static void | Add (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &aDrawer, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString &aText, const gp_Circ &aCircle, const gp_Pnt &aPosition, const gp_Pnt &Apex, const gp_Circ &VminCircle, const gp_Circ &VmaxCircle, const Standard_Real aArrowSize) |
| Draws the presenation of the full angle of a cone. VminCircle - a circle at V parameter = Vmin VmaxCircle - a circle at V parameter = Vmax aCircle - a circle at V parameter from projection of aPosition to axis of the cone. More...
static void | Add (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &aDrawer, const Standard_Real theval, const gp_Pnt &CenterPoint, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint1, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint2, const gp_Dir &dir1, const gp_Dir &dir2, const gp_Pnt &OffsetPoint) |
| Draws the representation of the angle defined by dir1 and dir2, centered on CenterPoint, using the offset point OffsetPoint. Lines are drawn to points AttachmentPoint1 and AttachmentPoint2. More...
static void | Add (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &aDrawer, const Standard_Real theval, const TCollection_ExtendedString &thevalstring, const gp_Pnt &CenterPoint, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint1, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint2, const gp_Dir &dir1, const gp_Dir &dir2, const gp_Pnt &OffsetPoint) |
| Same as above, but <thevalstring> contains conversion in Session units.... More...
static void | Add (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &aDrawer, const Standard_Real theval, const TCollection_ExtendedString &thevalstring, const gp_Pnt &CenterPoint, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint1, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint2, const gp_Dir &dir1, const gp_Dir &dir2, const gp_Pnt &OffsetPoint, const DsgPrs_ArrowSide ArrowSide) |
| Same as above, may add one or two Arrows according to <ArrowSide> value. More...
static void | Add (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &aDrawer, const Standard_Real theval, const TCollection_ExtendedString &thevalstring, const gp_Pnt &CenterPoint, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint1, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint2, const gp_Dir &dir1, const gp_Dir &dir2, const gp_Dir &axisdir, const gp_Pnt &OffsetPoint) |
| Same as above, but axisdir contains the axis direction useful for Revol that can be opened with 180 degrees. More...
static void | Add (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &aDrawer, const Standard_Real theval, const TCollection_ExtendedString &thevalstring, const gp_Pnt &CenterPoint, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint1, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint2, const gp_Dir &dir1, const gp_Dir &dir2, const gp_Dir &axisdir, const Standard_Boolean isPlane, const gp_Ax1 &AxisOfSurf, const gp_Pnt &OffsetPoint, const DsgPrs_ArrowSide ArrowSide) |
| Same as above,may add one or two Arrows according to <ArrowSide> value. More...
static void | Add (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &aDrawer, const Standard_Real theval, const gp_Pnt &theCenter, const gp_Pnt &AttachmentPoint1, const gp_Ax1 &theAxe, const DsgPrs_ArrowSide ArrowSide) |
| simple representation of a poor lonesome angle dimension Draw a line from <theCenter> to <AttachmentPoint1>, then operates a rotation around the perpmay add one or two Arrows according to <ArrowSide> value. The attributes (color,arrowsize,...) are driven by the Drawer. More...