TransferRoots is crashing after STEP importation


I made a STEP file (using Rhino).
The file includes FACES and CURVES.

The sample program ImportExport crash at line
Standard_Boolean ok = aReader.TransferRoot(n);

Note that previous line (aReader.NbRootsForTransfer()) returns 1

If I remove the curve using Rhino, the problem disappear.
If I use another CAD software to export the STEP file, the problem remain.

Does anybody got this problem ?
Thank you for return.

NB: STEP file is attached

P G's picture

Yes it is crashing in my application environment too.
thanks for the testcase
- PG

Cauchy Ding's picture

Hi Jean,

Yes, it did crash in my app which uses 6.3 kernel.


Forum supervisor's picture

Hi Jean-Yves,
I would like to inform you that the posted problem is checked and reproduced.
The corresponding issue with ID = OCC22459 has been registered.
The problem concerns only the ImportExport sample itself. The step reader imports the model successfully (see the attached picture) imported in Draw.
Later you can know if the issue is resolved by checking references to the specified ID in OCCT Release Notes. The analysis of the issue will take some time depending on our technical capability and availability of resources.
If you can't wait and the problem is urgent for you, you may contact us via Contact Form
We will try to find a solution/workaround acceptable for you.

P G's picture

Could you share the DRAW command sequence please.
thanks in advance

- PG

Forum supervisor's picture

pload ALL
stepread TEST2.stp s * ## below is the command output

STEP Loading done : 944 Entities
File STEP to read : TEST2.stp
-- Names of variables BREP-DRAW prefixed by : s
Transferrable Roots : Nb entities selected : 1
Transfer entity n0 202 OK -> DRAW Shape: s_1
Now, 1 Shapes produced

## imported shape is in variable "s_1"

Jean-Yves Brud's picture

Thank you for your answer.

- My first workaround is to remove any curve before creating the STEP file.
I can ask my users to do the same.

- Does DRAW use TransfertRoots function ?

- If a solution is found, in which release will it be implemented ?


Forum supervisor's picture


1.Draw uses the specified function.
2.Concerning possible solution. The problem should be analyzed before.
As I already mentioned the analysis of the issue will take some time depending on our technical capability and availability of resources. So, it depends...
If you can't wait and the problem is urgent for you, you may contact us via Contact Form
We will try to find a solution/workaround acceptable for you.

Jean-Yves Brud's picture

More details about this bugs:
the problem occurs when two lines are joined/grouped in CAD software (for example in Rhino3D).

If the lines are separated in the CAD software before exporting STEP, the crash disappear.

You can have a look to the 2 attached simple STEP files.


Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Jean-Yves,
Thanks for the additional information.