Open CASCADE Technology  7.1.0.beta
Public Member Functions

Vrml_Texture2Transform Class Reference

defines a Texture2Transform node of VRML specifying properties of geometry and its appearance. This node defines a 2D transformation applied to texture coordinates. This affect the way textures are applied to the surfaces of subsequent shapes. Transformation consisits of(in order) a non-uniform scale about an arbitrary center point, a rotation about that same point, and a translation. This allows a user to change the size and position of the textures on the shape. By default : myTranslation (0 0) myRotation (0) myScaleFactor (1 1) myCenter (0 0) More...

#include <Vrml_Texture2Transform.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 Vrml_Texture2Transform ()
 Vrml_Texture2Transform (const gp_Vec2d &aTranslation, const Standard_Real aRotation, const gp_Vec2d &aScaleFactor, const gp_Vec2d &aCenter)
void SetTranslation (const gp_Vec2d &aTranslation)
gp_Vec2d Translation () const
void SetRotation (const Standard_Real aRotation)
Standard_Real Rotation () const
void SetScaleFactor (const gp_Vec2d &aScaleFactor)
gp_Vec2d ScaleFactor () const
void SetCenter (const gp_Vec2d &aCenter)
gp_Vec2d Center () const
Standard_OStreamPrint (Standard_OStream &anOStream) const

Detailed Description

defines a Texture2Transform node of VRML specifying properties of geometry and its appearance. This node defines a 2D transformation applied to texture coordinates. This affect the way textures are applied to the surfaces of subsequent shapes. Transformation consisits of(in order) a non-uniform scale about an arbitrary center point, a rotation about that same point, and a translation. This allows a user to change the size and position of the textures on the shape. By default : myTranslation (0 0) myRotation (0) myScaleFactor (1 1) myCenter (0 0)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Vrml_Texture2Transform::Vrml_Texture2Transform ( )
Vrml_Texture2Transform::Vrml_Texture2Transform ( const gp_Vec2d aTranslation,
const Standard_Real  aRotation,
const gp_Vec2d aScaleFactor,
const gp_Vec2d aCenter 

Member Function Documentation

gp_Vec2d Vrml_Texture2Transform::Center ( ) const
Standard_OStream& Vrml_Texture2Transform::Print ( Standard_OStream anOStream) const
Standard_Real Vrml_Texture2Transform::Rotation ( ) const
gp_Vec2d Vrml_Texture2Transform::ScaleFactor ( ) const
void Vrml_Texture2Transform::SetCenter ( const gp_Vec2d aCenter)
void Vrml_Texture2Transform::SetRotation ( const Standard_Real  aRotation)
void Vrml_Texture2Transform::SetScaleFactor ( const gp_Vec2d aScaleFactor)
void Vrml_Texture2Transform::SetTranslation ( const gp_Vec2d aTranslation)
gp_Vec2d Vrml_Texture2Transform::Translation ( ) const

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