Tue, 12/19/2000 - 04:57
Dear Sir!
I have find matrix inverse bug?
I am angry about open cascade matrix computation.
I have tested 6*6 matrix.
The matrix is as follows.
math_Matrix jacobian(0, 5, 0, 5);
jacobian(0,0) = 1;
jacobian(0,1) = 0;
jacobian(0,2) = 0;
jacobian(0,3) = 0;
jacobian(0,4) = 0;
jacobian(0,5) = 0;
jacobian(1,0) = 0;
jacobian(1,1) = 19;
jacobian(1,2) = -6;
jacobian(1,3) = -3;
jacobian(1,4) = 0;
jacobian(1,5) = -3;
jacobian(2,0) = 0;
jacobian(2,1) = -6;
jacobian(2,2) = 14;
jacobian(2,3) = 0;
jacobian(2,4) = 3;
jacobian(2,5) = 2;
jacobian(3,0) = 0;
jacobian(3,1) = -3;
jacobian(3,2) = 0;
jacobian(3,3) = 2;
jacobian(3,4) = 0;
jacobian(3,5) = 0;
jacobian(4,0) = 0;
jacobian(4,1) = 0;
jacobian(4,2) = 3;
jacobian(4,3) = 0;
jacobian(4,4) = 2;
jacobian(4,5) = 0;
jacobian(5,0) = 0;
jacobian(5,1) = -3;
jacobian(5,2) = 2;
jacobian(5,3) = 0;
jacobian(5,4) = 0;
jacobian(5,5) = 1;
math_Matrix Inverse = jacobian.Inverse();
Open Cascade Matrix result is as follows.
right result open cascade result
(0,0) = 1;
(0,1) = 0;
(0,2) = 0;
(0,3) = 0;
(0,4) = 0;
(0,5) = 0;
(1,0) = 0;
(1,1) = 0.1818;
(1,2) = 0; 3.700074e-017
(1,3) = 0.2727;
(1,4) = 0; -7.40149e-017
(1,5) = 0.5455;
(2,0) = 0;
(2,1) = 0;
(2,2) = 0.1818;
(2,3) = 0;
(2,4) = -0.2727;
(2,5) = -0.3636;
(3,0) = 0;
(3,1) = 0.2727;
(3,2) = 0; 2.77556e-017
(3,3) = 0.9091;
(3,4) = 0; -1.11022e-016
(3,5) = 0.8182;
(4,0) = 0;
(4,1) = 0;
(4,2) = -0.2727;
(4,3) = 0;
(4,4) = 0.9091;
(4,5) = 0.5455;
(5,0) = 0;
(5,1) = 0.5455;
(5,2) = -0.3636;
(5,3) = 0.8182;
(5,4) = 0.5455;
(5,5) = 3.3636;
Open Cascade Inverse Fuction generate 4 false result value.
Is this my mismake? I think this Open cascade matrix inverse bug.
Try this..
I looking forward to your response as soon as possible.
Thanks in advanced Best Regards.
Tue, 12/19/2000 - 09:40
I don't concider this results as wrong taking in account computer precision ~ 1.e-16
Tue, 12/19/2000 - 10:24
Thans for your response.
I am sorry ...
Because i consider precision, It is occurred. I appricate to your response.
Thans your to point accurate explanation.
Best regards.