Open CASCADE Technology  7.7.0
Public Member Functions
Intrv_Interval Class Reference

**--------—**** Other ***—* IsBefore ***-------—* IsJustBefore ***------------—* IsOverlappingAtStart ***---------------------—* IsJustEnclosingAtEnd ***--------------------------------—* IsEnclosing ***-—* IsJustOverlappingAtStart ***----------—* IsSimilar ***---------------------—* IsJustEnclosingAtStart ***-* IsInside ***---—* IsJustOverlappingAtEnd ***--------------—* IsOverlappingAtEnd ***-----—* IsJustAfter ***—* IsAfter More...

#include <Intrv_Interval.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 Intrv_Interval ()
 Intrv_Interval (const Standard_Real Start, const Standard_Real End)
 Intrv_Interval (const Standard_Real Start, const Standard_ShortReal TolStart, const Standard_Real End, const Standard_ShortReal TolEnd)
Standard_Real Start () const
Standard_Real End () const
Standard_ShortReal TolStart () const
Standard_ShortReal TolEnd () const
void Bounds (Standard_Real &Start, Standard_ShortReal &TolStart, Standard_Real &End, Standard_ShortReal &TolEnd) const
void SetStart (const Standard_Real Start, const Standard_ShortReal TolStart)
void FuseAtStart (const Standard_Real Start, const Standard_ShortReal TolStart)
 ****+****-----------------—> Old one ****+****---------------------—> New one to fuse <<< <<< ****+****---------------------—> result More...
void CutAtStart (const Standard_Real Start, const Standard_ShortReal TolStart)
 ****+****--------—> Old one <-------—**+** Tool for cutting

****+****--------—> result More...

void SetEnd (const Standard_Real End, const Standard_ShortReal TolEnd)
void FuseAtEnd (const Standard_Real End, const Standard_ShortReal TolEnd)
 <------------------—****+**** Old one <--------------—**+** New one to fuse

<------------------—****+**** result More...

void CutAtEnd (const Standard_Real End, const Standard_ShortReal TolEnd)
 <--—****+**** Old one **+**---—> Tool for cutting <<< <<< <--—****+**** result More...
Standard_Boolean IsProbablyEmpty () const
 True if myStart+myTolStart > myEnd-myTolEnd or if myEnd+myTolEnd > myStart-myTolStart. More...
Intrv_Position Position (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is Before Other **--------—**** Other ***--—* Before ***---------—* JustBefore ***--------------—* OverlappingAtStart ***-----------------------—* JustEnclosingAtEnd ***----------------------------------—* Enclosing ***-—* JustOverlappingAtStart ***----------—* Similar ***---------------------—* JustEnclosingAtStart ***-* Inside ***---—* JustOverlappingAtEnd ***--------------—* OverlappingAtEnd ***-----—* JustAfter ***—* After. More...
Standard_Boolean IsBefore (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is Before Other -------------—** me **--------—* Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsAfter (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is After Other **--------—**** me ***-------------—** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInside (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is Inside Other **--------—**** me ***-----------------------—** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsEnclosing (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is Enclosing Other -------------------------—* me ***---------------—** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsJustEnclosingAtStart (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is just Enclosing Other at start ------------------------—* me ***---------------—** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsJustEnclosingAtEnd (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is just Enclosing Other at End -------------------------—* me --------------—* Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsJustBefore (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is just before Other -----—* me ***--------—** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsJustAfter (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is just after Other ****----—**** me ***--------—** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsOverlappingAtStart (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is overlapping Other at start ***------------—*** me ***--------—** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsOverlappingAtEnd (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is overlapping Other at end ***--------—** me ***------------—*** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsJustOverlappingAtStart (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is just overlapping Other at start ***--------—*** me ***---------------------—** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsJustOverlappingAtEnd (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me is just overlapping Other at end ***--------—* me ***---------------------—** Other. More...
Standard_Boolean IsSimilar (const Intrv_Interval &Other) const
 True if me and Other have the same bounds -------------—*** me ***--------------—* Other. More...

