Open CASCADE Technology
Public Member Functions
XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject Class Reference

Access object to store dimension data. More...

#include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject ()
 XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject (const Handle< XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject > &theObj)
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiStringGetSemanticName () const
 Returns semantic name.
void SetSemanticName (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &theName)
 Sets semantic name.
void SetQualifier (const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionQualifier theQualifier)
 Sets dimension qualifier as min., max. or average.
XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionQualifier GetQualifier () const
 Returns dimension qualifier.
Standard_Boolean HasQualifier () const
 Returns True if the object has dimension qualifier.
void SetAngularQualifier (const XCAFDimTolObjects_AngularQualifier theAngularQualifier)
 Sets angular qualifier as small, large or equal.
XCAFDimTolObjects_AngularQualifier GetAngularQualifier () const
 Returns angular qualifier.
Standard_Boolean HasAngularQualifier () const
 Returns True if the object has angular qualifier.
void SetType (const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionType theTyupe)
 Sets a specific type of dimension.
XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionType GetType () const
 Returns dimension type.
Standard_Real GetValue () const
 Returns the main dimension value. It will be the middle value in case of range dimension.
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfRealGetValues () const
 Returns raw array of dimension values.
void SetValue (const Standard_Real theValue)
 Sets the main dimension value. Overwrites previous values.
void SetValues (const Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &theValue)
 Replaces current raw array of dimension values with theValues array.
Standard_Boolean IsDimWithRange () const
 Returns True if the dimension is of range kind. Dimension is of range kind if its values array contains two elements defining lower and upper bounds.
void SetUpperBound (const Standard_Real theUpperBound)
 Sets the upper bound of the range dimension, otherwise resets it to an empty range with the specified upper bound.
void SetLowerBound (const Standard_Real theLowerBound)
 Sets the lower bound of the range dimension, otherwise resets it to an empty range with the specified lower bound.
Standard_Real GetUpperBound () const
 Returns the upper bound of the range dimension, otherwise - zero.
Standard_Real GetLowerBound () const
 Returns the lower bound of the range dimension, otherwise - zero.
Standard_Boolean IsDimWithPlusMinusTolerance () const
 Returns True if the dimension is of +/- tolerance kind. Dimension is of +/- tolerance kind if its values array contains three elements defining the main value and the lower/upper tolerances.
Standard_Boolean SetUpperTolValue (const Standard_Real theUperTolValue)
 Sets the upper value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise resets a simple dimension to toleranced one with the specified lower/upper tolerances. Returns False in case of range dimension.
Standard_Boolean SetLowerTolValue (const Standard_Real theLowerTolValue)
 Sets the lower value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise resets a simple dimension to toleranced one with the specified lower/upper tolerances. Returns False in case of range dimension.
Standard_Real GetUpperTolValue () const
 Returns the lower value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise - zero.
Standard_Real GetLowerTolValue () const
 Returns the upper value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise - zero.
Standard_Boolean IsDimWithClassOfTolerance () const
 Returns True if the form variance was set to not XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance_None value.
void SetClassOfTolerance (const Standard_Boolean theHole, const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance theFormVariance, const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionGrade theGrade)
 Sets tolerance class of the dimension.
Standard_Boolean GetClassOfTolerance (Standard_Boolean &theHole, XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance &theFormVariance, XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionGrade &theGrade) const
 Retrieves tolerance class parameters of the dimension. Returns True if the dimension is toleranced.
void SetNbOfDecimalPlaces (const Standard_Integer theL, const Standard_Integer theR)
 Sets the number of places to the left and right of the decimal point respectively.
void GetNbOfDecimalPlaces (Standard_Integer &theL, Standard_Integer &theR) const
 Returns the number of places to the left and right of the decimal point respectively.
XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModifiersSequence GetModifiers () const
 Returns a sequence of modifiers of the dimension.
void SetModifiers (const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModifiersSequence &theModifiers)
 Sets new sequence of dimension modifiers.
void AddModifier (const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModif theModifier)
 Adds a modifier to the dimension sequence of modifiers.
TopoDS_Edge GetPath () const
 Returns a 'curve' along which the dimension is measured.
void SetPath (const TopoDS_Edge &thePath)
 Sets a 'curve' along which the dimension is measured.
Standard_Boolean GetDirection (gp_Dir &theDir) const
 Returns the orientation of the dimension in annotation plane.
Standard_Boolean SetDirection (const gp_Dir &theDir)
 Sets an orientation of the dimension in annotation plane.
void SetPointTextAttach (const gp_Pnt &thePntText)
 Sets position of the dimension text.
const gp_PntGetPointTextAttach () const
 Returns position of the dimension text.
Standard_Boolean HasTextPoint () const
 Returns True if the position of dimension text is specified.
void SetPlane (const gp_Ax2 &thePlane)
 Sets annotation plane.
const gp_Ax2GetPlane () const
 Returns annotation plane.
Standard_Boolean HasPlane () const
 Returns True if the object has annotation plane.
Standard_Boolean HasPoint () const
 Returns true, if connection point exists (for dimensional_size), if connection point for the first shape exists (for dimensional_location).
Standard_Boolean HasPoint2 () const
void SetPoint (const gp_Pnt &thePnt)
 Set connection point (for dimensional_size), Set connection point for the first shape (for dimensional_location).
void SetPoint2 (const gp_Pnt &thePnt)
gp_Pnt GetPoint () const
 Get connection point (for dimensional_size), Get connection point for the first shape (for dimensional_location).
gp_Pnt GetPoint2 () const
void SetPresentation (const TopoDS_Shape &thePresentation, const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &thePresentationName)
 Set graphical presentation for the object.
TopoDS_Shape GetPresentation () const
 Returns graphical presentation of the object.
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiStringGetPresentationName () const
 Returns graphical presentation of the object.
Standard_Boolean HasDescriptions () const
 Returns true, if the object has descriptions.
Standard_Integer NbDescriptions () const
 Returns number of descriptions.
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiStringGetDescription (const Standard_Integer theNumber) const
 Returns description with the given number.
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiStringGetDescriptionName (const Standard_Integer theNumber) const
 Returns name of description with the given number.
void RemoveDescription (const Standard_Integer theNumber)
 Remove description with the given number.
void AddDescription (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > theDescription, const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > theName)
 Add new description.
void DumpJson (Standard_OStream &theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth=-1) const
 Dumps the content of me into the stream.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor.
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing.
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter.
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual.
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero.
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const noexcept
 Get the reference counter of this object.
void IncrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Increments the reference counter of this object.
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value.
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Standard_Transient
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
static constexpr const charget_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class.

