Open CASCADE Technology
Public Member Functions
Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve Class Reference

Describes functions for building a qualified 2D curve. A qualified 2D curve is a curve with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified curve (as an argument): More...

#include <Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve (const Geom2dAdaptor_Curve &Curve, const GccEnt_Position Qualifier)
 Constructs a qualified curve by assigning the qualifier Qualifier to the curve Curve. Qualifier may be:
Geom2dAdaptor_Curve Qualified () const
 Returns a 2D curve to which the qualifier is assigned. Warning The returned curve is an adapted curve, i.e. an object which is an interface between:
GccEnt_Position Qualifier () const
Standard_Boolean IsUnqualified () const
 Returns true if the solution is unqualified and false in the other cases.
Standard_Boolean IsEnclosing () const
 It returns true if the solution is Enclosing the Curv and false in the other cases.
Standard_Boolean IsEnclosed () const
 It returns true if the solution is Enclosed in the Curv and false in the other cases.
Standard_Boolean IsOutside () const
 It returns true if the solution is Outside the Curv and false in the other cases.

Detailed Description

Describes functions for building a qualified 2D curve. A qualified 2D curve is a curve with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified curve (as an argument):

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve()

Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve::Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve ( const Geom2dAdaptor_Curve Curve,
const GccEnt_Position  Qualifier 

Constructs a qualified curve by assigning the qualifier Qualifier to the curve Curve. Qualifier may be:

  • GccEnt_enclosing if the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified curve encloses the curve, or
  • GccEnt_enclosed if the solution is enclosed by the curve, or
  • GccEnt_outside if both the solution and the curve are external to one another, or
  • GccEnt_unqualified if all solutions apply. Note: The interior of a curve is defined as the left-hand side of the curve in relation to its orientation. Warning Curve is an adapted curve, i.e. an object which is an interface between:
  • the services provided by a 2D curve from the package Geom2d,
  • and those required on the curve by a computation algorithm. The adapted curve is created in the following way: Handle(Geom2d_Curve) mycurve = ... ; Geom2dAdaptor_Curve Curve ( mycurve ) ; The qualified curve is then constructed with this object: GccEnt_Position myQualif = GccEnt_outside ; Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve myQCurve ( Curve, myQualif ); is private;

Member Function Documentation

◆ IsEnclosed()

Standard_Boolean Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve::IsEnclosed ( ) const

It returns true if the solution is Enclosed in the Curv and false in the other cases.

◆ IsEnclosing()

Standard_Boolean Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve::IsEnclosing ( ) const

It returns true if the solution is Enclosing the Curv and false in the other cases.

◆ IsOutside()

Standard_Boolean Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve::IsOutside ( ) const

It returns true if the solution is Outside the Curv and false in the other cases.

◆ IsUnqualified()

Standard_Boolean Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve::IsUnqualified ( ) const

Returns true if the solution is unqualified and false in the other cases.

◆ Qualified()

Geom2dAdaptor_Curve Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve::Qualified ( ) const

Returns a 2D curve to which the qualifier is assigned. Warning The returned curve is an adapted curve, i.e. an object which is an interface between:

  • the services provided by a 2D curve from the package Geom2d,
  • and those required on the curve by a computation algorithm. The Geom2d curve on which the adapted curve is based can be obtained in the following way: myQualifiedCurve = ... ; Geom2dAdaptor_Curve myAdaptedCurve = myQualifiedCurve.Qualified(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) = myAdaptedCurve.Curve();

◆ Qualifier()

GccEnt_Position Geom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve::Qualifier ( ) const


  • the qualifier of this qualified curve if it is enclosing, enclosed or outside, or
  • GccEnt_noqualifier if it is unqualified.

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