Wed, 11/28/2001 - 20:27
I have installed version 4 completely, however none of the samples (MFC) works. I get the error message "Fatal Error during Graphic Initialisation" followed by an Application Error. Has anybody similiar experiences?
My own application compiles, but gives linking errors like:
PolyPre_DocumentManagement.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Handle_IGESData_IGESModel::~Handle_IGESData_IGESModel(void)" (??1Handle_IGESData_IGESModel@@QAE@XZ)
Thanks for any hints Holger
(The installation itself was very smooth and nice, though.)
Wed, 11/28/2001 - 22:09
> I have installed version 4 completely,
> however none of the samples (MFC) works. I
> get the error message "Fatal Error
> during Graphic Initialisation" followed
> by an Application Error. Has anybody
> similiar experiences?
Have you a CSF_GraphicShr variable ? If Yes, could you verify if this varaible use OpenCASCADE 4.0 for a previous one /
If this varaible is setted to a previous version you cans unset this varaible ( it is now not mandatory )
> My own application compiles, but gives
> linking errors like:
> PolyPre_DocumentManagement.obj : error
> LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
> "public: __thiscall
> Handle_IGESData_IGESModel::~Handle_IGESData_IGESModel(void)"
> (??1Handle_IGESData_IGESModel@@QAE@XZ)
Have you add : TKIGES in your Project ?
> Thanks for any hints Holger
> (The installation itself was very smooth and
> nice, though.)