static Standard_Integer | ComputeVV (const TopoDS_Vertex &V1, const TopoDS_Vertex &V2) |
| Computes distance between vertex V1 and vertex V2, if the distance is less than sum of vertex tolerances returns zero, otherwise returns negative value. More...
static Standard_Boolean | HasInternalEdge (const TopoDS_Wire &aW) |
| Returns True if wire aW contains edges with INTERNAL orientation. More...
static void | MakeFaceFromWireAndFace (const TopoDS_Wire &aW, const TopoDS_Face &aF, TopoDS_Face &aFNew) |
| Build a face based on surface of given face aF and bounded by wire aW. More...
static TopAbs_State | ClassifyPointByFace (const TopoDS_Face &aF, const gp_Pnt2d &P) |
static Standard_Boolean | IsVertex (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Standard_Real t) |
| Computes square distance between a point on the edge E corresponded to parameter t and vertices of edge E. Returns True if this distance is less than square tolerance of vertex, otherwise returns false. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsVertex (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Vertex &V, const Standard_Real t) |
| Returns True if square distance between vertex V and a point on the edge E corresponded to parameter t is less than square tolerance of V. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsVertex (const IntTools_CommonPrt &aCmnPrt) |
| Returns True if IsVertx for middle parameter of fist range and first edge returns True and if IsVertex for middle parameter of second range and second range returns True, otherwise returns False. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsMiddlePointsEqual (const TopoDS_Edge &E1, const TopoDS_Edge &E2) |
| Gets boundary of parameters of E1 and E2. Computes 3d points on each corresponded to average parameters. Returns True if distance between computed points is less than sum of edge tolerance, otherwise returns False. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsVertex (const gp_Pnt &aP, const Standard_Real aTolPV, const TopoDS_Vertex &aV) |
| Returns True if the distance between point aP and vertex aV is less or equal to sum of aTolPV and vertex tolerance, otherwise returns False. More...
static Standard_Real | IntermediatePoint (const Standard_Real aFirst, const Standard_Real aLast) |
| Returns some value between aFirst and aLast. More...
static Standard_Integer | SplitCurve (const IntTools_Curve &aC, IntTools_SequenceOfCurves &aS) |
| Split aC by average parameter if aC is closed in 3D. Returns positive value if splitting has been done, otherwise returns zero. More...
static void | RejectLines (const IntTools_SequenceOfCurves &aSIn, IntTools_SequenceOfCurves &aSOut) |
| Puts curves from aSIn to aSOut except those curves that are coincide with first curve from aSIn. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsDirsCoinside (const gp_Dir &D1, const gp_Dir &D2) |
| Returns True if D1 and D2 coinside. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsDirsCoinside (const gp_Dir &D1, const gp_Dir &D2, const Standard_Real aTol) |
| Returns True if D1 and D2 coinside with given tolerance. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsClosed (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &aC) |
| Returns True if aC is BoundedCurve from Geom and the distance between first point of the curve aC and last point is less than 1.e-12. More...
static Standard_Real | CurveTolerance (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &aC, const Standard_Real aTolBase) |
| Returns adaptive tolerance for given aTolBase if aC is trimmed curve and basis curve is parabola, otherwise returns value of aTolBase. More...
static Standard_Boolean | CheckCurve (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &theC, const Standard_Real theTol, Bnd_Box &theBox) |
static Standard_Boolean | IsOnPave (const Standard_Real theT, const IntTools_Range &theRange, const Standard_Real theTol) |
static void | VertexParameters (const IntTools_CommonPrt &theCP, Standard_Real &theT1, Standard_Real &theT2) |
static void | VertexParameter (const IntTools_CommonPrt &theCP, Standard_Real &theT) |
static Standard_Boolean | IsOnPave1 (const Standard_Real theT, const IntTools_Range &theRange, const Standard_Real theTol) |
static Standard_Boolean | IsInRange (const IntTools_Range &theRRef, const IntTools_Range &theR, const Standard_Real theTol) |
| Checks if the range <theR> interfere with the range <theRRef> More...
static Standard_Integer | SegPln (const gp_Lin &theLin, const Standard_Real theTLin1, const Standard_Real theTLin2, const Standard_Real theTolLin, const gp_Pln &thePln, const Standard_Real theTolPln, gp_Pnt &theP, Standard_Real &theT, Standard_Real &theTolP, Standard_Real &theTmin, Standard_Real &theTmax) |
static Standard_Boolean | ComputeTolerance (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &theCurve3D, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &theCurve2D, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &theSurf, const Standard_Real theFirst, const Standard_Real theLast, Standard_Real &theMaxDist, Standard_Real &theMaxPar, const Standard_Real theTolRange=Precision::PConfusion()) |
| Computes the max distance between points taken from 3D and 2D curves by the same parameter. More...
static Standard_Real | ComputeIntRange (const Standard_Real theTol1, const Standard_Real theTol2, const Standard_Real theAngle) |
| Computes the correct Intersection range for Line/Line, Line/Plane and Plane/Plane intersections. More...