Detailed Description

**--------—**** Other ***—* IsBefore ***-------—* IsJustBefore ***------------—* IsOverlappingAtStart ***---------------------—* IsJustEnclosingAtEnd ***--------------------------------—* IsEnclosing ***-—* IsJustOverlappingAtStart ***----------—* IsSimilar ***---------------------—* IsJustEnclosingAtStart ***-* IsInside ***---—* IsJustOverlappingAtEnd ***--------------—* IsOverlappingAtEnd ***-----—* IsJustAfter ***—* IsAfter

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Intrv_Interval() [1/3]

Intrv_Interval::Intrv_Interval ( )

◆ Intrv_Interval() [2/3]

Intrv_Interval::Intrv_Interval ( const Standard_Real  Start,
const Standard_Real  End 

◆ Intrv_Interval() [3/3]

Intrv_Interval::Intrv_Interval ( const Standard_Real  Start,
const Standard_ShortReal  TolStart,
const Standard_Real  End,
const Standard_ShortReal  TolEnd 

Member Function Documentation

◆ Bounds()

void Intrv_Interval::Bounds ( Standard_Real Start,
Standard_ShortReal TolStart,
Standard_Real End,
Standard_ShortReal TolEnd 
) const

◆ CutAtEnd()

void Intrv_Interval::CutAtEnd ( const Standard_Real  End,
const Standard_ShortReal  TolEnd 

<--—****+**** Old one **+**---—> Tool for cutting <<< <<< <--—****+**** result

◆ CutAtStart()

void Intrv_Interval::CutAtStart ( const Standard_Real  Start,
const Standard_ShortReal  TolStart 

****+****--------—> Old one <-------—**+** Tool for cutting

****+****--------—> result

◆ End()

Standard_Real Intrv_Interval::End ( ) const

◆ FuseAtEnd()

void Intrv_Interval::FuseAtEnd ( const Standard_Real  End,
const Standard_ShortReal  TolEnd 

<------------------—****+**** Old one <--------------—**+** New one to fuse

<------------------—****+**** result

◆ FuseAtStart()

void Intrv_Interval::FuseAtStart ( const Standard_Real  Start,
const Standard_ShortReal  TolStart 

****+****-----------------—> Old one ****+****---------------------—> New one to fuse <<< <<< ****+****---------------------—> result

◆ IsAfter()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsAfter ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is After Other **--------—**** me ***-------------—** Other.

◆ IsBefore()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsBefore ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is Before Other -------------—** me **--------—* Other.

◆ IsEnclosing()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsEnclosing ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is Enclosing Other -------------------------—* me ***---------------—** Other.

◆ IsInside()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsInside ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is Inside Other **--------—**** me ***-----------------------—** Other.

◆ IsJustAfter()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsJustAfter ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is just after Other ****----—**** me ***--------—** Other.

◆ IsJustBefore()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsJustBefore ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is just before Other -----—* me ***--------—** Other.

◆ IsJustEnclosingAtEnd()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsJustEnclosingAtEnd ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is just Enclosing Other at End -------------------------—* me --------------—* Other.

◆ IsJustEnclosingAtStart()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsJustEnclosingAtStart ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is just Enclosing Other at start ------------------------—* me ***---------------—** Other.

◆ IsJustOverlappingAtEnd()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsJustOverlappingAtEnd ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is just overlapping Other at end ***--------—* me ***---------------------—** Other.

◆ IsJustOverlappingAtStart()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsJustOverlappingAtStart ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is just overlapping Other at start ***--------—*** me ***---------------------—** Other.

◆ IsOverlappingAtEnd()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsOverlappingAtEnd ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is overlapping Other at end ***--------—** me ***------------—*** Other.

◆ IsOverlappingAtStart()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsOverlappingAtStart ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is overlapping Other at start ***------------—*** me ***--------—** Other.

◆ IsProbablyEmpty()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsProbablyEmpty ( ) const

True if myStart+myTolStart > myEnd-myTolEnd or if myEnd+myTolEnd > myStart-myTolStart.

◆ IsSimilar()

Standard_Boolean Intrv_Interval::IsSimilar ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me and Other have the same bounds -------------—*** me ***--------------—* Other.

◆ Position()

Intrv_Position Intrv_Interval::Position ( const Intrv_Interval Other) const

True if me is Before Other **--------—**** Other ***--—* Before ***---------—* JustBefore ***--------------—* OverlappingAtStart ***-----------------------—* JustEnclosingAtEnd ***----------------------------------—* Enclosing ***-—* JustOverlappingAtStart ***----------—* Similar ***---------------------—* JustEnclosingAtStart ***-* Inside ***---—* JustOverlappingAtEnd ***--------------—* OverlappingAtEnd ***-----—* JustAfter ***—* After.

◆ SetEnd()

void Intrv_Interval::SetEnd ( const Standard_Real  End,
const Standard_ShortReal  TolEnd 

◆ SetStart()

void Intrv_Interval::SetStart ( const Standard_Real  Start,
const Standard_ShortReal  TolStart 

◆ Start()

Standard_Real Intrv_Interval::Start ( ) const

◆ TolEnd()

Standard_ShortReal Intrv_Interval::TolEnd ( ) const

◆ TolStart()

Standard_ShortReal Intrv_Interval::TolStart ( ) const

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