Sat, 02/23/2008 - 23:13
I'm trying to set the author, company, and product parameters using the following code:
IGESControl_Writer writer;
Interface_Static::SetCVal("", "MyCompany");
Interface_Static::SetCVal("write.iges.header.product", "MyProduct");
Interface_Static::SetCVal("", "ThisIsMe");
However, I always get the default values in the output IGES file:
,,31HOpen CASCADE IGES processor 6.2,13HFilename.iges, G0000001
16HOpen CASCADE 6.2,31HOpen CASCADE IGES processor 6.2,32,308,15,308,15,G0000002
,1.,2,2HMM,1,0.01,15H20080223.135350,0.0001,,4Hrice,,11,0, G0000003
15H20080223.135350,; G0000004
S 1G 4D 0P 0 T0000001
I've found that if I call writer.Model()->ApplyStatic() that the "author" and "company" values get set, but I cannot change the "product" header item.
Any guidance on how to modify these values?
Mon, 03/16/2009 - 15:49
I'm also trying to do the same....
But I'm unable to set the translation parameters....
Can You help me to set the translation parameters...
Thanks in Advance
Tue, 03/17/2009 - 07:45
Can Anybody help me to set the translation parameters as I'm unable to set by using the above method.....
Can you please help me...
Thanks in Advance
Tue, 03/17/2009 - 12:23
Hi Roman...
Can you please help me to set the translation parameters...
Thanks for your Help
Tue, 03/17/2009 - 20:41
Be disciplined and patient to read the documentation. This can be more rewarding than just waiting for the answers on the forum.
Data Exchange User's Guide explains this.
//set export options (after initialization has been done)
Interface_Static::SetCVal ("", myAuthor.ToCString());
Interface_Static::SetCVal ("", myCompany.ToCString());
IGESCAFControl_Writer aWriter;
aWriter.Model()->ApplyStatic(); //to apply set parameters
The 'product' is not set 'as is' due to a bug in OCC IGESData_IGESModel::ApplyStatic(). You may want to fix it to process the 'product' case.
--- - the Open CASCADE blog
Wed, 03/18/2009 - 07:28
Hi Roman....
Thanks for your reply and sugestions...
I'm very thankful to you for your patience....
Please don't think otherwise...I'll assure you that I will be desciplined...
Fri, 06/05/2009 - 16:02
I tried this way, and it works for setting CVal variables.
But I not able to apply the 'mode' using the SetIVal("write.iges.writebrepmode.mode",1) i.e
change to BREP instead of the default 'Faces'.
thanks in advance
- PG
Fri, 07/15/2011 - 07:31
I had the same problem: trying to output using BRep mode with a IGESCAFControl_Writer. I took a look at the source code and it appears that there is no way to set it to BRep mode. Is there something I'm missing or should I just modify the source?