| ChFi3d_ChBuilder (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Real Ta=1.0e-2) |
| initializes the Builder with the Shape <S> for the computation of chamfers More...
void | Add (const TopoDS_Edge &E) |
| initializes a contour with the edge <E> as first (the next are found by propagation ). The two distances (parameters of the chamfer) must be set after. if the edge <E> has more than 2 adjacent faces More...
void | Add (const Standard_Real Dis, const TopoDS_Edge &E) |
| initializes a new contour with the edge <E> as first (the next are found by propagation ), and the distance <Dis> if the edge <E> has more than 2 adjacent faces More...
void | SetDist (const Standard_Real Dis, const Standard_Integer IC, const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| set the distance <Dis> of the fillet contour of index <IC> in the DS with <Dis> on <F>. if the face <F> is not one of common faces of an edge of the contour <IC> More...
void | GetDist (const Standard_Integer IC, Standard_Real &Dis) const |
| gives the distances <Dis> of the fillet contour of index <IC> in the DS More...
void | Add (const Standard_Real Dis1, const Standard_Real Dis2, const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| initializes a new contour with the edge <E> as first (the next are found by propagation ), and the distance <Dis1> and <Dis2> if the edge <E> has more than 2 adjacent faces More...
void | SetDists (const Standard_Real Dis1, const Standard_Real Dis2, const Standard_Integer IC, const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| set the distances <Dis1> and <Dis2> of the fillet contour of index <IC> in the DS with <Dis1> on <F>. if the face <F> is not one of common faces of an edge of the contour <IC> More...
void | Dists (const Standard_Integer IC, Standard_Real &Dis1, Standard_Real &Dis2) const |
| gives the distances <Dis1> and <Dis2> of the fillet contour of index <IC> in the DS More...
void | AddDA (const Standard_Real Dis, const Standard_Real Angle, const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| initializes a new contour with the edge <E> as first (the next are found by propagation ), and the distance <Dis1> and <Angle> if the edge <E> has more than 2 adjacent faces More...
void | SetDistAngle (const Standard_Real Dis, const Standard_Real Angle, const Standard_Integer IC, const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| set the distance <Dis> and <Angle> of the fillet contour of index <IC> in the DS with <Dis> on <F>. if the face <F> is not one of common faces of an edge of the contour <IC> More...
void | GetDistAngle (const Standard_Integer IC, Standard_Real &Dis, Standard_Real &Angle) const |
| gives the distances <Dis> and <Angle> of the fillet contour of index <IC> in the DS More...
void | SetMode (const ChFiDS_ChamfMode theMode) |
| set the mode of shamfer More...
ChFiDS_ChamfMethod | IsChamfer (const Standard_Integer IC) const |
| renvoi la methode des chanfreins utilisee More...
ChFiDS_ChamfMode | Mode () const |
| returns the mode of chamfer used More...
void | ResetContour (const Standard_Integer IC) |
| Reset tous rayons du contour IC. More...
void | Simulate (const Standard_Integer IC) |
Standard_Integer | NbSurf (const Standard_Integer IC) const |
Handle< ChFiDS_SecHArray1 > | Sect (const Standard_Integer IC, const Standard_Integer IS) const |
virtual void | SimulSurf (Handle< ChFiDS_SurfData > &Data, const Handle< ChFiDS_HElSpine > &Guide, const Handle< ChFiDS_Spine > &Spine, const Standard_Integer Choix, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PC1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &Sref1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PCref1, Standard_Boolean &Decroch1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S2, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I2, const TopAbs_Orientation Or2, const Standard_Real Fleche, const Standard_Real TolGuide, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last, const Standard_Boolean Inside, const Standard_Boolean Appro, const Standard_Boolean Forward, const Standard_Boolean RecP, const Standard_Boolean RecS, const Standard_Boolean RecRst, const math_Vector &Soldep) override |
virtual void | SimulSurf (Handle< ChFiDS_SurfData > &Data, const Handle< ChFiDS_HElSpine > &Guide, const Handle< ChFiDS_Spine > &Spine, const Standard_Integer Choix, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I1, const TopAbs_Orientation Or1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S2, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PC2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &Sref2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PCref2, Standard_Boolean &Decroch2, const Standard_Real Fleche, const Standard_Real TolGuide, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last, const Standard_Boolean Inside, const Standard_Boolean Appro, const Standard_Boolean Forward, const Standard_Boolean RecP, const Standard_Boolean RecS, const Standard_Boolean RecRst, const math_Vector &Soldep) override |
