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BOPAlgo_CheckerSI Class Reference

Checks the shape on self-interference. More...

#include <BOPAlgo_CheckerSI.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for BOPAlgo_CheckerSI:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 BOPAlgo_CheckerSI ()
virtual ~BOPAlgo_CheckerSI ()
virtual void Perform (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange=Message_ProgressRange()) override
 The main method to implement the operation Providing the range allows to enable Progress indicator User break functionalities.
void SetLevelOfCheck (const Standard_Integer theLevel)
 Sets the level of checking shape on self-interference.
It defines which interferences will be checked:
0 - only V/V;
1 - V/V and V/E;
2 - V/V, V/E and E/E;
3 - V/V, V/E, E/E and V/F;
4 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F and E/F;
5 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F and F/F;
6 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F and V/S;
7 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F, V/S and E/S;
8 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F, V/S, E/S and F/S;
9 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F, V/S, E/S, F/S and S/S - all interferences (Default value)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_PaveFiller
 BOPAlgo_PaveFiller ()
virtual ~BOPAlgo_PaveFiller ()
 BOPAlgo_PaveFiller (const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator)
const BOPDS_DSDS ()
const BOPDS_PIteratorIterator ()
void SetArguments (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLS)
 Sets the arguments for operation.
void AddArgument (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape)
 Adds the argument for operation.
const TopTools_ListOfShapeArguments () const
 Returns the list of arguments.
const Handle< IntTools_Context > & Context ()
void SetSectionAttribute (const BOPAlgo_SectionAttribute &theSecAttr)
void SetNonDestructive (const Standard_Boolean theFlag)
 Sets the flag that defines the mode of treatment. In non-destructive mode the argument shapes are not modified. Instead a copy of a sub-shape is created in the result if it is needed to be updated.
Standard_Boolean NonDestructive () const
 Returns the flag that defines the mode of treatment. In non-destructive mode the argument shapes are not modified. Instead a copy of a sub-shape is created in the result if it is needed to be updated.
void SetGlue (const BOPAlgo_GlueEnum theGlue)
 Sets the glue option for the algorithm.
BOPAlgo_GlueEnum Glue () const
 Returns the glue option of the algorithm.
void SetAvoidBuildPCurve (const Standard_Boolean theValue)
 Sets the flag to avoid building of p-curves of edges on faces.
Standard_Boolean IsAvoidBuildPCurve () const
 Returns the flag to avoid building of p-curves of edges on faces.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Options
 BOPAlgo_Options ()
 Empty constructor.
 BOPAlgo_Options (const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator)
 Constructor with allocator.
virtual ~BOPAlgo_Options ()
const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > & Allocator () const
 Returns allocator.
void AddError (const Handle< Message_Alert > &theAlert)
 Adds the alert as error (fail)
void AddWarning (const Handle< Message_Alert > &theAlert)
 Adds the alert as warning.
Standard_Boolean HasErrors () const
 Returns true if algorithm has failed.
Standard_Boolean HasError (const Handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if algorithm has generated error of specified type.
Standard_Boolean HasWarnings () const
 Returns true if algorithm has generated some warning alerts.
Standard_Boolean HasWarning (const Handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if algorithm has generated warning of specified type.
const Handle< Message_Report > & GetReport () const
 Returns report collecting all errors and warnings.
void DumpErrors (Standard_OStream &theOS) const
 Dumps the error status into the given stream.
void DumpWarnings (Standard_OStream &theOS) const
 Dumps the warning statuses into the given stream.
void ClearWarnings ()
 Clears the warnings of the algorithm.
void SetFuzzyValue (const Standard_Real theFuzz)
 Sets the additional tolerance.
Standard_Real FuzzyValue () const
 Returns the additional tolerance.
void SetUseOBB (const Standard_Boolean theUseOBB)
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Standard_Boolean UseOBB () const
 Returns the flag defining usage of OBB.
void SetRunParallel (const Standard_Boolean theFlag)
 Set the flag of parallel processing if <theFlag> is true the parallel processing is switched on if <theFlag> is false the parallel processing is switched off.
Standard_Boolean RunParallel () const
 Returns the flag of parallel processing.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Init (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange) override
void PostTreat ()
 Treats the intersection results.
void CheckFaceSelfIntersection (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
virtual void PerformVZ (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Methods for intersection with solids.
virtual void PerformEZ (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Edge/Solid intersection.
