Shape decomposition

Hi all,

I need selection of parts of geometric primitives (e. g. if I have a box, I need to be able to select the faces or edges individually). AFAIK I need an AIS_Shape for this purpose. My BoxDriver (similar to the drivers in SampleOCAF) creates a TopoDS_Shape and I don't know how to retrieve it.
The display is done through:

Handle(TPrsStd_AISPresentation) prs = TPrsStd_AISPresentation::Set(
L, TNaming_NamedShape::GetID());


I do not seem to be able to select any one part of the box, although I set the selection mode of the viewer correctly.

Does anyone know how to achieve the things I need?

Thanks in advance.


try to open a local context with AIS_InteractiveContext::OpenLocalContext();

bjoernh's picture

Dear Christophe,

thanks for your reply. As described in the documentation, I tried to open a local context using the default arguments (shape decomposition). Still I wouldn't be able to select a single face, only the entire box.


mbd's picture


First, you open a local context : myAIScontext->OpenLocalContext();

Then you activate face selection mode : myAISContext->Activate (AnAISObject, aMode).

aMode is an index representing the kind of shape you want to detect. For faces, aMode is 4.

0 - Shape
1 - Vertex
2 - Edge
3 - Wire
4 - Face
5 - Shell
6 - Solid
7 - Compsolid
8 - Compound


bjoernh's picture

So far I had used myAIScontext->SetSelectionMode(...)
What is the difference between Activate and SetSelectionMode?


Francois Lauzon's picture

Hi Björn,
all the difference and much more is explained in the Visualization Manual of Open Cascade (visu.pdf), have a look!
