Open CASCADE Technology
Static Public Member Functions
GeomLib Class Reference

Geom Library. This package provides an implementation of functions for basic computation on geometric entity from packages Geom and Geom2d. More...

#include <GeomLib.hxx>

Static Public Member Functions

static Handle< Geom_CurveTo3d (const gp_Ax2 &Position, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &Curve2d)
 Computes the curve 3d from package Geom corresponding to curve 2d from package Geom2d, on the plan defined with the local coordinate system Position.
static Handle< Geom2d_CurveGTransform (const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &Curve, const gp_GTrsf2d &GTrsf)
 Computes the curve 3d from package Geom corresponding to the curve 3d from package Geom, transformed with the transformation <GTrsf> WARNING : this method may return a null Handle if it's impossible to compute the transformation of a curve. It's not implemented when : 1) the curve is an infinite parabola or hyperbola 2) the curve is an offsetcurve.
static void SameRange (const Standard_Real Tolerance, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &Curve2dPtr, const Standard_Real First, const Standard_Real Last, const Standard_Real RequestedFirst, const Standard_Real RequestedLast, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &NewCurve2dPtr)
 Make the curve Curve2dPtr have the imposed range First to List the most economic way, that is if it can change the range without changing the nature of the curve it will try to do that. Otherwise it will produce a Bspline curve that has the required range.
static void BuildCurve3d (const Standard_Real Tolerance, Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface &CurvePtr, const Standard_Real FirstParameter, const Standard_Real LastParameter, Handle< Geom_Curve > &NewCurvePtr, Standard_Real &MaxDeviation, Standard_Real &AverageDeviation, const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity=GeomAbs_C1, const Standard_Integer MaxDegree=14, const Standard_Integer MaxSegment=30)
static void AdjustExtremity (Handle< Geom_BoundedCurve > &Curve, const gp_Pnt &P1, const gp_Pnt &P2, const gp_Vec &T1, const gp_Vec &T2)
static void ExtendCurveToPoint (Handle< Geom_BoundedCurve > &Curve, const gp_Pnt &Point, const Standard_Integer Cont, const Standard_Boolean After)
 Extends the bounded curve Curve to the point Point. The extension is built:
static void ExtendSurfByLength (Handle< Geom_BoundedSurface > &Surf, const Standard_Real Length, const Standard_Integer Cont, const Standard_Boolean InU, const Standard_Boolean After)
 Extends the bounded surface Surf along one of its boundaries. The chord length of the extension is equal to Length. The direction of the extension is given as:
static void AxeOfInertia (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt &Points, gp_Ax2 &Axe, Standard_Boolean &IsSingular, const Standard_Real Tol=1.0e-7)
 Compute axes of inertia, of some points – – – <Axe>.Location() is the BaryCentre – – – – – <Axe>.XDirection is the axe of upper inertia – – – – <Axe>.Direction is the Normal to the average plane – – – IsSingular is True if points are on line – Tol is used to determine singular cases.
static void Inertia (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt &Points, gp_Pnt &Bary, gp_Dir &XDir, gp_Dir &YDir, Standard_Real &Xgap, Standard_Real &YGap, Standard_Real &ZGap)
 Compute principale axes of inertia, and dispersion value of some points.
static void RemovePointsFromArray (const Standard_Integer NumPoints, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &InParameters, Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &OutParameters)
 Warning! This assume that the InParameter is an increasing sequence of real number and it will not check for that : Unpredictable result can happen if this is not satisfied. It is the caller responsibility to check for that property.
static void DensifyArray1OfReal (const Standard_Integer MinNumPoints, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &InParameters, Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &OutParameters)
 this makes sure that there is at least MinNumPoints in OutParameters taking into account the parameters in the InParameters array provided those are in order, that is the sequence of real in the InParameter is strictly non decreasing
static void FuseIntervals (const TColStd_Array1OfReal &Interval1, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &Interval2, TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Fusion, const Standard_Real Confusion=1.0e-9, const Standard_Boolean IsAdjustToFirstInterval=Standard_False)
 This method fuse intervals Interval1 and Interval2 with specified Confusion.
static void EvalMaxParametricDistance (const Adaptor3d_Curve &Curve, const Adaptor3d_Curve &AReferenceCurve, const Standard_Real Tolerance, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &Parameters, Standard_Real &MaxDistance)
 this will compute the maximum distance at the parameters given in the Parameters array by evaluating each parameter the two curves and taking the maximum of the evaluated distance
static void EvalMaxDistanceAlongParameter (const Adaptor3d_Curve &Curve, const Adaptor3d_Curve &AReferenceCurve, const Standard_Real Tolerance, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &Parameters, Standard_Real &MaxDistance)
 this will compute the maximum distance at the parameters given in the Parameters array by projecting from the Curve to the reference curve and taking the minimum distance Than the maximum will be taken on those minimas.
static void CancelDenominatorDerivative (Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &BSurf, const Standard_Boolean UDirection, const Standard_Boolean VDirection)
 Cancel,on the boundaries,the denominator first derivative in the directions wished by the user and set its value to 1.
static Standard_Integer NormEstim (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &theSurf, const gp_Pnt2d &theUV, const Standard_Real theTol, gp_Dir &theNorm)
 Estimate surface normal at the given (U, V) point.
static void IsClosed (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, const Standard_Real Tol, Standard_Boolean &isUClosed, Standard_Boolean &isVClosed)
 This method defines if opposite boundaries of surface coincide with given tolerance.
static Standard_Boolean IsBSplUClosed (const Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &S, const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2, const Standard_Real Tol)
 Returns true if the poles of U1 isoline and the poles of U2 isoline of surface are identical according to tolerance criterion. For rational surfaces Weights(i)*Poles(i) are checked.
static Standard_Boolean IsBSplVClosed (const Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &S, const Standard_Real V1, const Standard_Real V2, const Standard_Real Tol)
 Returns true if the poles of V1 isoline and the poles of V2 isoline of surface are identical according to tolerance criterion. For rational surfaces Weights(i)*Poles(i) are checked.
static Standard_Boolean IsBzUClosed (const Handle< Geom_BezierSurface > &S, const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2, const Standard_Real Tol)
 Returns true if the poles of U1 isoline and the poles of U2 isoline of surface are identical according to tolerance criterion.
static Standard_Boolean IsBzVClosed (const Handle< Geom_BezierSurface > &S, const Standard_Real V1, const Standard_Real V2, const Standard_Real Tol)
 Returns true if the poles of V1 isoline and the poles of V2 isoline of surface are identical according to tolerance criterion.
static Standard_Boolean isIsoLine (const Handle< Adaptor2d_Curve2d > &theC2D, Standard_Boolean &theIsU, Standard_Real &theParam, Standard_Boolean &theIsForward)
 Checks whether the 2d curve is a isoline. It can be represented by b-spline, bezier, or geometric line. This line should have natural parameterization.
static Handle< Geom_CurvebuildC3dOnIsoLine (const Handle< Adaptor2d_Curve2d > &theC2D, const Handle< Adaptor3d_Surface > &theSurf, const Standard_Real theFirst, const Standard_Real theLast, const Standard_Real theTolerance, const Standard_Boolean theIsU, const Standard_Real theParam, const Standard_Boolean theIsForward)
 Builds 3D curve for a isoline. This method takes corresponding isoline from the input surface.