virtual void PerformFZ (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Face/Solid intersection.
virtual void PerformZZ (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Solid/Solid intersection.
virtual void PerformSZ (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aTS, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Used for intersection of edges and faces with solids.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_PaveFiller
void SetNonDestructive ()
 Sets non-destructive mode automatically if an argument contains a locked sub-shape (see TopoDS_Shape::Locked()).
void SetIsPrimary (const Standard_Boolean theFlag)
Standard_Boolean IsPrimary () const
virtual void PerformInternal (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
virtual void Clear () override
 Clears all warnings and errors, and any data cached by the algorithm. User defined options are not cleared.
void Prepare (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
virtual void PerformVV (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
virtual void PerformVE (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
void IntersectVE (const BOPDS_IndexedDataMapOfPaveBlockListOfInteger &theVEPairs, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange, const Standard_Boolean bAddInterfs=Standard_True)
 Performs the intersection of the vertices with edges.
void SplitPaveBlocks (const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMEdges, const Standard_Boolean theAddInterfs)
 Splits the Pave Blocks of the given edges with the extra paves.
The method also builds the shrunk data for the new pave blocks and in case there is no valid range on the pave block, the vertices of this pave block will be united making SD vertex.
Parameter <theAddInterfs> defines whether this interference will be added into common table of interferences or not.
If some of the Pave Blocks are forming the Common Blocks, the splits of the Pave Blocks will also form a Common Block.
virtual void PerformVF (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
virtual void PerformEE (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
virtual void PerformEF (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
virtual void PerformFF (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
void TreatVerticesEE ()
void MakeSDVerticesFF (const TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerListOfInteger &aDMVLV, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger &theDMNewSD)
void MakeSplitEdges (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
void MakeBlocks (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
void MakePCurves (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
Standard_Integer MakeSDVertices (const TColStd_ListOfInteger &theVertIndices, const Standard_Boolean theAddInterfs=1)
void ProcessDE (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
void FillShrunkData (Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &thePB)
void FillShrunkData (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType1, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType2)
void AnalyzeShrunkData (const Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &thePB, const IntTools_ShrunkRange &theSR)
 Analyzes the results of computation of the valid range for the pave block and in case of error adds the warning status, otherwise saves the valid range in the pave block.
void PerformNewVertices (BOPDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeCoupleOfPaveBlocks &theMVCPB, const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange, const Standard_Boolean theIsEEIntersection=Standard_True)
 Performs intersection of new vertices, obtained in E/E and E/F intersections.
Standard_Boolean CheckFacePaves (const TopoDS_Vertex &theVnew, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMIF)
Standard_Boolean IsExistingVertex (const gp_Pnt &theP, const Standard_Real theTol, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMVOn) const
void PutPavesOnCurve (const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMVOnIn, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMVCommon, BOPDS_Curve &theNC, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMI, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMVEF, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerReal &theMVTol, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerListOfInteger &theDMVLV)
 Checks and puts paves from <theMVOnIn> on the curve <theNC>. At that, common (from theMVCommon) and not common vertices are processed differently.
void FilterPavesOnCurves (const BOPDS_VectorOfCurve &theVNC, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerReal &theMVTol)
Standard_Boolean ExtendedTolerance (const Standard_Integer nV, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &aMI, Standard_Real &aTolVExt, const Standard_Integer aType=0)
 Depending on the parameter aType it checks whether the vertex nV was created in EE or EF intersections. If so, it increases aTolVExt from tolerance value of vertex to the max distance from vertex nV to the ends of the range of common part. Possible values of aType: 1 - checks only EE; 2 - checks only EF; other - checks both types of intersections.
