Identifies color definition systems.
Enumerator |
Quantity_TOC_RGB | Normalized linear RGB (red, green, blue) values within range [0..1] for each component.
Quantity_TOC_sRGB | Normalized non-linear gamma-shifted RGB (red, green, blue) values within range [0..1] for each component.
Quantity_TOC_HLS | Hue + light + saturation components, where:
- First component is the Hue (H) angle in degrees within range [0.0; 360.0], 0.0 being Red; value -1.0 is a special value reserved for grayscale color (S should be 0.0).
- Second component is the Lightness (L) within range [0.0; 1.0]
- Third component is the Saturation (S) within range [0.0; 1.0]
Quantity_TOC_CIELab | CIE L*a*b* color space, constructed to be perceptually uniform for human eye. The values are assumed to be with respect to D65 2° white point.
The color is defined by:
- L: lightness in range [0, 100] (from black to white)
- a: green-to-red axis, approximately in range [-90, 100]
- b: blue-to-yellow axis, approximately in range [-110, 95]
Note that not all combinations of L, a, and b values represent visible colors, and RGB cube takes only part of visible color space.
When Lab color is converted to RGB, a and b components may be reduced (with the same proportion) to fit the result into the RGB range.
Quantity_TOC_CIELch | CIE L*c*h* color space, same as L*a*b* in cylindrical coordinates:
- L: lightness in range [0, 100] (from black to white)
- c: chroma, approximately in range [0, 135], 0 corresponds to greyscale
- h: hue angle, in range [0., 360.]
The hue values of standard colors are approximately:
- red at 40,
- yellow at 103,
- green at 136,
- cyan at 196,
- blue at 306,
- magenta at 328.
When Lch color is converted to RGB, chroma component may be reduced to fit the color into the RGB range.