, -16.54, 2);
ph[2] = gp_Pnt(16.55, -17.12, 4);
ph[3] = gp_Pnt(25.35, -13.21, 1.5);
ph[4] = gp_Pnt(26.89, -8.92, 3);
ph[5] = gp_Pnt(34.87, -17.44, 5);
ph[6] = gp_Pnt(26.78, -33.18, 2);
ph[7] = gp_Pnt(19.25, -33.06, 1);
ph[8] = gp_Pnt(20.32, -26.19, 1);
GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface BPSurf(3, 16, 5);
for(Standard_Integer i=0; i< 9; ++i)
//add point constraint
Handle(GeomPlate_PointConstraint) PCont = new GeomPlate_PointConstraint(ph[i], 0);
if(BPSurf.IsDone() == true)
std::cout << "Is done" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Not done" << std::endl;
Standard_Integer MaxSeg=8;
Standard_Integer MaxDegree=7;
Standard_Integer CritOrder=0;
Standard_Real dmax, Tol;
dmax = Max(0.0001,10*BPSurf.G0Error());
GeomPlate_MakeApprox mapp(BPSurf.Surface(),Tol,MaxSeg,MaxDegree,dmax,CritOrder);
Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) surf = mapp.Surface();
I thought the problem might be with my own code. So I tried executing the example given in the PDF below:
Page number 34.
This sample example also crashes when the approximation class is instantiated. I am working on MAC OSX with clang 64. What might be causing the crash issue?