Detailed Description

Access object to store dimension data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject() [1/2]

XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject ( )

◆ XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject() [2/2]

XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject ( const Handle< XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject > &  theObj)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddDescription()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::AddDescription ( const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString theDescription,
const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString theName 

Add new description.

◆ AddModifier()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::AddModifier ( const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModif  theModifier)

Adds a modifier to the dimension sequence of modifiers.

◆ DumpJson()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::DumpJson ( Standard_OStream theOStream,
Standard_Integer  theDepth = -1 
) const

Dumps the content of me into the stream.

◆ GetAngularQualifier()

XCAFDimTolObjects_AngularQualifier XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetAngularQualifier ( ) const

Returns angular qualifier.

◆ GetClassOfTolerance()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetClassOfTolerance ( Standard_Boolean theHole,
XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance theFormVariance,
XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionGrade theGrade 
) const

Retrieves tolerance class parameters of the dimension. Returns True if the dimension is toleranced.

◆ GetDescription()

Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetDescription ( const Standard_Integer  theNumber) const

Returns description with the given number.

◆ GetDescriptionName()

Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetDescriptionName ( const Standard_Integer  theNumber) const

Returns name of description with the given number.

◆ GetDirection()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetDirection ( gp_Dir theDir) const

Returns the orientation of the dimension in annotation plane.

◆ GetLowerBound()

Standard_Real XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetLowerBound ( ) const

Returns the lower bound of the range dimension, otherwise - zero.

◆ GetLowerTolValue()

Standard_Real XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetLowerTolValue ( ) const

Returns the upper value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise - zero.

◆ GetModifiers()

XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModifiersSequence XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetModifiers ( ) const

Returns a sequence of modifiers of the dimension.

◆ GetNbOfDecimalPlaces()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetNbOfDecimalPlaces ( Standard_Integer theL,
Standard_Integer theR 
) const

Returns the number of places to the left and right of the decimal point respectively.

◆ GetPath()

TopoDS_Edge XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetPath ( ) const

Returns a 'curve' along which the dimension is measured.

◆ GetPlane()

const gp_Ax2 & XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetPlane ( ) const

Returns annotation plane.

◆ GetPoint()

gp_Pnt XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetPoint ( ) const

Get connection point (for dimensional_size), Get connection point for the first shape (for dimensional_location).

◆ GetPoint2()

gp_Pnt XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetPoint2 ( ) const

◆ GetPointTextAttach()

const gp_Pnt & XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetPointTextAttach ( ) const

Returns position of the dimension text.

◆ GetPresentation()

TopoDS_Shape XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetPresentation ( ) const

Returns graphical presentation of the object.

◆ GetPresentationName()

Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetPresentationName ( ) const

Returns graphical presentation of the object.

◆ GetQualifier()

XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionQualifier XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetQualifier ( ) const

Returns dimension qualifier.

◆ GetSemanticName()

Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetSemanticName ( ) const

Returns semantic name.

◆ GetType()

XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionType XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetType ( ) const

Returns dimension type.

◆ GetUpperBound()

Standard_Real XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetUpperBound ( ) const

Returns the upper bound of the range dimension, otherwise - zero.

◆ GetUpperTolValue()

Standard_Real XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetUpperTolValue ( ) const

Returns the lower value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise - zero.

◆ GetValue()

Standard_Real XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetValue ( ) const

Returns the main dimension value. It will be the middle value in case of range dimension.

