Fri, 03/03/2000 - 02:56
When I compile sample code "03_SampleGeometry" with MS-Visual C++ 6.0 under Windows_NT 4.0, I got a lot of warning error messages. How do I get out of these warning error(C4291) messages? Any helps are thanked in advanced. " Compiling... ISession2D_Curve.cpp G:\CAS3.0\Samples\03_SampleGeometry\ISession2D\ISession2D_Curve.cpp(26) : warning C4291: 'void *__cdecl Standard_Type::operator new(unsigned int)' : no matching operator delete found; memory will not be freed if initialization throws an exception
G:\CAS3.0\inc\Standard_Type.hxx(61) : see declaration of 'new' ... "
Fri, 03/03/2000 - 10:17
> When I compile sample code
> "03_SampleGeometry" with MS-Visual
> C++ 6.0 under Windows_NT 4.0, I got a lot of
> warning error messages. How do I get out of
> these warning error(C4291) messages? Any
> helps are thanked in advanced. "
#pragma warning( disable : 4291 ) should be OK