static void | DoSplitSEAMOnFace (const TopoDS_Edge &aSp, const TopoDS_Face &aF) |
| Make the edge <aSp> seam edge for the face <aF> More...
static void | GetNormalToFaceOnEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Standard_Real aT, gp_Dir &aD) |
| Computes normal to the face <aF> for the point on the edge <aE> at parameter <aT> More...
static void | GetNormalToFaceOnEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, gp_Dir &aD) |
| Computes normal to the face <aF> for the point on the edge <aE> at arbitrary intermediate parameter. More...
static Standard_Integer | SenseFlag (const gp_Dir &aNF1, const gp_Dir &aNF2) |
| Returns 1 if scalar product aNF1* aNF2>0. Returns 0 if directions aNF1 aNF2 coinside Returns -1 if scalar product aNF1* aNF2<0. More...
static Standard_Boolean | GetNormalToSurface (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &aS, const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, gp_Dir &aD) |
| Compute normal <aD> to surface <aS> in point (U,V) Returns TRUE if directions aD1U, aD1V coinside. More...
static void | GetApproxNormalToFaceOnEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Standard_Real aT, gp_Pnt &aPx, gp_Dir &aD, Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Computes normal to the face <aF> for the 3D-point that belonds to the edge <aE> at parameter <aT>. Output: aPx - the 3D-point where the normal computed aD - the normal;. More...
static void | GetApproxNormalToFaceOnEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &theE, const TopoDS_Face &theF, const Standard_Real aT, gp_Pnt &aP, gp_Dir &aDNF, const Standard_Real aDt2D) |
static void | PointNearEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Standard_Real aT, const Standard_Real aDt2D, gp_Pnt2d &aP2D, gp_Pnt &aPx) |
| Compute the point <aPx>, (<aP2D>) that is near to the edge <aE> at parameter <aT> towards to the material of the face <aF>. The value of shifting in 2D is <aDt2D> More...
static void | PointNearEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, const Standard_Real aT, gp_Pnt2d &aP2D, gp_Pnt &aPx, Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Computes the point <aPx>, (<aP2D>) that is near to the edge <aE> at parameter <aT> towards to the material of the face <aF>. The value of shifting in 2D is dt2D=BOPTools_AlgoTools3D::MinStepIn2d() More...
static void | PointNearEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, gp_Pnt2d &aP2D, gp_Pnt &aPx, Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Compute the point <aPx>, (<aP2D>) that is near to the edge <aE> at arbitrary parameter towards to the material of the face <aF>. The value of shifting in 2D is dt2D=BOPTools_AlgoTools3D::MinStepIn2d() More...
static Standard_Real | MinStepIn2d () |
| Returns simple step value that is used in 2D-computations = 1.e-5. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsEmptyShape (const TopoDS_Shape &aS) |
| Returns TRUE if the shape <aS> does not contain geometry information (e.g. empty compound) More...
static void | OrientEdgeOnFace (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, TopoDS_Edge &aER) |
| Get the edge <aER> from the face <aF> that is the same as the edge <aE> More...
static Standard_Integer | PointInFace (const TopoDS_Face &theF, gp_Pnt &theP, gp_Pnt2d &theP2D, Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Computes a point <theP> inside the face <theF>.
<theP2D> - 2D representation of <theP>
on the surface of <theF>
Returns 0 in case of success.