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BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector Class Reference

Selector. Used to identify segments with overlapped bounding boxes. Note that instance of selector can be used only once due to unextentable array of indices. More...

#include <BRepMesh_WireChecker.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 BndBox2dTreeSelector (const Standard_Integer theReservedSize)
virtual Standard_Boolean Reject (const Bnd_Box2d &theBox2D) const
virtual Standard_Boolean Accept (const Standard_Integer &theIndex)
void Clear ()
void SetBox (const Bnd_Box2d &theBox2D)
void SetSkippedIndex (const Standard_Integer theIndex)
const BRepMesh::Array1OfIntegerIndices () const
Standard_Integer IndicesNb () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from NCollection_UBTree< TheObjType, TheBndType >::Selector
 Selector ()
virtual Standard_Boolean Reject (const TheBndType &) const =0
virtual Standard_Boolean Accept (const TheObjType &)=0
Standard_Boolean Stop () const
virtual ~Selector ()

Protected Attributes

Bnd_Box2d myBox2D
Standard_Integer mySkippedIndex
BRepMesh::Array1OfInteger myIndices
Standard_Integer myIndicesNb
- Protected Attributes inherited from NCollection_UBTree< TheObjType, TheBndType >::Selector
Standard_Boolean myStop

Detailed Description

Selector. Used to identify segments with overlapped bounding boxes. Note that instance of selector can be used only once due to unextentable array of indices.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BndBox2dTreeSelector()

BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::BndBox2dTreeSelector ( const Standard_Integer  theReservedSize)

Member Function Documentation

◆ Accept()

virtual Standard_Boolean BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::Accept ( const Standard_Integer theIndex)

◆ Clear()

void BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::Clear ( )

◆ Indices()

const BRepMesh::Array1OfInteger& BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::Indices ( ) const

◆ IndicesNb()

Standard_Integer BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::IndicesNb ( ) const

◆ Reject()

virtual Standard_Boolean BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::Reject ( const Bnd_Box2d theBox2D) const

◆ SetBox()

void BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::SetBox ( const Bnd_Box2d theBox2D)

◆ SetSkippedIndex()

void BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::SetSkippedIndex ( const Standard_Integer  theIndex)

Field Documentation

◆ myBox2D

Bnd_Box2d BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::myBox2D

◆ myIndices

BRepMesh::Array1OfInteger BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::myIndices

◆ myIndicesNb

Standard_Integer BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::myIndicesNb

◆ mySkippedIndex

Standard_Integer BRepMesh_WireChecker::BndBox2dTreeSelector::mySkippedIndex

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