| FSD_File () |
| Constructs a driver defining as a file, the physical container for data to be stored or retrieved. Use the function Open to give the name of the driven file. More...
virtual Storage_Error | Open (const TCollection_AsciiString &aName, const Storage_OpenMode aMode) |
| Assigns as aName the name of the file to be driven by this driver. aMode precises if the file is opened in read or write mode. The function returns Storage_VSOk if the file is opened correctly, or any other value of the Storage_Error enumeration which specifies the problem encountered. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | IsEnd () |
| returns True if we are at end of the stream More...
virtual Storage_Position | Tell () |
| return position in the file. Return -1 upon error. More...
virtual Storage_Error | BeginWriteInfoSection () |
virtual void | WriteInfo (const Standard_Integer nbObj, const TCollection_AsciiString &dbVersion, const TCollection_AsciiString &date, const TCollection_AsciiString &schemaName, const TCollection_AsciiString &schemaVersion, const TCollection_ExtendedString &appName, const TCollection_AsciiString &appVersion, const TCollection_ExtendedString &objectType, const TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString &userInfo) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndWriteInfoSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginReadInfoSection () |
virtual void | ReadInfo (Standard_Integer &nbObj, TCollection_AsciiString &dbVersion, TCollection_AsciiString &date, TCollection_AsciiString &schemaName, TCollection_AsciiString &schemaVersion, TCollection_ExtendedString &appName, TCollection_AsciiString &appVersion, TCollection_ExtendedString &objectType, TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString &userInfo) |
virtual void | ReadCompleteInfo (Standard_IStream &theIStream, Handle< Storage_Data > &theData) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndReadInfoSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginWriteCommentSection () |
virtual void | WriteComment (const TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString &userComments) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndWriteCommentSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginReadCommentSection () |
virtual void | ReadComment (TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString &userComments) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndReadCommentSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginWriteTypeSection () |
virtual void | SetTypeSectionSize (const Standard_Integer aSize) |
virtual void | WriteTypeInformations (const Standard_Integer typeNum, const TCollection_AsciiString &typeName) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndWriteTypeSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginReadTypeSection () |
virtual Standard_Integer | TypeSectionSize () |
virtual void | ReadTypeInformations (Standard_Integer &typeNum, TCollection_AsciiString &typeName) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndReadTypeSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginWriteRootSection () |
virtual void | SetRootSectionSize (const Standard_Integer aSize) |
virtual void | WriteRoot (const TCollection_AsciiString &rootName, const Standard_Integer aRef, const TCollection_AsciiString &aType) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndWriteRootSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginReadRootSection () |
virtual Standard_Integer | RootSectionSize () |
virtual void | ReadRoot (TCollection_AsciiString &rootName, Standard_Integer &aRef, TCollection_AsciiString &aType) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndReadRootSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginWriteRefSection () |
virtual void | SetRefSectionSize (const Standard_Integer aSize) |
virtual void | WriteReferenceType (const Standard_Integer reference, const Standard_Integer typeNum) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndWriteRefSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginReadRefSection () |
virtual Standard_Integer | RefSectionSize () |
virtual void | ReadReferenceType (Standard_Integer &reference, Standard_Integer &typeNum) |
virtual Storage_Error | EndReadRefSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginWriteDataSection () |
virtual void | WritePersistentObjectHeader (const Standard_Integer aRef, const Standard_Integer aType) |
virtual void | BeginWritePersistentObjectData () |
virtual void | BeginWriteObjectData () |
virtual void | EndWriteObjectData () |
virtual void | EndWritePersistentObjectData () |
virtual Storage_Error | EndWriteDataSection () |
virtual Storage_Error | BeginReadDataSection () |
virtual void | ReadPersistentObjectHeader (Standard_Integer &aRef, Standard_Integer &aType) |
virtual void | BeginReadPersistentObjectData () |
virtual void | BeginReadObjectData () |
virtual void | EndReadObjectData () |
virtual void | EndReadPersistentObjectData () |
virtual Storage_Error | EndReadDataSection () |
virtual void | SkipObject () |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | PutReference (const Standard_Integer aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | PutCharacter (const Standard_Character aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_Character aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | PutExtCharacter (const Standard_ExtCharacter aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_ExtCharacter aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | PutInteger (const Standard_Integer aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_Integer aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | PutBoolean (const Standard_Boolean aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_Boolean aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | PutReal (const Standard_Real aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_Real aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | PutShortReal (const Standard_ShortReal aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_ShortReal aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | GetReference (Standard_Integer &aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | GetCharacter (Standard_Character &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_Character &aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | GetExtCharacter (Standard_ExtCharacter &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_ExtCharacter &aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | GetInteger (Standard_Integer &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_Integer &aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | GetBoolean (Standard_Boolean &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_Boolean &aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | GetReal (Standard_Real &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_Real &aValue) |
virtual Storage_BaseDriver & | GetShortReal (Standard_ShortReal &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_ShortReal &aValue) |
virtual Storage_Error | Close () |
| Closes the file driven by this driver. This file was opened by the last call to the function Open. The function returns Storage_VSOk if the closure is correctly done, or any other value of the Storage_Error enumeration which specifies the problem encountered. More...
void | Destroy () |
| ~FSD_File () |
virtual | ~Storage_BaseDriver () |
TCollection_AsciiString | Name () const |
Storage_OpenMode | OpenMode () const |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_Character aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_ExtCharacter aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_Integer aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_Boolean aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_Real aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator<< (const Standard_ShortReal aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_Character &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_ExtCharacter &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_Integer &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_Boolean &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_Real &aValue) |
Storage_BaseDriver & | operator>> (Standard_ShortReal &aValue) |