Fri, 02/09/2018 - 14:06
after using pythonOCC, I tried to find out how to get a QT Creator, OpenCascade MinGW C++ environment. Unfortunately I did not find a step by step guide, which is barely needed, because I am not good in these things. Is there a description how to get a working environment with that constellation?
Alternatively I ask for a step by step guide to create a wxWidgets or MFC environment.Note that MFC is now free in Visual C++ Express or whatever its new name is.
Getting a running programming environment seems to be really tricky.
Mostly I program in C++ with Microsoft Visual C++, but I use wxWidgets as a GUI.I am using almost always Windows 7, sometimes still Vista and very rarely Debian. However I would be very happy for a QT Creator Windows installation, because this seems to be more complete.
Thanks and Cheers
Fri, 02/09/2018 - 15:59
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