Thu, 03/10/2016 - 05:15
I'm getting erroes buiding OCCTProxy_D3D:
1> OCCTProxyD3D.cpp
\freetype-2.5.5-vc10-32\include\freetype.h(1014): error C2059: syntax erroe:“generic”
\freetype-2.5.5-vc10-32\include\freetype.h(1014): error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
\freetype-2.5.5-vc10-32\include\freetype.h(1500): error C2059: syntax erroe:“generic”
\freetype-2.5.5-vc10-32\include\freetype.h(1500): error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
\freetype-2.5.5-vc10-32\include\freetype.h(1712): error C2059: syntax erroe:“generic”
\freetype-2.5.5-vc10-32\include\freetype.h(1712): error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
OS : Win7 sp1
OCC version : opencascade-6.9.1 with 3rdparty libraries for vc2010_win32 from "Download Center"
C++ compiler : Visual C++ 2010 with sp1
Any idea how to solve these errors ?
Thu, 03/10/2016 - 10:24
Dear li zhou,
The reason for this compiler errors is an appearances of "generic" (which is a keyword in C++/CLI) in header files of FreeType library.
The problem has been already fixed in scope of #0026862, which is included into the OCCT 7.0.0rc.
Best regards
Thu, 03/10/2016 - 14:30