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BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder Class Reference

The algorithm is based on the General Fuse algorithm (GFA). The result of GFA is all split parts of the Arguments. More...

#include <BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder ()
 BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder (const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator)
virtual ~BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder ()
virtual void Clear () override
 Redefined method Clear - clears the contents.
void AddToResult (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLSToTake, const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLSToAvoid, const Standard_Integer theMaterial=0, const Standard_Boolean theUpdate=Standard_False)
 Adding the parts to result.
The parts are defined by two lists of shapes:
<theLSToTake> defines the arguments which parts should be taken into result;
<theLSToAvoid> defines the arguments which parts should not be taken into result;
To be taken into result the part must be IN for all shapes from the list <theLSToTake> and must be OUT of all shapes from the list <theLSToAvoid>.

void AddAllToResult (const Standard_Integer theMaterial=0, const Standard_Boolean theUpdate=Standard_False)
 Add all split parts to result.
<theMaterial> defines the removal of internal boundaries;
<theUpdate> parameter defines whether to remove boundaries now or not.
void RemoveFromResult (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLSToTake, const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLSToAvoid)
 Removing the parts from result.
The parts are defined by two lists of shapes:
<theLSToTake> defines the arguments which parts should be removed from result;
<theLSToAvoid> defines the arguments which parts should not be removed from result.
To be removed from the result the part must be IN for all shapes from the list <theLSToTake> and must be OUT of all shapes from the list <theLSToAvoid>.
void RemoveAllFromResult ()
 Remove all parts from result.
void RemoveInternalBoundaries ()
 Removes internal boundaries between cells with the same material.
If the result contains the cells with same material but of different dimension the removal of internal boundaries between these cells will not be performed.
In case of some errors during the removal the method will set the appropriate warning status - use GetReport() to access them.
const TopoDS_ShapeGetAllParts () const
 Get all split parts.
void MakeContainers ()
 Makes the Containers of proper type from the parts added to result.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Builder
 BOPAlgo_Builder ()
 Empty constructor.
virtual ~BOPAlgo_Builder ()
 BOPAlgo_Builder (const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator)
BOPAlgo_PPaveFiller PPaveFiller ()
 Returns the PaveFiller, algorithm for sub-shapes intersection.
 Returns the Data Structure, holder of intersection information.
Handle< IntTools_ContextContext () const
 Returns the Context, tool for cashing heavy algorithms.
virtual void AddArgument (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape)
 Adds the argument to the operation.
virtual void SetArguments (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLS)
 Sets the list of arguments for the operation.
const TopTools_ListOfShapeArguments () const
 Returns the list of arguments.
void SetNonDestructive (const Standard_Boolean theFlag)
 Sets the flag that defines the mode of treatment. In non-destructive mode the argument shapes are not modified. Instead a copy of a sub-shape is created in the result if it is needed to be updated. This flag is taken into account if internal PaveFiller is used only. In the case of calling PerformWithFiller the corresponding flag of that PaveFiller is in force.
Standard_Boolean NonDestructive () const
 Returns the flag that defines the mode of treatment. In non-destructive mode the argument shapes are not modified. Instead a copy of a sub-shape is created in the result if it is needed to be updated.
void SetGlue (const BOPAlgo_GlueEnum theGlue)
 Sets the glue option for the algorithm.
BOPAlgo_GlueEnum Glue () const
 Returns the glue option of the algorithm.
void SetCheckInverted (const Standard_Boolean theCheck)
 Enables/Disables the check of the input solids for inverted status.
Standard_Boolean CheckInverted () const
 Returns the flag defining whether the check for input solids on inverted status should be performed or not.
virtual void Perform (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange=Message_ProgressRange()) override