Detailed Description

Geom Library. This package provides an implementation of functions for basic computation on geometric entity from packages Geom and Geom2d.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AdjustExtremity()

static void GeomLib::AdjustExtremity ( Handle< Geom_BoundedCurve > &  Curve,
const gp_Pnt P1,
const gp_Pnt P2,
const gp_Vec T1,
const gp_Vec T2 

◆ AxeOfInertia()

static void GeomLib::AxeOfInertia ( const TColgp_Array1OfPnt Points,
gp_Ax2 Axe,
Standard_Boolean IsSingular,
const Standard_Real  Tol = 1.0e-7 

Compute axes of inertia, of some points – – – <Axe>.Location() is the BaryCentre – – – – – <Axe>.XDirection is the axe of upper inertia – – – – <Axe>.Direction is the Normal to the average plane – – – IsSingular is True if points are on line – Tol is used to determine singular cases.

◆ buildC3dOnIsoLine()

static Handle< Geom_Curve > GeomLib::buildC3dOnIsoLine ( const Handle< Adaptor2d_Curve2d > &  theC2D,
const Handle< Adaptor3d_Surface > &  theSurf,
const Standard_Real  theFirst,
const Standard_Real  theLast,
const Standard_Real  theTolerance,
const Standard_Boolean  theIsU,
const Standard_Real  theParam,
const Standard_Boolean  theIsForward 

Builds 3D curve for a isoline. This method takes corresponding isoline from the input surface.

theC2DTrimmed curve to be approximated.
theIsUFlag indicating that line is u const.
theParamLine parameter.
theIsForwardFlag indicating forward parameterization on a isoline.
Standard_True when 3d curve is built and Standard_False otherwise.

◆ BuildCurve3d()

static void GeomLib::BuildCurve3d ( const Standard_Real  Tolerance,
Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface CurvePtr,
const Standard_Real  FirstParameter,
const Standard_Real  LastParameter,
Handle< Geom_Curve > &  NewCurvePtr,
Standard_Real MaxDeviation,
Standard_Real AverageDeviation,
const GeomAbs_Shape  Continuity = GeomAbs_C1,
const Standard_Integer  MaxDegree = 14,
const Standard_Integer  MaxSegment = 30 

◆ CancelDenominatorDerivative()

static void GeomLib::CancelDenominatorDerivative ( Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &  BSurf,
const Standard_Boolean  UDirection,
const Standard_Boolean  VDirection 

Cancel,on the boundaries,the denominator first derivative in the directions wished by the user and set its value to 1.