virtual void | SimulSurf (Handle< ChFiDS_SurfData > &Data, const Handle< ChFiDS_HElSpine > &Guide, const Handle< ChFiDS_Spine > &Spine, const Standard_Integer Choix, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PC1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &Sref1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PCref1, Standard_Boolean &Decroch1, const TopAbs_Orientation Or1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S2, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PC2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &Sref2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PCref2, Standard_Boolean &Decroch2, const TopAbs_Orientation Or2, const Standard_Real Fleche, const Standard_Real TolGuide, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last, const Standard_Boolean Inside, const Standard_Boolean Appro, const Standard_Boolean Forward, const Standard_Boolean RecP1, const Standard_Boolean RecRst1, const Standard_Boolean RecP2, const Standard_Boolean RecRst2, const math_Vector &Soldep) override |
virtual Standard_Boolean | PerformSurf (ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData &Data, const Handle< ChFiDS_HElSpine > &Guide, const Handle< ChFiDS_Spine > &Spine, const Standard_Integer Choix, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S2, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I2, const Standard_Real MaxStep, const Standard_Real Fleche, const Standard_Real TolGuide, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last, const Standard_Boolean Inside, const Standard_Boolean Appro, const Standard_Boolean Forward, const Standard_Boolean RecOnS1, const Standard_Boolean RecOnS2, const math_Vector &Soldep, Standard_Integer &Intf, Standard_Integer &Intl) override |
| Methode, implemented in inheritants, calculates the elements of construction of the surface (fillet or chamfer). More...
virtual void | PerformSurf (ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData &Data, const Handle< ChFiDS_HElSpine > &Guide, const Handle< ChFiDS_Spine > &Spine, const Standard_Integer Choix, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PC1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &Sref1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PCref1, Standard_Boolean &Decroch1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S2, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I2, const TopAbs_Orientation Or2, const Standard_Real MaxStep, const Standard_Real Fleche, const Standard_Real TolGuide, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last, const Standard_Boolean Inside, const Standard_Boolean Appro, const Standard_Boolean Forward, const Standard_Boolean RecP, const Standard_Boolean RecS, const Standard_Boolean RecRst, const math_Vector &Soldep) override |
| Method, implemented in the inheritants, calculates the elements of construction of the surface (fillet or chamfer) contact edge/face. More...
virtual void | PerformSurf (ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData &Data, const Handle< ChFiDS_HElSpine > &Guide, const Handle< ChFiDS_Spine > &Spine, const Standard_Integer Choix, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I1, const TopAbs_Orientation Or1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S2, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PC2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &Sref2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PCref2, Standard_Boolean &Decroch2, const Standard_Real MaxStep, const Standard_Real Fleche, const Standard_Real TolGuide, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last, const Standard_Boolean Inside, const Standard_Boolean Appro, const Standard_Boolean Forward, const Standard_Boolean RecP, const Standard_Boolean RecS, const Standard_Boolean RecRst, const math_Vector &Soldep) override |
| Method, implemented in inheritants, calculates the elements of construction of the surface (fillet or chamfer) contact edge/face. More...
virtual void | PerformSurf (ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData &Data, const Handle< ChFiDS_HElSpine > &Guide, const Handle< ChFiDS_Spine > &Spine, const Standard_Integer Choix, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PC1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &Sref1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PCref1, Standard_Boolean &Decroch1, const TopAbs_Orientation Or1, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &S2, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PC2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HSurface > &Sref2, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d > &PCref2, Standard_Boolean &Decroch2, const TopAbs_Orientation Or2, const Standard_Real MaxStep, const Standard_Real Fleche, const Standard_Real TolGuide, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last, const Standard_Boolean Inside, const Standard_Boolean Appro, const Standard_Boolean Forward, const Standard_Boolean RecP1, const Standard_Boolean RecRst1, const Standard_Boolean RecP2, const Standard_Boolean RecRst2, const math_Vector &Soldep) override |
| Method, implemented in inheritants, calculates the elements of construction of the surface (fillet or chamfer) contact edge/edge. More...
virtual | ~ChFi3d_Builder () |
void | SetParams (const Standard_Real Tang, const Standard_Real Tesp, const Standard_Real T2d, const Standard_Real TApp3d, const Standard_Real TolApp2d, const Standard_Real Fleche) |
void | SetContinuity (const GeomAbs_Shape InternalContinuity, const Standard_Real AngularTolerance) |
void | Remove (const TopoDS_Edge &E) |
| extracts from the list the contour containing edge E. More...