void PutBoundPaveOnCurve (const TopoDS_Face &theF1, const TopoDS_Face &theF2, BOPDS_Curve &theNC, TColStd_ListOfInteger &theLBV)
Standard_Boolean IsExistingPaveBlock (const Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &thePB, const BOPDS_Curve &theNC, const Standard_Real theTolR3D, const BOPDS_IndexedMapOfPaveBlock &theMPB, BOPTools_BoxTree &thePBTree, const BOPDS_MapOfPaveBlock &theMPBCommon, Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &thePBOut, Standard_Real &theTolNew)
 Checks if the given pave block (created on section curve) coincides with any of the pave blocks of the faces created the section curve.
Standard_Boolean IsExistingPaveBlock (const Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &thePB, const BOPDS_Curve &theNC, const TColStd_ListOfInteger &theLSE, Standard_Integer &theNEOut, Standard_Real &theTolNew)
 Checks if the given pave block (created on section curve) coincides with any of the edges shared between the faces created the section curve.
void PostTreatFF (BOPDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeCoupleOfPaveBlocks &theMSCPB, BOPDS_DataMapOfPaveBlockListOfPaveBlock &theDMExEdges, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger &theDMNewSD, const BOPDS_IndexedMapOfPaveBlock &theMicroPB, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &theVertsOnRejectedPB, const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Treatment of section edges.
void FindPaveBlocks (const Standard_Integer theV, const Standard_Integer theF, BOPDS_ListOfPaveBlock &theLPB)
void FillPaves (const Standard_Integer theV, const Standard_Integer theE, const Standard_Integer theF, const BOPDS_ListOfPaveBlock &theLPB, const Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &thePB)
void MakeSplitEdge (const Standard_Integer theV, const Standard_Integer theF)
void GetEFPnts (const Standard_Integer nF1, const Standard_Integer nF2, IntSurf_ListOfPntOn2S &aListOfPnts)
void PutEFPavesOnCurve (const BOPDS_VectorOfCurve &theVC, const Standard_Integer theIndex, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMI, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMVEF, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerReal &theMVTol, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerListOfInteger &aDMVLV)
 Checks and puts paves created in EF intersections on the curve <theNC>.
void PutStickPavesOnCurve (const TopoDS_Face &aF1, const TopoDS_Face &aF2, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMI, const BOPDS_VectorOfCurve &theVC, const Standard_Integer theIndex, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMVStick, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerReal &theMVTol, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerListOfInteger &aDMVLV)
 Puts stick paves on the curve <theNC>
void GetStickVertices (const Standard_Integer nF1, const Standard_Integer nF2, TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMVStick, TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMVEF, TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMI)
 Collects indices of vertices created in all intersections between two faces (<nF1> and <nF2>) to the map <theMVStick>. Also, it collects indices of EF vertices to the <theMVEF> map and indices of all subshapes of these two faces to the <theMI> map.
void GetFullShapeMap (const Standard_Integer nF, TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMI)
 Collects index nF and indices of all subshapes of the shape with index <nF> to the map <theMI>.
void RemoveUsedVertices (const BOPDS_VectorOfCurve &theVC, TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMV)
 Removes indices of vertices that are already on the curve <theNC> from the map <theMV>. It is used in PutEFPavesOnCurve and PutStickPavesOnCurve methods.
void PutPaveOnCurve (const Standard_Integer nV, const Standard_Real theTolR3D, const BOPDS_Curve &theNC, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMI, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerReal &theMVTol, TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerListOfInteger &aDMVLV, const Standard_Integer aType=0)
 Puts the pave nV on the curve theNC. Parameter aType defines whether to check the pave with extended tolerance: 0 - do not perform the check; other - perform the check (aType goes to ExtendedTolerance).
void ProcessExistingPaveBlocks (const Standard_Integer theInt, const Standard_Integer theCur, const Standard_Integer nF1, const Standard_Integer nF2, const TopoDS_Edge &theES, const BOPDS_IndexedMapOfPaveBlock &theMPBOnIn, BOPTools_BoxTree &thePBTree, BOPDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeCoupleOfPaveBlocks &theMSCPB, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger &theMVI, BOPDS_ListOfPaveBlock &theLPBC, BOPAlgo_DataMapOfPaveBlockListOfInteger &thePBFacesMap, BOPDS_MapOfPaveBlock &theMPB)
 Adds the existing edges for intersection with section edges by checking the possible intersection with the faces comparing pre-saved E-F distances with new tolerances.
void ProcessExistingPaveBlocks (const Standard_Integer theInt, const Standard_Integer nF1, const Standard_Integer nF2, const BOPDS_IndexedMapOfPaveBlock &theMPBOnIn, BOPTools_BoxTree &thePBTree, const TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerListOfInteger &theDMBV, BOPDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeCoupleOfPaveBlocks &theMSCPB, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger &theMVI, BOPAlgo_DataMapOfPaveBlockListOfInteger &thePBFacesMap, BOPDS_MapOfPaveBlock &theMPB)