 Performs the operation. The intersection will be performed also.
virtual void PerformWithFiller (const BOPAlgo_PaveFiller &theFiller, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange=Message_ProgressRange())
 Performs the operation with the prepared filler. The intersection will not be performed in this case.
virtual void BuildBOP (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theObjects, const TopAbs_State theObjState, const TopTools_ListOfShape &theTools, const TopAbs_State theToolsState, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange, Handle< Message_Report > theReport=NULL)
 Builds the result shape according to the given states for the objects and tools. These states can be unambiguously converted into the Boolean operation type. Thus, it performs the Boolean operation on the given groups of shapes.
void BuildBOP (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theObjects, const TopTools_ListOfShape &theTools, const BOPAlgo_Operation theOperation, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange, Handle< Message_Report > theReport=NULL)
 Builds the result of Boolean operation of given type basing on the result of Builder operation (GF or any other).
const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShapeImages () const
 Returns the map of images.
const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShapeOrigins () const
 Returns the map of origins.
const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShapeShapesSD () const
 Returns the map of Same Domain (SD) shapes - coinciding shapes from different arguments.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_BuilderShape
const TopoDS_ShapeShape () const
 Returns the result of algorithm.
const TopTools_ListOfShapeModified (const TopoDS_Shape &theS)
 Returns the list of shapes Modified from the shape theS.
const TopTools_ListOfShapeGenerated (const TopoDS_Shape &theS)
 Returns the list of shapes Generated from the shape theS.
Standard_Boolean IsDeleted (const TopoDS_Shape &theS)
 Returns true if the shape theS has been deleted. In this case the shape will have no Modified elements, but can have Generated elements.
Standard_Boolean HasModified () const
 Returns true if any of the input shapes has been modified during operation.
Standard_Boolean HasGenerated () const
 Returns true if any of the input shapes has generated shapes during operation.
Standard_Boolean HasDeleted () const
 Returns true if any of the input shapes has been deleted during operation.
Handle< BRepTools_HistoryHistory ()
 History Tool.
void SetToFillHistory (const Standard_Boolean theHistFlag)
 Allows disabling the history collection.
Standard_Boolean HasHistory () const
 Returns flag of history availability.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Options
 BOPAlgo_Options ()
 Empty constructor.
 BOPAlgo_Options (const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator)
 Constructor with allocator.
virtual ~BOPAlgo_Options ()
const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > & Allocator () const
 Returns allocator.
void AddError (const Handle< Message_Alert > &theAlert)
 Adds the alert as error (fail)
void AddWarning (const Handle< Message_Alert > &theAlert)
 Adds the alert as warning.
Standard_Boolean HasErrors () const
 Returns true if algorithm has failed.
Standard_Boolean HasError (const Handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if algorithm has generated error of specified type.
Standard_Boolean HasWarnings () const
 Returns true if algorithm has generated some warning alerts.
Standard_Boolean HasWarning (const Handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if algorithm has generated warning of specified type.
const Handle< Message_Report > & GetReport () const
 Returns report collecting all errors and warnings.
void DumpErrors (Standard_OStream &theOS) const
 Dumps the error status into the given stream.
void DumpWarnings (Standard_OStream &theOS) const
 Dumps the warning statuses into the given stream.
void ClearWarnings ()
 Clears the warnings of the algorithm.
void SetFuzzyValue (const Standard_Real theFuzz)
 Sets the additional tolerance.
Standard_Real FuzzyValue () const
 Returns the additional tolerance.
void SetUseOBB (const Standard_Boolean theUseOBB)
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Standard_Boolean UseOBB () const
 Returns the flag defining usage of OBB.
void SetRunParallel (const Standard_Boolean theFlag)
 Set the flag of parallel processing if <theFlag> is true the parallel processing is switched on if <theFlag> is false the parallel processing is switched off.
Standard_Boolean RunParallel () const
 Returns the flag of parallel processing.

