Mon, 12/18/2000 - 08:28
Dear Sir!
I would like to know how do i enter multiple fuction in math_FuctionSetRoot.
That is : In math_FunctionSetRoot (math_FunctionSetWithDerivatives& F, const math_Vector& StartingPoint, const math_Vector& Tolerance, const Standard_Integer NbIterations = 100);
I have to enter multiple fuctions in math_FunctionSetWithDerivatives& F of argument in math_FunctionSetRoot.
But in Sample, The content describe only single fuction.
But I have to enter multiple fuction.
I would like to know how do i enter mulple fuction. Please send me how do i?
Please send me sample source.
Thanks in advanced.
Best Regards.
Mon, 12/18/2000 - 10:31
sorry I don't have simple sample source. You can have a look, for example on file Extrema_FunctExtSS.cxx. This class inherits FunctionSetWithDerivatives and provides calculations for 4 equations with 4 variables.
Generally, you must write methods Value(X, F) that computes vector F - values for each your equations for given vector X, Derivatives(X,D) and so on.
Best regards