Fri, 05/31/2002 - 11:05
Thank's to Stephane Routelous. But, I would like to understand the source code, so i try to trace it, i set the break point in DXSTL or DXIGES ...etc. project,
it can't work (i get a message: One or more breakpoints can not be set and have been disabled. ) . Why ? (It seems have the same problem with the source project in OCC.)
Sat, 06/01/2002 - 00:29
the reason why you cannot trace into those modules, is that they are dynamically loaded at runtime.
If you want to trace into those plugins, you have to set a breakpoint in :
exotkDX::SaveScene if you want to trace the Save step,
exotkDX::LoadScene if you want to trace the load step.