| TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure () |
void | Init () |
| reset the data structure More...
Standard_Integer | AddSurface (const TopOpeBRepDS_Surface &S) |
| Insert a new surface. Returns the index. More...
void | RemoveSurface (const Standard_Integer I) |
Standard_Boolean | KeepSurface (const Standard_Integer I) const |
Standard_Boolean | KeepSurface (TopOpeBRepDS_Surface &S) const |
void | ChangeKeepSurface (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep) |
void | ChangeKeepSurface (TopOpeBRepDS_Surface &S, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep) |
Standard_Integer | AddCurve (const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &S) |
| Insert a new curve. Returns the index. More...
void | RemoveCurve (const Standard_Integer I) |
Standard_Boolean | KeepCurve (const Standard_Integer I) const |
Standard_Boolean | KeepCurve (const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &C) const |
void | ChangeKeepCurve (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep) |
void | ChangeKeepCurve (TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &C, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep) |
Standard_Integer | AddPoint (const TopOpeBRepDS_Point &PDS) |
| Insert a new point. Returns the index. More...
Standard_Integer | AddPointSS (const TopOpeBRepDS_Point &PDS, const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) |
| Insert a new point. Returns the index. More...
void | RemovePoint (const Standard_Integer I) |
Standard_Boolean | KeepPoint (const Standard_Integer I) const |
Standard_Boolean | KeepPoint (const TopOpeBRepDS_Point &P) const |
void | ChangeKeepPoint (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep) |
void | ChangeKeepPoint (TopOpeBRepDS_Point &P, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep) |
Standard_Integer | AddShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
| Insert a shape S. Returns the index. More...
Standard_Integer | AddShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Integer I) |
| Insert a shape S which ancestor is I = 1 or 2. Returns the index. More...
Standard_Boolean | KeepShape (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
Standard_Boolean | KeepShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
void | ChangeKeepShape (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep) |
void | ChangeKeepShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep) |
void | InitSectionEdges () |
Standard_Integer | AddSectionEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &E) |
const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | SurfaceInterferences (const Standard_Integer I) const |
TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | ChangeSurfaceInterferences (const Standard_Integer I) |
const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | CurveInterferences (const Standard_Integer I) const |
TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | ChangeCurveInterferences (const Standard_Integer I) |
const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | PointInterferences (const Standard_Integer I) const |
TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | ChangePointInterferences (const Standard_Integer I) |
const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | ShapeInterferences (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | ChangeShapeInterferences (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | ShapeInterferences (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference & | ChangeShapeInterferences (const Standard_Integer I) |
const TopTools_ListOfShape & | ShapeSameDomain (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
TopTools_ListOfShape & | ChangeShapeSameDomain (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
const TopTools_ListOfShape & | ShapeSameDomain (const Standard_Integer I) const |
TopTools_ListOfShape & | ChangeShapeSameDomain (const Standard_Integer I) |
TopOpeBRepDS_MapOfShapeData & | ChangeShapes () |
void | AddShapeSameDomain (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopoDS_Shape &SSD) |
void | RemoveShapeSameDomain (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopoDS_Shape &SSD) |
Standard_Integer | SameDomainRef (const Standard_Integer I) const |
Standard_Integer | SameDomainRef (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
void | SameDomainRef (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Integer Ref) |
void | SameDomainRef (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Integer Ref) |
TopOpeBRepDS_Config | SameDomainOri (const Standard_Integer I) const |
TopOpeBRepDS_Config | SameDomainOri (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
void | SameDomainOri (const Standard_Integer I, const TopOpeBRepDS_Config Ori) |
void | SameDomainOri (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopOpeBRepDS_Config Ori) |
Standard_Integer | SameDomainInd (const Standard_Integer I) const |
Standard_Integer | SameDomainInd (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
void | SameDomainInd (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Integer Ind) |
void | SameDomainInd (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Integer Ind) |
Standard_Integer | AncestorRank (const Standard_Integer I) const |
Standard_Integer | AncestorRank (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
void | AncestorRank (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Integer Ianc) |
void | AncestorRank (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Integer Ianc) |
void | AddShapeInterference (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_Interference > &I) |
void | RemoveShapeInterference (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_Interference > &I) |
void | FillShapesSameDomain (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2, const Standard_Boolean refFirst=Standard_True) |
void | FillShapesSameDomain (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2, const TopOpeBRepDS_Config c1, const TopOpeBRepDS_Config c2, const Standard_Boolean refFirst=Standard_True) |
void | UnfillShapesSameDomain (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) |
Standard_Integer | NbSurfaces () const |
Standard_Integer | NbCurves () const |
void | ChangeNbCurves (const Standard_Integer N) |
Standard_Integer | NbPoints () const |
Standard_Integer | NbShapes () const |
Standard_Integer | NbSectionEdges () const |
const TopOpeBRepDS_Surface & | Surface (const Standard_Integer I) const |
| Returns the surface of index . More...
TopOpeBRepDS_Surface & | ChangeSurface (const Standard_Integer I) |
| Returns the surface of index . More...
const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve & | Curve (const Standard_Integer I) const |
| Returns the Curve of index . More...
TopOpeBRepDS_Curve & | ChangeCurve (const Standard_Integer I) |
| Returns the Curve of index . More...
const TopOpeBRepDS_Point & | Point (const Standard_Integer I) const |
| Returns the point of index . More...
TopOpeBRepDS_Point & | ChangePoint (const Standard_Integer I) |
| Returns the point of index . More...
const TopoDS_Shape & | Shape (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
| returns the shape of index I stored in the map myShapes, accessing a list of interference. More...
Standard_Integer | Shape (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
| returns the index of shape <S> stored in the map myShapes, accessing a list of interference. returns 0 if <S> is not in the map. More...
const TopoDS_Edge & | SectionEdge (const Standard_Integer I, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
Standard_Integer | SectionEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
Standard_Boolean | IsSectionEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
Standard_Boolean | HasGeometry (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
| Returns True if <S> has new geometries, i.e : True si : HasShape(S) True S a une liste d'interferences non vide. S = SOLID, FACE, EDGE : true/false S = SHELL, WIRE, VERTEX : false. More...
Standard_Boolean | HasShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Boolean FindKeep=Standard_True) const |
| Returns True if <S> est dans myShapes. More...
void | SetNewSurface (const TopoDS_Shape &F, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S) |
Standard_Boolean | HasNewSurface (const TopoDS_Shape &F) const |
const Handle< Geom_Surface > & | NewSurface (const TopoDS_Shape &F) const |
void | Isfafa (const Standard_Boolean isfafa) |
Standard_Boolean | Isfafa () const |
TopOpeBRepDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState & | ChangeMapOfShapeWithStateObj () |
TopOpeBRepDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState & | ChangeMapOfShapeWithStateTool () |
TopOpeBRepDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState & | ChangeMapOfShapeWithState (const TopoDS_Shape &aShape, Standard_Boolean &aFlag) |
const TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeWithState & | GetShapeWithState (const TopoDS_Shape &aShape) const |
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape & | ChangeMapOfRejectedShapesObj () |
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape & | ChangeMapOfRejectedShapesTool () |