Protected Member Functions

virtual const TopTools_ListOfShapeLocModified (const TopoDS_Shape &theS) override
 Prepare information for history support taking into account local modification map of unified elements - myMapModified.
virtual void PerformInternal1 (const BOPAlgo_PaveFiller &thePF, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange) override
 Redefined method PerformInternal1 - makes all split parts, nullifies the result <myShape>, and index all parts.
void IndexParts ()
 Indexes the parts for quick access to the arguments.
void FindParts (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLSToTake, const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLSToAvoid, TopTools_ListOfShape &theParts)
 Looking for the parts defined by two lists.
Standard_Boolean RemoveInternals (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLS, TopTools_ListOfShape &theLSNew, const TopTools_MapOfShape &theMapKeepBnd=TopTools_MapOfShape())
 Removes internal boundaries between cells with the same material.
Returns TRUE if any internal boundaries have been removed.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Builder
void PrepareHistory (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Prepare information for history support.
virtual const TopTools_ListOfShapeLocGenerated (const TopoDS_Shape &theS)
 Returns the list of shapes generated from the shape theS. Similarly to LocModified must be redefined for specific operations, obtaining Generated elements differently.
virtual void PerformInternal (const BOPAlgo_PaveFiller &thePF, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Performs the building of the result. The method calls the PerformInternal1() method surrounded by a try-catch block.
virtual void BuildResult (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType)
 Builds the result of operation. The method is called for each of the arguments type and adds into the result the splits of the arguments of that type.
virtual void CheckData () override
 Checks the input data.
void CheckFiller ()
 Checks if the intersection algorithm has Errors/Warnings.
virtual void Prepare ()
 Prepares the result shape by making it empty compound.
void FillImagesVertices (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Fills the images of vertices.
void FillImagesEdges (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Fills the images of edges.
void FillImagesContainers (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Fills the images of containers (WIRES/SHELLS/COMPSOLID).
void FillImagesContainer (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType)
 Builds the image of the given container using the splits of its sub-shapes.
void FillImagesFaces (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Fills the images of faces. The method consists of three steps:
virtual void BuildSplitFaces (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Builds the splits of faces using the information from the intersection stage stored in Data Structure.
void FillSameDomainFaces (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Looks for the same domain faces among the splits of the faces. Updates the map of images with SD faces.
void FillInternalVertices (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Classifies the alone vertices on faces relatively its splits and adds them as INTERNAL into the splits.
void FillImagesSolids (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Fills the images of solids. The method consists of four steps:
void BuildDraftSolid (const TopoDS_Shape &theSolid, TopoDS_Shape &theDraftSolid, TopTools_ListOfShape &theLIF)
 Builds the draft solid by rebuilding the shells of the solid with the splits of faces.
virtual void FillIn3DParts (TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape &theDraftSolids, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Finds faces located inside each solid.
void BuildSplitSolids (TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape &theDraftSolids, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Builds the splits of the solids using their draft versions and faces located inside.
void FillInternalShapes (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Classifies the vertices and edges from the arguments relatively splits of solids and makes them INTERNAL for solids.
void FillImagesCompounds (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Fills the images of compounds.
void FillImagesCompound (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, TopTools_MapOfShape &theMF)
 Builds the image of the given compound.
virtual void PostTreat (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Post treatment of the result of the operation. The method checks validity of the sub-shapes of the result and updates the tolerances to make them valid.
NbShapes getNbShapes () const
 Compute number of shapes of certain type participating in operation.
void fillPIConstants (const Standard_Real theWhole, BOPAlgo_PISteps &theSteps) const override
 Filling steps for constant operations.
void fillPISteps (BOPAlgo_PISteps &theSteps) const override
 Filling steps for all other operations.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_BuilderShape
 BOPAlgo_BuilderShape ()
 Empty constructor.
 BOPAlgo_BuilderShape (const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator)
 Constructor with allocator.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Algo
 BOPAlgo_Algo ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~BOPAlgo_Algo ()
 BOPAlgo_Algo (const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator)
virtual void CheckResult ()
 Checks the obtained result.
void analyzeProgress (const Standard_Real theWhole, BOPAlgo_PISteps &theSteps) const
 Analyze progress steps of the whole operation.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Options
Standard_Boolean UserBreak (const Message_ProgressScope &thePS)
 Adds error to the report if the break signal was caught. Returns true in this case, false otherwise.