◆ DensifyArray1OfReal()

static void GeomLib::DensifyArray1OfReal ( const Standard_Integer  MinNumPoints,
const TColStd_Array1OfReal InParameters,
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &  OutParameters 

this makes sure that there is at least MinNumPoints in OutParameters taking into account the parameters in the InParameters array provided those are in order, that is the sequence of real in the InParameter is strictly non decreasing

◆ EvalMaxDistanceAlongParameter()

static void GeomLib::EvalMaxDistanceAlongParameter ( const Adaptor3d_Curve Curve,
const Adaptor3d_Curve AReferenceCurve,
const Standard_Real  Tolerance,
const TColStd_Array1OfReal Parameters,
Standard_Real MaxDistance 

this will compute the maximum distance at the parameters given in the Parameters array by projecting from the Curve to the reference curve and taking the minimum distance Than the maximum will be taken on those minimas.

◆ EvalMaxParametricDistance()

static void GeomLib::EvalMaxParametricDistance ( const Adaptor3d_Curve Curve,
const Adaptor3d_Curve AReferenceCurve,
const Standard_Real  Tolerance,
const TColStd_Array1OfReal Parameters,
Standard_Real MaxDistance 

this will compute the maximum distance at the parameters given in the Parameters array by evaluating each parameter the two curves and taking the maximum of the evaluated distance

◆ ExtendCurveToPoint()

static void GeomLib::ExtendCurveToPoint ( Handle< Geom_BoundedCurve > &  Curve,
const gp_Pnt Point,
const Standard_Integer  Cont,
const Standard_Boolean  After 

Extends the bounded curve Curve to the point Point. The extension is built:

  • at the end of the curve if After equals true, or
  • at the beginning of the curve if After equals false. The extension is performed according to a degree of continuity equal to Cont, which in its turn must be equal to 1, 2 or 3. This function converts the bounded curve Curve into a BSpline curve. Warning
  • Nothing is done, and Curve is not modified if Cont is not equal to 1, 2 or 3.
  • It is recommended that the extension should not be too large with respect to the size of the bounded curve Curve: Point must not be located too far from one of the extremities of Curve.

◆ ExtendSurfByLength()

static void GeomLib::ExtendSurfByLength ( Handle< Geom_BoundedSurface > &  Surf,
const Standard_Real  Length,
const Standard_Integer  Cont,
const Standard_Boolean  InU,
const Standard_Boolean  After 

Extends the bounded surface Surf along one of its boundaries. The chord length of the extension is equal to Length. The direction of the extension is given as:

  • the u parametric direction of Surf, if InU equals true, or
  • the v parametric direction of Surf, if InU equals false. In this parametric direction, the extension is built on the side of:
  • the last parameter of Surf, if After equals true, or
  • the first parameter of Surf, if After equals false. The extension is performed according to a degree of continuity equal to Cont, which in its turn must be equal to 1, 2 or 3. This function converts the bounded surface Surf into a BSpline surface. Warning
  • Nothing is done, and Surf is not modified if Cont is not equal to 1, 2 or 3.
  • It is recommended that Length, the size of the extension should not be too large with respect to the size of the bounded surface Surf.
  • Surf must not be a periodic BSpline surface in the parametric direction corresponding to the direction of extension.

◆ FuseIntervals()

static void GeomLib::FuseIntervals ( const TColStd_Array1OfReal Interval1,
const TColStd_Array1OfReal Interval2,
TColStd_SequenceOfReal Fusion,
const Standard_Real  Confusion = 1.0e-9,
const Standard_Boolean  IsAdjustToFirstInterval = Standard_False 

This method fuse intervals Interval1 and Interval2 with specified Confusion.

Interval1[in] first interval to fuse
Interval2[in] second interval to fuse
Confision[in] tolerance to compare intervals
IsAdjustToFirstInterval[in] flag to set method of fusion, if intervals are close if false, intervals are fusing by half-division methdod if true, intervals are fusing by selecting value from Interval1
Fusion[out] output interval

◆ GTransform()

static Handle< Geom2d_Curve > GeomLib::GTransform ( const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  Curve,
const gp_GTrsf2d GTrsf 

Computes the curve 3d from package Geom corresponding to the curve 3d from package Geom, transformed with the transformation <GTrsf> WARNING : this method may return a null Handle if it's impossible to compute the transformation of a curve. It's not implemented when : 1) the curve is an infinite parabola or hyperbola 2) the curve is an offsetcurve.

