Wed, 01/17/2007 - 12:47
hi everyone,
Guys i would like to know the inheritance relation for the v3d_viewer...
i have got a specific application for making use of the v3d_viewer and the AIS_InteractiveContext, we all know that using v3d_viewer and AIS_interactive context we could be able to display the information which is being read from the STEP file.
Now i would like to know whether the v3d_viewer uses the device context(DC) inorder to display the information read from the STEP file..
i also would like to know the hierarchy which is being followed in the v3d_viewer as well as with the AIS_InteractiveContext...
Wed, 01/17/2007 - 15:54
To my understanding, the V3d_Viewer must use the device context eventually. I believe, however, it does this through OpenGL. A V3d_Viewer is draws everything to an OpenGL context. The OpenGL context is connected to your device context to actually draw the pixels.
As for inheritance hierarchies, look in the OCC reference documentation and CDL files. It shows a diagram of the base and derived classes for each class. V3d_Viewer is derived from Viewer_Viewer, which inherits from MMgt_TShared, which inherits from Standard_Transient.
Thu, 01/18/2007 - 07:40
hi Rob,
Thank u very much for your response....i hope i have got the answer for it...keep in touch Rob....
E.G.Arun Prasath...
Thu, 01/18/2007 - 07:43
hi Rob,
Thank u very much for your response....i hope i have got the answer for it...keep in touch Rob....
E.G.Arun Prasath...