Sat, 10/29/2011 - 01:33
I have a solid that is thin in one direction, and I would like to replace it with a single surface - for example a plate with dimensions 1x100x100. In the general case this could be curved, or have fillets or holes. Does OpenCascade have any modules that could help with this kind of problem?
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 14:29
This is a tool I'd be interested to see developed. As far as I know, you can't do it directly with OCCT, but one method that might give an approximation is to use Nina Amenta's powercrust algorithm on a meshed shape - sample code at
Fri, 03/18/2016 - 15:51
Dear Sir,
how to a get a mid-plane of a solid using open cascade?
Mon, 03/21/2016 - 14:36
Get the centre of the shape using bounding box.
then use
Handle(AIS_Plane) axe_xy_plane2 = new AIS_Plane(shapeCoordSystemPlacement, AIS_TOPL_XYPlane);
Where shapeCoordSystemPlacement is the transformation of the centre point of the shape.
Kind Regards
Daniel Neander