 Adds the existing edges from the map <theMPBOnIn> which interfere with the vertices from <theMVB> map to the post treatment of section edges.
void UpdateExistingPaveBlocks (const Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &thePB, BOPDS_ListOfPaveBlock &theLPB, const BOPAlgo_DataMapOfPaveBlockListOfInteger &thePBFacesMap)
 Replaces existing pave block <thePB> with new pave blocks <theLPB>. The list <theLPB> contains images of <thePB> which were created in the post treatment of section edges. Tries to project the new edges on the faces contained in the <thePBFacesMap>.
void TreatNewVertices (const BOPDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeCoupleOfPaveBlocks &theMVCPB, TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape &theImages)
 Treatment of vertices that were created in EE intersections.
void PutClosingPaveOnCurve (BOPDS_Curve &aNC)
 Put paves on the curve <aBC> in case when <aBC> is closed 3D-curve.
void PreparePostTreatFF (const Standard_Integer aInt, const Standard_Integer aCur, const Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &aPB, BOPDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeCoupleOfPaveBlocks &aMSCPB, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger &aMVI, BOPDS_ListOfPaveBlock &aLPB)
 Keeps data for post treatment.
void UpdateFaceInfo (BOPDS_DataMapOfPaveBlockListOfPaveBlock &theDME, const TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger &theDMV, const BOPAlgo_DataMapOfPaveBlockListOfInteger &thePBFacesMap)
 Updates the information about faces.
Standard_Boolean ForceInterfVE (const Standard_Integer nV, Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &aPB, TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMEdges)
 Updates tolerance of vertex with index <nV> to make it interfere with edge. Returns TRUE if intersection happened.
Standard_Boolean ForceInterfVF (const Standard_Integer nV, const Standard_Integer nF)
 Updates tolerance of vertex with index <nV> to make it interfere with face with index <nF>
Standard_Boolean CheckPlanes (const Standard_Integer nF1, const Standard_Integer nF2) const
 Checks if there are any common or intersecting sub shapes between two planar faces.
Standard_Integer SplitEdge (const Standard_Integer nE, const Standard_Integer nV1, const Standard_Real aT1, const Standard_Integer nV2, const Standard_Real aT2)
 Creates new edge from the edge nE with vertices nV1 and nV2 and returns the index of that new edge in the DS.
void UpdatePaveBlocks (const TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger &aDMNewSD)
 Updates pave blocks which have the paves with indices contained in the map <aDMNewSD>.
Standard_Integer UpdateVertex (const Standard_Integer nV, const Standard_Real aTolNew)
 Updates tolerance vertex nV due to V/E interference. It always creates new vertex if nV is from arguments.
void UpdatePaveBlocksWithSDVertices ()
void UpdateCommonBlocksWithSDVertices ()
void UpdateBlocksWithSharedVertices ()
void UpdateInterfsWithSDVertices ()
Standard_Boolean EstimatePaveOnCurve (const Standard_Integer nV, const BOPDS_Curve &theNC, const Standard_Real theTolR3D)
void UpdateEdgeTolerance (const Standard_Integer nE, const Standard_Real aTolNew)
void RemovePaveBlocks (const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theEdges)
void CorrectToleranceOfSE ()
void ReduceIntersectionRange (const Standard_Integer theV1, const Standard_Integer theV2, const Standard_Integer theE, const Standard_Integer theF, Standard_Real &theTS1, Standard_Real &theTS2)
 Reduce the intersection range using the common ranges of Edge/Edge interferences to avoid creation of close intersection vertices.
Standard_Boolean GetPBBox (const TopoDS_Edge &theE, const Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock > &thePB, BOPAlgo_DataMapOfPaveBlockBndBox &thePBBox, Standard_Real &theFirst, Standard_Real &theLast, Standard_Real &theSFirst, Standard_Real &theSLast, Bnd_Box &theBox)
 Gets the bounding box for the given Pave Block. If Pave Block has shrunk data it will be used to get the box, and the Shrunk Range (<theSFirst>, <theSLast>). Otherwise the box will be computed using BndLib_Add3dCurve method, and the Shrunk Range will be equal to the PB's range. To avoid re-computation of the bounding box for the same Pave Block it will be saved in the map <thePBBox>. Returns FALSE in case the PB's range is less than the Precision::PConfusion(), otherwise returns TRUE.
void PutSEInOtherFaces (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Treatment of the possible common zones, not detected by the Face/Face intersection algorithm, by intersection of each section edge with all faces not participated in creation of that section edge. If the intersection says that the section edge is lying on the face it will be added into FaceInfo structure of the face as IN edge and will be used for splitting.
void CheckSelfInterference ()
 Analyzes the results of interferences of sub-shapes of the shapes looking for self-interfering entities by the following rules:

