static void | BuildPCurveForEdgeOnFace (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF) |
| Compute P-Curve for the edge <aE> on the face <aF> Raises exception Standard_ConstructionError if projection algorithm fails. More...
static Standard_Boolean | EdgeTangent (const TopoDS_Edge &anE, const Standard_Real aT, gp_Vec &Tau) |
| Compute tangent for the edge <aE> [in 3D] at parameter <aT> More...
static void | PointOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Standard_Real aT, Standard_Real &U, Standard_Real &V) |
| Compute surface parameters <U,V> of the face <aF> for the point from the edge <aE> at parameter <aT>. If <aE> has't pcurve on surface, algorithm tries to get it by projection and can raise exception Standard_ConstructionError if projection algorithm fails. More...
static void | CurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC, Standard_Real &aToler) |
| Get P-Curve <aC> for the edge <aE> on surface <aF> . If the P-Curve does not exist, build it using Make2D(). [aToler] - reached tolerance Raises exception Standard_ConstructionError if algorithm Make2D() fails. More...
static void | CurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC, Standard_Real &aFirst, Standard_Real &aLast, Standard_Real &aToler) |
| Get P-Curve <aC> for the edge <aE> on surface <aF> . If the P-Curve does not exist, build it using Make2D(). [aFirst, aLast] - range of the P-Curve [aToler] - reached tolerance Raises exception Standard_ConstructionError if algorithm Make2D() fails. More...
static Standard_Boolean | HasCurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC, Standard_Real &aFirst, Standard_Real &aLast, Standard_Real &aToler) |
| Returns TRUE if the edge <aE> has P-Curve <aC> on surface <aF> . [aFirst, aLast] - range of the P-Curve [aToler] - reached tolerance If the P-Curve does not exist, aC.IsNull()=TRUE. More...
static Standard_Boolean | HasCurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF) |
| Returns TRUE if the edge <aE> has P-Curve <aC> on surface <aF> . If the P-Curve does not exist, aC.IsNull()=TRUE. More...
static void | AdjustPCurveOnFace (const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &C3D, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC2D, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC2DA) |
| Adjust P-Curve <aC2D> (3D-curve <C3D>) on surface <aF> . More...
static void | AdjustPCurveOnFace (const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Standard_Real aT1, const Standard_Real aT2, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC2D, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC2DA) |
| Adjust P-Curve <aC2D> (3D-curve <C3D>) on surface <aF> . [aT1, aT2] - range to adjust. More...
static void | AdjustPCurveOnFace (const BRepAdaptor_Surface &aF, const Standard_Real aT1, const Standard_Real aT2, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC2D, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC2DA) |
| Adjust P-Curve <aC2D> (3D-curve <C3D>) on surface <aF> . [aT1, aT2] - range to adjust. More...
static Standard_Real | IntermediatePoint (const Standard_Real aFirst, const Standard_Real aLast) |
| Compute intermediate value in between [aFirst, aLast] . More...
static Standard_Real | IntermediatePoint (const TopoDS_Edge &anE) |
| Compute intermediate value of parameter for the edge <anE>. More...
static void | BuildPCurveForEdgeOnPlane (const TopoDS_Edge &theE, const TopoDS_Face &theF) |
| Build pcurve of edge on face if the surface is plane, and update the edge. More...
static void | BuildPCurveForEdgeOnPlane (const TopoDS_Edge &theE, const TopoDS_Face &theF, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC2D, Standard_Boolean &bToUpdate) |
| Build pcurve of edge on face if the surface is plane, but do not update the edge. The output are the pcurve and the flag telling that pcurve was built. More...
static void | BuildPCurveForEdgesOnPlane (const BOPCol_ListOfShape &theLE, const TopoDS_Face &theF) |
static void | Make2D (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC, Standard_Real &aFirst, Standard_Real &aLast, Standard_Real &aToler) |
| Make P-Curve <aC> for the edge <aE> on surface <aF> . [aFirst, aLast] - range of the P-Curve [aToler] - reached tolerance Raises exception Standard_ConstructionError if algorithm fails. More...
static void | MakePCurveOnFace (const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &C3D, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC, Standard_Real &aToler) |
| Make P-Curve <aC> for the 3D-curve <C3D> on surface <aF> . [aToler] - reached tolerance Raises exception Standard_ConstructionError if projection algorithm fails. More...
static void | MakePCurveOnFace (const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &C3D, const Standard_Real aT1, const Standard_Real aT2, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC, Standard_Real &aToler) |
| Make P-Curve <aC> for the 3D-curve <C3D> on surface <aF> . [aT1, aT2] - range to build [aToler] - reached tolerance Raises exception Standard_ConstructionError if projection algorithm fails. More...
static void | MakePCurveOfType (const ProjLib_ProjectedCurve &PC, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC) |
| Make empty P-Curve <aC> of relevant to <PC> type. More...
static Standard_Integer | AttachExistingPCurve (const TopoDS_Edge &aEold, const TopoDS_Edge &aEnew, const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &aCtx) |
| Attach P-Curve from the edge <aEold> on surface <aF> to the edge <aEnew> Returns 0 in case of success. More...
static void | IsEdgeIsoline (const TopoDS_Edge &theE, const TopoDS_Face &theF, Standard_Boolean &isTheUIso, Standard_Boolean &isTheVIso) |
| Checks if CurveOnSurface of theE on theF matches with isoline of theF surface. Sets corresponding values for isTheUIso and isTheVIso variables. ATTENTION!!! This method is based on comparation between direction of surface (which theF is based on) iso-lines and the direction of the edge p-curve (on theF) in middle-point of the p-curve. This method should be used carefully (e.g. BRep_Tool::IsClosed(...) together) in order to avoid false classification some p-curves as isoline (e.g. circle on a plane). More...