◆ Inertia()

static void GeomLib::Inertia ( const TColgp_Array1OfPnt Points,
gp_Pnt Bary,
gp_Dir XDir,
gp_Dir YDir,
Standard_Real Xgap,
Standard_Real YGap,
Standard_Real ZGap 

Compute principale axes of inertia, and dispersion value of some points.

◆ IsBSplUClosed()

static Standard_Boolean GeomLib::IsBSplUClosed ( const Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &  S,
const Standard_Real  U1,
const Standard_Real  U2,
const Standard_Real  Tol 

Returns true if the poles of U1 isoline and the poles of U2 isoline of surface are identical according to tolerance criterion. For rational surfaces Weights(i)*Poles(i) are checked.

◆ IsBSplVClosed()

static Standard_Boolean GeomLib::IsBSplVClosed ( const Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &  S,
const Standard_Real  V1,
const Standard_Real  V2,
const Standard_Real  Tol 

Returns true if the poles of V1 isoline and the poles of V2 isoline of surface are identical according to tolerance criterion. For rational surfaces Weights(i)*Poles(i) are checked.

◆ IsBzUClosed()

static Standard_Boolean GeomLib::IsBzUClosed ( const Handle< Geom_BezierSurface > &  S,
const Standard_Real  U1,
const Standard_Real  U2,
const Standard_Real  Tol 

Returns true if the poles of U1 isoline and the poles of U2 isoline of surface are identical according to tolerance criterion.

◆ IsBzVClosed()

static Standard_Boolean GeomLib::IsBzVClosed ( const Handle< Geom_BezierSurface > &  S,
const Standard_Real  V1,
const Standard_Real  V2,
const Standard_Real  Tol 

Returns true if the poles of V1 isoline and the poles of V2 isoline of surface are identical according to tolerance criterion.

◆ IsClosed()

static void GeomLib::IsClosed ( const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
const Standard_Real  Tol,
Standard_Boolean isUClosed,
Standard_Boolean isVClosed 

This method defines if opposite boundaries of surface coincide with given tolerance.

◆ isIsoLine()

static Standard_Boolean GeomLib::isIsoLine ( const Handle< Adaptor2d_Curve2d > &  theC2D,
Standard_Boolean theIsU,
Standard_Real theParam,
Standard_Boolean theIsForward 

Checks whether the 2d curve is a isoline. It can be represented by b-spline, bezier, or geometric line. This line should have natural parameterization.

theC2DTrimmed curve to be checked.
theIsUFlag indicating that line is u const.
theParamLine parameter.
theIsForwardFlag indicating forward parameterization on a isoline.
Standard_True when 2d curve is a line and Standard_False otherwise.

◆ NormEstim()

static Standard_Integer GeomLib::NormEstim ( const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  theSurf,
const gp_Pnt2d theUV,
const Standard_Real  theTol,
gp_Dir theNorm 

Estimate surface normal at the given (U, V) point.

[in]theSurfinput surface
[in]theUV(U, V) point coordinates on the surface
[in]theTolestimation tolerance
[out]theNormcomputed normal
0 if normal estimated from D1, 1 if estimated from D2 (quasysingular), >=2 in case of failure (undefined or infinite solutions)

◆ RemovePointsFromArray()

static void GeomLib::RemovePointsFromArray ( const Standard_Integer  NumPoints,
const TColStd_Array1OfReal InParameters,
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &  OutParameters 

Warning! This assume that the InParameter is an increasing sequence of real number and it will not check for that : Unpredictable result can happen if this is not satisfied. It is the caller responsibility to check for that property.

This method makes uniform NumPoints segments S1,...SNumPoints out of the segment defined by the first parameter and the last parameter of the InParameter ; keeps only one point of the InParameters set of parameter in each of the uniform segments taking care of the first and the last parameters. For the ith segment the element of the InParameter is the one that is the first to exceed the midpoint of the segment and to fall before the midpoint of the next segment There will be at the end at most NumPoints + 1 if NumPoints > 2 in the OutParameters Array

◆ SameRange()

static void GeomLib::SameRange ( const Standard_Real  Tolerance,
const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  Curve2dPtr,
const Standard_Real  First,
const Standard_Real  Last,
const Standard_Real  RequestedFirst,
const Standard_Real  RequestedLast,
Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  NewCurve2dPtr 

Make the curve Curve2dPtr have the imposed range First to List the most economic way, that is if it can change the range without changing the nature of the curve it will try to do that. Otherwise it will produce a Bspline curve that has the required range.

◆ To3d()

static Handle< Geom_Curve > GeomLib::To3d ( const gp_Ax2 Position,
const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  Curve2d 

Computes the curve 3d from package Geom corresponding to curve 2d from package Geom2d, on the plan defined with the local coordinate system Position.

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