void AddIntersectionFailedWarning (const TopoDS_Shape &theS1, const TopoDS_Shape &theS2)
 Adds the warning about failed intersection of pair of sub-shapes.
void RepeatIntersection (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 Repeat intersection of sub-shapes with increased vertices.
void UpdateVerticesOfCB ()
 Updates vertices of CommonBlocks with real tolerance of CB.
void ForceInterfEE (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 The method looks for the additional common blocks among pairs of edges with the same bounding vertices.
void ForceInterfEF (const Message_ProgressRange &theRange)
 The method looks for the additional edge/face common blocks among pairs of edge/face having the same vertices.
void ForceInterfEF (const BOPDS_IndexedMapOfPaveBlock &theMPB, const Message_ProgressRange &theRange, const Standard_Boolean theAddInterf)
 Performs intersection of given pave blocks with all faces from arguments.
void RemoveMicroSectionEdges (BOPDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeCoupleOfPaveBlocks &theMSCPB, BOPDS_IndexedMapOfPaveBlock &theMicroPB)
 When all section edges are created and no increase of the tolerance of vertices put on the section edges is expected, make sure that the created sections have valid range. If any of the section edges do not have valid range, remove them from Face/Face intersection info and from the input <theMSCPB> map. Put such edges into <MicroPB> map for further unification of their vertices in the PostTreatFF method.
void RemoveMicroEdges ()
 Check all edges on the micro status and remove the positive ones.
void fillPIConstants (const Standard_Real theWhole, BOPAlgo_PISteps &theSteps) const override
 Analyzing Progress steps.
void fillPISteps (BOPAlgo_PISteps &theSteps) const override
 Filling steps for all other operations.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Algo
 BOPAlgo_Algo ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~BOPAlgo_Algo ()
 BOPAlgo_Algo (const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator)
virtual void CheckData ()
 Checks input data.
virtual void CheckResult ()
 Checks the obtained result.
void analyzeProgress (const Standard_Real theWhole, BOPAlgo_PISteps &theSteps) const
 Analyze progress steps of the whole operation.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Options
Standard_Boolean UserBreak (const Message_ProgressScope &thePS)
 Adds error to the report if the break signal was caught. Returns true in this case, false otherwise.