◆ GetValues()

Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::GetValues ( ) const

Returns raw array of dimension values.

◆ HasAngularQualifier()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::HasAngularQualifier ( ) const

Returns True if the object has angular qualifier.

◆ HasDescriptions()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::HasDescriptions ( ) const

Returns true, if the object has descriptions.

◆ HasPlane()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::HasPlane ( ) const

Returns True if the object has annotation plane.

◆ HasPoint()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::HasPoint ( ) const

Returns true, if connection point exists (for dimensional_size), if connection point for the first shape exists (for dimensional_location).

◆ HasPoint2()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::HasPoint2 ( ) const

◆ HasQualifier()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::HasQualifier ( ) const

Returns True if the object has dimension qualifier.

◆ HasTextPoint()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::HasTextPoint ( ) const

Returns True if the position of dimension text is specified.

◆ IsDimWithClassOfTolerance()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::IsDimWithClassOfTolerance ( ) const

Returns True if the form variance was set to not XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance_None value.

◆ IsDimWithPlusMinusTolerance()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::IsDimWithPlusMinusTolerance ( ) const

Returns True if the dimension is of +/- tolerance kind. Dimension is of +/- tolerance kind if its values array contains three elements defining the main value and the lower/upper tolerances.

◆ IsDimWithRange()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::IsDimWithRange ( ) const

Returns True if the dimension is of range kind. Dimension is of range kind if its values array contains two elements defining lower and upper bounds.

◆ NbDescriptions()

Standard_Integer XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::NbDescriptions ( ) const

Returns number of descriptions.

◆ RemoveDescription()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::RemoveDescription ( const Standard_Integer  theNumber)

Remove description with the given number.

◆ SetAngularQualifier()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetAngularQualifier ( const XCAFDimTolObjects_AngularQualifier  theAngularQualifier)

Sets angular qualifier as small, large or equal.

◆ SetClassOfTolerance()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetClassOfTolerance ( const Standard_Boolean  theHole,
const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionFormVariance  theFormVariance,
const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionGrade  theGrade 

Sets tolerance class of the dimension.

theHole- True if the tolerance applies to an internal feature
theFormVariance- represents the fundamental deviation or "position letter" of the ISO 286 limits-and-fits tolerance classification.
theGrade- represents the quality or the accuracy grade of a tolerance.

◆ SetDirection()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetDirection ( const gp_Dir theDir)

Sets an orientation of the dimension in annotation plane.

◆ SetLowerBound()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetLowerBound ( const Standard_Real  theLowerBound)

Sets the lower bound of the range dimension, otherwise resets it to an empty range with the specified lower bound.

◆ SetLowerTolValue()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetLowerTolValue ( const Standard_Real  theLowerTolValue)

Sets the lower value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise resets a simple dimension to toleranced one with the specified lower/upper tolerances. Returns False in case of range dimension.

◆ SetModifiers()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetModifiers ( const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionModifiersSequence theModifiers)

Sets new sequence of dimension modifiers.

◆ SetNbOfDecimalPlaces()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetNbOfDecimalPlaces ( const Standard_Integer  theL,
const Standard_Integer  theR 

Sets the number of places to the left and right of the decimal point respectively.

◆ SetPath()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetPath ( const TopoDS_Edge thePath)

Sets a 'curve' along which the dimension is measured.

◆ SetPlane()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetPlane ( const gp_Ax2 thePlane)

Sets annotation plane.

◆ SetPoint()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetPoint ( const gp_Pnt thePnt)

Set connection point (for dimensional_size), Set connection point for the first shape (for dimensional_location).

◆ SetPoint2()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetPoint2 ( const gp_Pnt thePnt)

◆ SetPointTextAttach()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetPointTextAttach ( const gp_Pnt thePntText)

Sets position of the dimension text.

◆ SetPresentation()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetPresentation ( const TopoDS_Shape thePresentation,
const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &  thePresentationName 

Set graphical presentation for the object.

◆ SetQualifier()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetQualifier ( const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionQualifier  theQualifier)

Sets dimension qualifier as min., max. or average.

◆ SetSemanticName()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetSemanticName ( const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &  theName)

Sets semantic name.

◆ SetType()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetType ( const XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionType  theTyupe)

Sets a specific type of dimension.

◆ SetUpperBound()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetUpperBound ( const Standard_Real  theUpperBound)

Sets the upper bound of the range dimension, otherwise resets it to an empty range with the specified upper bound.

◆ SetUpperTolValue()

Standard_Boolean XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetUpperTolValue ( const Standard_Real  theUperTolValue)

Sets the upper value of the toleranced dimension, otherwise resets a simple dimension to toleranced one with the specified lower/upper tolerances. Returns False in case of range dimension.

◆ SetValue()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetValue ( const Standard_Real  theValue)

Sets the main dimension value. Overwrites previous values.

◆ SetValues()

void XCAFDimTolObjects_DimensionObject::SetValues ( const Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &  theValue)

Replaces current raw array of dimension values with theValues array.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: