Wed, 11/29/2017 - 19:15
I found a very strange surface visualization problem.
Please see attached IGES file.
Our environment: VC12 32bit. OCC 7.0.0 or 7.2.0
The problem occurred also on ImportExport application from MFCSamples.
The application has imported IGES file fine, but stuck into display function. I investigated the source code. The problem caused in the StdPrs_CurveDeflection file in the application enters into drawCurve function. Into drawCurve function app. goes into GCPnts_TangentialDeflection Algo(aCurve, theU1, theU2, anAngle, TheDeflection); and stuck there about 100 seconds, and Standard_OutOfMemory esception occured.
Under OCC 6.7.0 this IGES works well and fast.
Please help me to solve the problem or to find workaround.
Thanks in advance
Boris Weisman
Thu, 11/30/2017 - 08:41
I have registered bug #29356 for this issue.
Sun, 12/03/2017 - 11:52
The workaround was implemented to dismiss the iso-lines out of the range and was found working well for us
Hereunder are the lines added to the StdPrs_Isolines.cxx file in the function addOnSurface line 512 (ver. 7.2.0):
if (anIsoParam < theSurface->FirstUParameter() || anIsoParam > theSurface->LastUParameter())
Will be happy to get your comments
Hope that it can help to somebody else
Wed, 03/07/2018 - 16:40
The patch for the issue should be included into next OCCT release.