Protected Attributes

Standard_Integer myLevelOfCheck
- Protected Attributes inherited from BOPAlgo_PaveFiller
TopTools_ListOfShape myArguments
BOPDS_PIterator myIterator
Handle< IntTools_ContextmyContext
BOPAlgo_SectionAttribute mySectionAttribute
Standard_Boolean myNonDestructive
Standard_Boolean myIsPrimary
Standard_Boolean myAvoidBuildPCurve
BOPAlgo_GlueEnum myGlue
BOPAlgo_DataMapOfIntegerMapOfPaveBlock myFPBDone
 Fence map of intersected faces and pave blocks.
TColStd_MapOfInteger myIncreasedSS
 Sub-shapes with increased tolerance during the operation.
TColStd_MapOfInteger myVertsToAvoidExtension
 Vertices located close to E/E or E/F intersection points which has already been extended to cover the real intersection points, and should not be extended any longer to be put on a section curve.
NCollection_DataMap< BOPDS_Pair, NCollection_List< EdgeRangeDistance > > myDistances
 Map to store minimal distances between shapes which have no real intersections.
- Protected Attributes inherited from BOPAlgo_Options
Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocatormyAllocator
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Handle< Message_ReportmyReport
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Standard_Boolean myRunParallel
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Standard_Real myFuzzyValue
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.
Standard_Boolean myUseOBB
 Enables/Disables the usage of OBB.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_Options
static Standard_Boolean GetParallelMode ()
 Gets the global parallel mode.
static void SetParallelMode (const Standard_Boolean theNewMode)
 Sets the global parallel mode.
- Protected Types inherited from BOPAlgo_PaveFiller
typedef NCollection_DataMap< Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock >, Bnd_BoxBOPAlgo_DataMapOfPaveBlockBndBox
typedef NCollection_DataMap< Handle< BOPDS_PaveBlock >, TColStd_ListOfIntegerBOPAlgo_DataMapOfPaveBlockListOfInteger
typedef NCollection_DataMap< Standard_Integer, BOPDS_MapOfPaveBlockBOPAlgo_DataMapOfIntegerMapOfPaveBlock
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from BOPAlgo_PaveFiller
static Standard_Boolean CheckFacePaves (const Standard_Integer theN, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMIFOn, const TColStd_MapOfInteger &theMIFIn)

Detailed Description

Checks the shape on self-interference.

The algorithm can set the following errors:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BOPAlgo_CheckerSI()

BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::BOPAlgo_CheckerSI ( )

◆ ~BOPAlgo_CheckerSI()

virtual BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::~BOPAlgo_CheckerSI ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CheckFaceSelfIntersection()

void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::CheckFaceSelfIntersection ( const Message_ProgressRange theRange)

◆ Init()

virtual void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::Init ( const Message_ProgressRange theRange)

Reimplemented from BOPAlgo_PaveFiller.

◆ Perform()

virtual void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::Perform ( const Message_ProgressRange theRange = Message_ProgressRange())

The main method to implement the operation Providing the range allows to enable Progress indicator User break functionalities.

Reimplemented from BOPAlgo_PaveFiller.

◆ PerformEZ()

virtual void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::PerformEZ ( const Message_ProgressRange theRange)

Edge/Solid intersection.

◆ PerformFZ()

virtual void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::PerformFZ ( const Message_ProgressRange theRange)

Face/Solid intersection.

◆ PerformSZ()

virtual void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::PerformSZ ( const TopAbs_ShapeEnum  aTS,
const Message_ProgressRange theRange 

Used for intersection of edges and faces with solids.

◆ PerformVZ()

virtual void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::PerformVZ ( const Message_ProgressRange theRange)

Methods for intersection with solids.

Vertex/Solid intersection

◆ PerformZZ()

virtual void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::PerformZZ ( const Message_ProgressRange theRange)

Solid/Solid intersection.

◆ PostTreat()

void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::PostTreat ( )

Treats the intersection results.

◆ SetLevelOfCheck()

void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::SetLevelOfCheck ( const Standard_Integer  theLevel)

Sets the level of checking shape on self-interference.
It defines which interferences will be checked:
0 - only V/V;
1 - V/V and V/E;
2 - V/V, V/E and E/E;
3 - V/V, V/E, E/E and V/F;
4 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F and E/F;
5 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F and F/F;
6 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F and V/S;
7 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F, V/S and E/S;
8 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F, V/S, E/S and F/S;
9 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F, V/S, E/S, F/S and S/S - all interferences (Default value)

Field Documentation

◆ myLevelOfCheck

Standard_Integer BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::myLevelOfCheck

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: