Open CASCADE Technology  7.7.0
Data Structures
SelectMgr_BVHThreadPool.hxx File Reference
#include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
#include <OSD_Thread.hxx>
#include <Standard_Mutex.hxx>
#include <Select3D_SensitiveEntity.hxx>
#include <Standard_Condition.hxx>
#include <Message_Messenger.hxx>

Data Structures

class  SelectMgr_BVHThreadPool
 Class defining a thread pool for building BVH for the list of Select3D_SensitiveEntity within background thread(s). More...
class  SelectMgr_BVHThreadPool::BVHThread
 Thread with back reference to thread pool and thread mutex in it. More...
class  SelectMgr_BVHThreadPool::Sentry
 Class providing a simple interface to mutexes for list of BVHThread. More...