Protected Attributes

TopoDS_Shape myAllParts
 All split parts of the arguments.
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape myIndex
 Connection map from all splits parts to the argument shapes from which they were created.
TopTools_DataMapOfIntegerListOfShape myMaterials
 Map of assigned materials (material -> list of shape)
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger myShapeMaterial
 Map of assigned materials (shape -> material)
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape myMapModified
 Local modification map to track unification of the splits.
- Protected Attributes inherited from BOPAlgo_Builder
TopTools_ListOfShape myArguments
 Arguments of the operation.
TopTools_MapOfShape myMapFence
 Fence map providing the uniqueness of the shapes in the list of arguments.
BOPAlgo_PPaveFiller myPaveFiller
 Pave Filler - algorithm for sub-shapes intersection.
 Data Structure - holder of intersection information.
Handle< IntTools_ContextmyContext
 Context - tool for cashing heavy algorithms such as Projectors and Classifiers.
Standard_Integer myEntryPoint
 EntryPoint - controls the deletion of the PaveFiller, which could live longer than the Builder.
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape myImages
 Images - map of Images of the sub-shapes of arguments.
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape myShapesSD
 ShapesSD - map of SD Shapes.
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape myOrigins
 Origins - map of Origins, back map of Images.
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape myInParts
 InParts - map of own and acquired IN faces of the arguments solids.
Standard_Boolean myNonDestructive
 Safe processing option allows avoiding modification of the input shapes.
BOPAlgo_GlueEnum myGlue
 Gluing option allows speeding up the intersection of the input shapes.
Standard_Boolean myCheckInverted
 Check inverted option allows disabling the check of input solids on inverted status.
- Protected Attributes inherited from BOPAlgo_BuilderShape
TopoDS_Shape myShape
 Result of the operation.
TopTools_ListOfShape myHistShapes
 Storer for the history shapes.
TopTools_MapOfShape myMapShape
 cached map of all arguments shapes
Standard_Boolean myFillHistory
 Controls the history filling.
Handle< BRepTools_HistorymyHistory
 History tool.
- Protected Attributes inherited from BOPAlgo_Options
Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocatormyAllocator
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Handle< Message_ReportmyReport
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Standard_Boolean myRunParallel
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Standard_Real myFuzzyValue
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Standard_Boolean myUseOBB
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Options
static Standard_Boolean GetParallelMode ()
 Gets the global parallel mode.
static void SetParallelMode (const Standard_Boolean theNewMode)
 Sets the global parallel mode.
- Protected Types inherited from BOPAlgo_Builder
enum  BOPAlgo_PIOperation {
  PIOperation_TreatVertices = 0 , PIOperation_TreatEdges , PIOperation_TreatWires , PIOperation_TreatFaces ,
  PIOperation_TreatShells , PIOperation_TreatSolids , PIOperation_TreatCompsolids , PIOperation_TreatCompounds ,
  PIOperation_FillHistory , PIOperation_PostTreat , PIOperation_Last
 List of operations to be supported by the Progress Indicator. More...

Detailed Description

The algorithm is based on the General Fuse algorithm (GFA). The result of GFA is all split parts of the Arguments.

The purpose of this algorithm is to provide the result with the content of:

  1. Cells (parts) defined by the user;
  2. Internal boundaries defined by the user.

In other words the algorithm should provide the possibility for the user to add or remove any part to (from) result and remove any internal boundaries between parts.

All the requirements of GFA for the DATA are inherited in this algorithm. The arguments could be of any type (dimension) and should be valid in terms of BRepCheck_Analyzer and BOPAlgo_ArgumentAnalyzer.


The result of the algorithm is compound containing selected parts of the basic types (VERTEX, EDGE, FACE or SOLID). The default result is empty compound. It is possible to add any split part to the result by using the methods AddToRessult() and AddAllToResult(). It is also possible to remove any part from the result by using methods RemoveFromResult() and RemoveAllFromResult(). The method RemoveAllFromResult() is also suitable for clearing the result.