Standard_Integer | Contains (const TopoDS_Edge &E) const |
| gives the number of the contour containing E or 0 if E does not belong to any contour. More...
Standard_Integer | Contains (const TopoDS_Edge &E, Standard_Integer &IndexInSpine) const |
| gives the number of the contour containing E or 0 if E does not belong to any contour. Sets in IndexInSpine the index of E in the contour if it's found More...
Standard_Integer | NbElements () const |
| gives the number of disjoint contours on which the fillets are calculated More...
Handle< ChFiDS_Spine > | Value (const Standard_Integer I) const |
| gives the n'th set of edges (contour) if I >NbElements() More...
Standard_Real | Length (const Standard_Integer IC) const |
| returns the length of the contour of index IC. More...
TopoDS_Vertex | FirstVertex (const Standard_Integer IC) const |
| returns the First vertex V of the contour of index IC. More...
TopoDS_Vertex | LastVertex (const Standard_Integer IC) const |
| returns the Last vertex V of the contour of index IC. More...
Standard_Real | Abscissa (const Standard_Integer IC, const TopoDS_Vertex &V) const |
| returns the abscissa of the vertex V on the contour of index IC. More...
Standard_Real | RelativeAbscissa (const Standard_Integer IC, const TopoDS_Vertex &V) const |
| returns the relative abscissa([0.,1.]) of the vertex V on the contour of index IC. More...
Standard_Boolean | ClosedAndTangent (const Standard_Integer IC) const |
| returns true if the contour of index IC is closed an tangent. More...
Standard_Boolean | Closed (const Standard_Integer IC) const |
| returns true if the contour of index IC is closed More...
void | Compute () |
| general calculation of geometry on all edges, topologic reconstruction. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsDone () const |
| returns True if the computation is success More...
TopoDS_Shape | Shape () const |
| if (Isdone()) makes the result. if (!Isdone()) More...
const TopTools_ListOfShape & | Generated (const TopoDS_Shape &EouV) |
| Advanced function for the history. More...
Standard_Integer | NbFaultyContours () const |
| Returns the number of contours on which the calculation has failed. More...
Standard_Integer | FaultyContour (const Standard_Integer I) const |
| Returns the number of I'th contour on which the calculation has failed. More...
Standard_Integer | NbComputedSurfaces (const Standard_Integer IC) const |
| Returns the number of surfaces calculated on the contour IC. More...
Handle< Geom_Surface > | ComputedSurface (const Standard_Integer IC, const Standard_Integer IS) const |
| Returns the IS'th surface calculated on the contour IC. More...
Standard_Integer | NbFaultyVertices () const |
| Returns the number of vertices on which the calculation has failed. More...
TopoDS_Vertex | FaultyVertex (const Standard_Integer IV) const |
| Returns the IV'th vertex on which the calculation has failed. More...
Standard_Boolean | HasResult () const |
| returns True if a partial result has been calculated More...
TopoDS_Shape | BadShape () const |
| if (HasResult()) returns partial result if (!HasResult()) More...
ChFiDS_ErrorStatus | StripeStatus (const Standard_Integer IC) const |
| for the stripe IC ,indication on the cause of failure WalkingFailure,TwistedSurface,Error, Ok More...
void | Reset () |
| Reset all results of compute and returns the algorythm in the state of the last acquisition to enable modification of contours or areas. More...
Handle< TopOpeBRepBuild_HBuilder > | Builder () const |
| Returns the Builder of topologic operations. More...
Standard_Boolean | SplitKPart (const Handle< ChFiDS_SurfData > &Data, ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData &SetData, const Handle< ChFiDS_Spine > &Spine, const Standard_Integer Iedge, const Handle< Adaptor3d_HSurface > &S1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_HSurface > &S2, const Handle< Adaptor3d_TopolTool > &I2, Standard_Boolean &Intf, Standard_Boolean &Intl) |
| Method, implemented in the inheritants, calculates the elements of construction of the surface (fillet or chamfer). More...
Standard_Boolean | PerformTwoCornerbyInter (const Standard_Integer Index) |