| HatchGen_PointOnHatching () |
| Creates an empty point. More...
| HatchGen_PointOnHatching (const HatchGen_PointOnHatching &Point) |
| Creates a point from an other. More...
| HatchGen_PointOnHatching (const IntRes2d_IntersectionPoint &Point) |
| Creates a point from an intersection point. More...
void | AddPoint (const HatchGen_PointOnElement &Point, const Standard_Real Confusion) |
| Adds a point on element to the point. More...
Standard_Integer | NbPoints () const |
| Returns the number of elements intersecting the hatching at this point. More...
const HatchGen_PointOnElement & | Point (const Standard_Integer Index) const |
| Returns the Index-th point on element of the point. The exception OutOfRange is raised if Index > NbPoints. More...
void | RemPoint (const Standard_Integer Index) |
| Removes the Index-th point on element of the point. The exception OutOfRange is raised if Index > NbPoints. More...
void | ClrPoints () |
| Removes all the points on element of the point. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsLower (const HatchGen_PointOnHatching &Point, const Standard_Real Confusion) const |
| Tests if the point is lower than an other. A point on hatching P1 is said to be lower than an other P2 if : P2.myParam - P1.myParam > Confusion. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsEqual (const HatchGen_PointOnHatching &Point, const Standard_Real Confusion) const |
| Tests if the point is equal to an other. A point on hatching P1 is said to be equal to an other P2 if : | P2.myParam - P1.myParam | <= Confusion. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsGreater (const HatchGen_PointOnHatching &Point, const Standard_Real Confusion) const |
| Tests if the point is greater than an other. A point on hatching P1 is said to be greater than an other P2 if : P1.myParam - P2.myParam > Confusion. More...
void | Dump (const Standard_Integer Index=0) const |
| Dump of the point. More...
void | SetIndex (const Standard_Integer Index) |
| Sets the index of the supporting curve. More...
Standard_Integer | Index () const |
| Returns the index of the supporting curve. More...
void | SetParameter (const Standard_Real Parameter) |
| Sets the parameter on the curve. More...
Standard_Real | Parameter () const |
| Returns the parameter on the curve. More...
void | SetPosition (const TopAbs_Orientation Position) |
| Sets the position of the point on the curve. More...
TopAbs_Orientation | Position () const |
| Returns the position of the point on the curve. More...
void | SetStateBefore (const TopAbs_State State) |
| Sets the transition state before the intersection. More...
TopAbs_State | StateBefore () const |
| Returns the transition state before the intersection. More...
void | SetStateAfter (const TopAbs_State State) |
| Sets the transition state after the intersection. More...
TopAbs_State | StateAfter () const |
| Returns the transition state after of the intersection. More...
void | SetSegmentBeginning (const Standard_Boolean State=Standard_True) |
| Sets the flag that the point is the beginning of a segment. More...
Standard_Boolean | SegmentBeginning () const |
| Returns the flag that the point is the beginning of a segment. More...
void | SetSegmentEnd (const Standard_Boolean State=Standard_True) |
| Sets the flag that the point is the end of a segment. More...
Standard_Boolean | SegmentEnd () const |
| Returns the flag that the point is the end of a segment. More...