To remove Internal boundaries it is necessary to set the same material to the parts between which the boundaries should be removed and call the method RemoveInternalBoundaries(). The material should not be equal to 0, as this is default material value. The boundaries between parts with this value will not be removed. One part cannot be added with the different materials. It is also possible to remove the boundaries during combining the result. To do this it is necessary to set the material for parts (not equal to 0) and set the flag bUpdate to TRUE. For the arguments of the types FACE or EDGE it is recommended to remove the boundaries in the end when the result is completely built. It will help to avoid self-intersections in the result.

Note, that if the result contains the parts with same material but of different dimension the boundaries between such parts will not be removed. Currently, the removal of the internal boundaries between multi-dimensional shapes is not supported.

It is possible to create typed Containers from the parts added to result by using method MakeContainers(). The type of the containers will depend on the type of the arguments: WIRES for EEDGE, SHELLS for FACES and COMPSOLIDS for SOLIDS. The result will be compound containing containers. Adding of the parts to such result will not update containers. The result compound will contain the containers and new added parts (of basic type). Removing of the parts from such result may affect some containers if the parts that should be removed is in container. In this case this container will be rebuilt without that part.


The algorithm supports history information for basic types of the shapes - VERTEX, EDGE, FACE. This information available through the methods IsDeleted() and Modified().

In DRAW Test Harness it is available through the same commands as for Boolean Operations (bmodified, bgenerated and bisdeleted).

The algorithm can return the following Error Statuses:

The algorithm can set the following Warning Statuses:

The Warning status can be checked with HasWarnings() method or printed with the DumpWarnings() method. If warnings are recorded, the result may be not as expected.


  1. API
    TopTools_ListOfShape aLS = ...; // arguments
    // parallel or single mode (the default value is FALSE)
    bool toRunParallel = false;
    // fuzzy option (default value is 0)
    aCBuilder.SetArguments (aLS);
    aCBuilder.SetRunParallel (toRunParallel);
    aCBuilder.SetFuzzyValue (aTol);
    if (aCBuilder.HasErrors()) // check error status
    // empty compound, as nothing has been added yet
    const TopoDS_Shape& aRes = aCBuilder.Shape();
    // all split parts
    const TopoDS_Shape& aRes = aCBuilder.GetAllParts();
    TopTools_ListOfShape aLSToTake = ...; // parts of these arguments will be taken into result
    TopTools_ListOfShape aLSToAvoid = ...; // parts of these arguments will not be taken into result
    // defines the material common for the cells,
    // i.e. the boundaries between cells with the same material will be removed.
    // By default it is set to 0.
    // Thus, to remove some boundary the value of this variable should not be equal to 0.
    // defines whether to update the result right now or not
    bool toUpdate = ...;
    // adding to result
    aR = aCBuilder.Shape(); // the result
    // removing of the boundaries (should be called only if toUpdate is false)
    // removing from result
    aCBuilder.RemoveFromResult (aLSToTake, aLSToAvoid);
    aR = aCBuilder.Shape(); // the result
    int Standard_Integer
    Definition Standard_TypeDef.hxx:61
    The algorithm is based on the General Fuse algorithm (GFA). The result of GFA is all split parts of t...
    Definition BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder.hxx:171
    Definition NCollection_UBTree.hxx:64
    Describes a shape which.
    Definition TopoDS_Shape.hxx:41
  2. DRAW Test Harness
    ttranslate s1 0 0 10
    ttranslate s2 20 0 10
    ttranslate s3 10 0 0
    # adding arguments
    # intersection
    # rx will contain all split parts
    # add to result the part that is common for all three spheres
    bcadd res s1 1 s2 1 s3 1 -m 1
    # add to result the part that is common only for first and third spheres
    bcadd res s1 1 s2 0 s3 1 -m 1
    # remove internal boundaries

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder() [1/2]

BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder ( )

◆ BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder() [2/2]

BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder ( const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &  theAllocator)

◆ ~BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder()

virtual BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::~BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAllToResult()

void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::AddAllToResult ( const Standard_Integer  theMaterial = 0,
const Standard_Boolean  theUpdate = Standard_False 

Add all split parts to result.
<theMaterial> defines the removal of internal boundaries;
<theUpdate> parameter defines whether to remove boundaries now or not.

◆ AddToResult()

void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::AddToResult ( const TopTools_ListOfShape theLSToTake,
const TopTools_ListOfShape theLSToAvoid,
const Standard_Integer  theMaterial = 0,
const Standard_Boolean  theUpdate = Standard_False 

Adding the parts to result.
The parts are defined by two lists of shapes:
<theLSToTake> defines the arguments which parts should be taken into result;
<theLSToAvoid> defines the arguments which parts should not be taken into result;
To be taken into result the part must be IN for all shapes from the list <theLSToTake> and must be OUT of all shapes from the list <theLSToAvoid>.

To remove internal boundaries between any cells in the result <theMaterial> variable should be used. The boundaries between cells with the same material will be removed. Default value is 0.
Thus, to remove any boundary the value of this variable should not be equal to 0.
<theUpdate> parameter defines whether to remove boundaries now or not.

◆ Clear()

virtual void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::Clear ( )

Redefined method Clear - clears the contents.

Reimplemented from BOPAlgo_Builder.

◆ FindParts()

void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::FindParts ( const TopTools_ListOfShape theLSToTake,
const TopTools_ListOfShape theLSToAvoid,
TopTools_ListOfShape theParts 

Looking for the parts defined by two lists.

◆ GetAllParts()

const TopoDS_Shape & BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::GetAllParts ( ) const

Get all split parts.

◆ IndexParts()

void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::IndexParts ( )

Indexes the parts for quick access to the arguments.

◆ LocModified()

virtual const TopTools_ListOfShape * BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::LocModified ( const TopoDS_Shape theS)

Prepare information for history support taking into account local modification map of unified elements - myMapModified.

Reimplemented from BOPAlgo_Builder.

◆ MakeContainers()

void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::MakeContainers ( )

Makes the Containers of proper type from the parts added to result.

◆ PerformInternal1()

virtual void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::PerformInternal1 ( const BOPAlgo_PaveFiller thePF,
const Message_ProgressRange theRange 

Redefined method PerformInternal1 - makes all split parts, nullifies the result <myShape>, and index all parts.

Reimplemented from BOPAlgo_Builder.

◆ RemoveAllFromResult()

void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::RemoveAllFromResult ( )

Remove all parts from result.

◆ RemoveFromResult()

void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::RemoveFromResult ( const TopTools_ListOfShape theLSToTake,
const TopTools_ListOfShape theLSToAvoid 

Removing the parts from result.
The parts are defined by two lists of shapes:
<theLSToTake> defines the arguments which parts should be removed from result;
<theLSToAvoid> defines the arguments which parts should not be removed from result.
To be removed from the result the part must be IN for all shapes from the list <theLSToTake> and must be OUT of all shapes from the list <theLSToAvoid>.

◆ RemoveInternalBoundaries()

void BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::RemoveInternalBoundaries ( )

Removes internal boundaries between cells with the same material.
If the result contains the cells with same material but of different dimension the removal of internal boundaries between these cells will not be performed.
In case of some errors during the removal the method will set the appropriate warning status - use GetReport() to access them.

◆ RemoveInternals()

Standard_Boolean BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::RemoveInternals ( const TopTools_ListOfShape theLS,
TopTools_ListOfShape theLSNew,
const TopTools_MapOfShape theMapKeepBnd = TopTools_MapOfShape() 

Removes internal boundaries between cells with the same material.
Returns TRUE if any internal boundaries have been removed.

Field Documentation

◆ myAllParts

TopoDS_Shape BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::myAllParts

All split parts of the arguments.

◆ myIndex

TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::myIndex

Connection map from all splits parts to the argument shapes from which they were created.

◆ myMapModified

TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::myMapModified

Local modification map to track unification of the splits.

◆ myMaterials

TopTools_DataMapOfIntegerListOfShape BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::myMaterials

Map of assigned materials (material -> list of shape)

◆ myShapeMaterial

TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder::myShapeMaterial

Map of assigned materials (shape -> material)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: