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XSControl_TransferReader Class Reference

A TransferReader performs, manages, handles results of, transfers done when reading a file (i.e. from entities of an InterfaceModel, to objects for Imagine) More...

#include <XSControl_TransferReader.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for XSControl_TransferReader:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 XSControl_TransferReader ()
 Creates a TransferReader, empty.
void SetController (const Handle< XSControl_Controller > &theControl)
 Sets a Controller. It is required to generate the Actor. Elsewhere, the Actor must be provided directly.
void SetActor (const Handle< Transfer_ActorOfTransientProcess > &theActor)
 Sets the Actor directly : this value will be used if the Controller is not set.
Handle< Transfer_ActorOfTransientProcessActor ()
 Returns the Actor, determined by the Controller, or if this one is unknown, directly set. Once it has been defined, it can then be edited.
void SetModel (const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > &theModel)
 Sets an InterfaceModel. This causes former results, computed from another one, to be lost (see also Clear)
void SetGraph (const Handle< Interface_HGraph > &theGraph)
 Sets a Graph and its InterfaceModel (calls SetModel)
const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > & Model () const
 Returns the currently set InterfaceModel.
void SetContext (const Standard_CString theName, const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theCtx)
 Sets a Context : according to receiving appli, to be interpreted by the Actor.
Standard_Boolean GetContext (const Standard_CString theName, const Handle< Standard_Type > &theType, Handle< Standard_Transient > &theCtx) const
 Returns the Context attached to a name, if set and if it is Kind of the type, else a Null Handle Returns True if OK, False if no Context.
NCollection_DataMap< TCollection_AsciiString, Handle< Standard_Transient > > & Context ()
 Returns (modifiable) the whole definition of Context Rather for internal use (ex.: preparing and setting in once)
void SetFileName (const Standard_CString theName)
 Sets a new value for (loaded) file name.
Standard_CString FileName () const
 Returns actual value of file name.
void Clear (const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Clears data, according mode : -1 all 0 nothing done +1 final results +2 working data (model, context, transfer process)
const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > & TransientProcess () const
 Returns the currently used TransientProcess It is computed from the model by TransferReadRoots, or by BeginTransferRead.
void SetTransientProcess (const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > &theTP)
 Forces the TransientProcess Remark : it also changes the Model and the Actor, from those recorded in the new TransientProcess.
Standard_Boolean RecordResult (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt)
 Records a final result of transferring an entity This result is recorded as a ResultFromModel, taken from the TransientProcess Returns True if a result is available, False else.
Standard_Boolean IsRecorded (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt) const
 Returns True if a final result is recorded for an entity Remark that it can bring no effective result if transfer has completely failed (FinalResult brings only fail messages ...)
Standard_Boolean HasResult (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt) const
 Returns True if a final result is recorded AND BRINGS AN EFFECTIVE RESULT (else, it brings only fail messages)
Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransientRecordedList () const
 Returns the list of entities to which a final result is attached (i.e. processed by RecordResult)
Standard_Boolean Skip (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt)
 Note that an entity has been required for transfer but no result at all is available (typically : case not implemented) It is not an error, but it gives a specific status : Skipped Returns True if done, False if <ent> is not in starting model.
Standard_Boolean IsSkipped (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt) const
 Returns True if an entity is noted as skipped.
Standard_Boolean IsMarked (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt) const
 Returns True if an entity has been asked for transfert, hence it is marked, as : Recorded (a computation has ran, with or without an effective result), or Skipped (case ignored)
Handle< Transfer_ResultFromModelFinalResult (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt) const
 Returns the final result recorded for an entity, as such.
Standard_CString FinalEntityLabel (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt) const
 Returns the label attached to an entity recorded for final, or an empty string if not recorded.
Standard_Integer FinalEntityNumber (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt) const
 Returns the number attached to the entity recorded for final, or zero if not recorded (looks in the ResultFromModel)
Handle< Transfer_ResultFromModelResultFromNumber (const Standard_Integer theNum) const
 Returns the final result recorded for a NUMBER of entity (internal use). Null if out of range.
Handle< Standard_TransientTransientResult (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt) const
 Returns the resulting object as a Transient Null Handle if no result or result not transient.
TopoDS_Shape ShapeResult (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt) const
 Returns the resulting object as a Shape Null Shape if no result or result not a shape.
Standard_Boolean ClearResult (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt, const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Clears recorded result for an entity, according mode <mode> = -1 : true, complete, clearing (erasing result) <mode> >= 0 : simple "stripping", see ResultFromModel, in particular, 0 for simple internal strip, 10 for all but final result, 11 for all : just label, status and filename are kept Returns True when done, False if nothing was to clear.
Handle< Standard_TransientEntityFromResult (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theRes, const Standard_Integer theMode=0) const
 Returns an entity from which a given result was produced. If <mode> = 0 (D), searches in last root transfers If <mode> = 1, searches in last (root & sub) transfers If <mode> = 2, searches in root recorded results If <mode> = 3, searches in all (root & sub) recordeds <res> can be, either a transient object (result itself) or a binder. For a binder of shape, calls EntityFromShapeResult Returns a Null Handle if <res> not recorded.
Handle< Standard_TransientEntityFromShapeResult (const TopoDS_Shape &theRes, const Standard_Integer theMode=0) const
 Returns an entity from which a given shape result was produced Returns a Null Handle if <res> not recorded or not a Shape.
Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransientEntitiesFromShapeList (const Handle< TopTools_HSequenceOfShape > &theRes, const Standard_Integer theMode=0) const
 Returns the list of entities from which some shapes were produced : it corresponds to a loop on EntityFromShapeResult, but is optimised.
Interface_CheckIterator CheckList (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt, const Standard_Integer theLevel=0) const
 Returns the CheckList resulting from transferring <ent>, i.e. stored in its recorded form ResultFromModel (empty if transfer successful or not recorded ...)
Standard_Boolean HasChecks (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt, const Standard_Boolean FailsOnly) const
 Returns True if an entity (with a final result) has checks :
Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransientCheckedList (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt, const Interface_CheckStatus WithCheck=Interface_CheckAny, const Standard_Boolean theResult=Standard_True) const
 Returns the list of starting entities to which a given check status is attached, IN FINAL RESULTS <ent> can be an entity, or the model to query all entities Below, "entities" are, either <ent> plus its sub-transferred, or all the entities of the model.
Standard_Boolean BeginTransfer ()
 Defines a new TransferProcess for reading transfer Returns True if done, False if data are not properly defined (the Model, the Actor for Read)
Standard_Boolean Recognize (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt)
 Tells if an entity is recognized as a valid candidate for Transfer. Calls method Recognize from the Actor (if known)
Standard_Integer TransferOne (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt, const Standard_Boolean theRec=Standard_True, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange())
 Commands the transfer on reading for an entity to data for Imagine, using the selected Actor for Read Returns count of transferred entities, ok or with fails (0/1) If <rec> is True (D), the result is recorded by RecordResult.
Standard_Integer TransferList (const Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient > &theList, const Standard_Boolean theRec=Standard_True, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange())
 Commands the transfer on reading for a list of entities to data for Imagine, using the selected Actor for Read Returns count of transferred entities, ok or with fails (0/1) If <rec> is True (D), the results are recorded by RecordResult.
Standard_Integer TransferRoots (const Interface_Graph &theGraph, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange())
 Transfers the content of the current Interface Model to data handled by Imagine, starting from its Roots (determined by the Graph <G>), using the selected Actor for Read Returns the count of performed root transfers (i.e. 0 if none) or -1 if no actor is defined.
void TransferClear (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theEnt, const Standard_Integer theLevel=0)
 Clears the results attached to an entity if <ents> equates the starting model, clears all results.
void PrintStats (Standard_OStream &theStream, const Standard_Integer theWhat, const Standard_Integer theMode=0) const
 Prints statistics on current Trace File, according <what> and <mode>. See PrintStatsProcess for details.
Interface_CheckIterator LastCheckList () const
 Returns the CheckList resulting from last TransferRead i.e. from TransientProcess itself, recorded from last Clear.
Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransientLastTransferList (const Standard_Boolean theRoots) const
 Returns the list of entities recorded as lastly transferred i.e. from TransientProcess itself, recorded from last Clear If <roots> is True , considers only roots of transfer If <roots> is False, considers all entities bound with result.
const Handle< TopTools_HSequenceOfShape > & ShapeResultList (const Standard_Boolean theRec)
 Returns a list of result Shapes If <rec> is True , sees RecordedList If <rec> is False, sees LastTransferList (last ROOT transfers) For each one, if it is a Shape, it is cumulated to the list If no Shape is found, returns an empty Sequence.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor.
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing.
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter.
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual.
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero.
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const noexcept
 Get the reference counter of this object.
void IncrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Increments the reference counter of this object.
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value.
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes.

Static Public Member Functions

static void PrintStatsProcess (const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > &theTP, const Standard_Integer theWhat, const Standard_Integer theMode=0)
 This routines prints statistics about a TransientProcess It can be called, by a TransferReader, or isolately Prints are done on the default trace file <what> defines what kind of statistics are to be printed : 0 : basic figures 1 : root results 2 : all recorded (roots, intermediate, checked entities) 3 : abnormal records 4 : check messages (warnings and fails) 5 : fail messages.
static void PrintStatsOnList (const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > &theTP, const Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient > &theList, const Standard_Integer theWhat, const Standard_Integer theMode=0)
 Works as PrintStatsProcess, but displays data only on the entities which are in


- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
static constexpr const charget_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Standard_Transient
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.

Detailed Description

A TransferReader performs, manages, handles results of, transfers done when reading a file (i.e. from entities of an InterfaceModel, to objects for Imagine)

Running is organised around basic tools : TransientProcess and its Actor, results are Binders and CheckIterators. It implies control by a Controller (which prepares the Actor as required)

Getting results can be done directly on TransientProcess, but these are immediate "last produced" results. Each transfer of an entity gives a final result, but also possible intermediate data, and checks, which can be attached to sub-entities.

Hence, final results (which intermediates and checks) are recorded as ResultFromModel and can be queried individually.

Some more direct access are given for results which are Transient or Shapes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ XSControl_TransferReader()

XSControl_TransferReader::XSControl_TransferReader ( )

Creates a TransferReader, empty.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Actor()

Handle< Transfer_ActorOfTransientProcess > XSControl_TransferReader::Actor ( )

Returns the Actor, determined by the Controller, or if this one is unknown, directly set. Once it has been defined, it can then be edited.

◆ BeginTransfer()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::BeginTransfer ( )

Defines a new TransferProcess for reading transfer Returns True if done, False if data are not properly defined (the Model, the Actor for Read)

◆ CheckedList()

Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient > XSControl_TransferReader::CheckedList ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt,
const Interface_CheckStatus  WithCheck = Interface_CheckAny,
const Standard_Boolean  theResult = Standard_True 
) const

Returns the list of starting entities to which a given check status is attached, IN FINAL RESULTS <ent> can be an entity, or the model to query all entities Below, "entities" are, either <ent> plus its sub-transferred, or all the entities of the model.

<check> = -2 , all entities whatever the check (see result) <check> = -1 , entities with no fail (warning allowed) <check> = 0 , entities with no check at all <check> = 1 , entities with warning but no fail <check> = 2 , entities with fail <result> : if True, only entities with an attached result Remark : result True and check=0 will give an empty list

◆ CheckList()

Interface_CheckIterator XSControl_TransferReader::CheckList ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt,
const Standard_Integer  theLevel = 0 
) const

Returns the CheckList resulting from transferring <ent>, i.e. stored in its recorded form ResultFromModel (empty if transfer successful or not recorded ...)

If <ent> is the Model, returns the complete cumulated check-list, <level> is ignored

If <ent> is an entity of the Model, <level> applies as follows <level> : -1 for <ent> only, LAST transfer (TransientProcess) <level> : 0 for <ent> only (D) 1 for <ent> and its immediate subtransfers, if any 2 for <ent> and subtransferts at all levels

◆ Clear()

void XSControl_TransferReader::Clear ( const Standard_Integer  theMode)

Clears data, according mode : -1 all 0 nothing done +1 final results +2 working data (model, context, transfer process)

◆ ClearResult()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::ClearResult ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt,
const Standard_Integer  theMode 

Clears recorded result for an entity, according mode <mode> = -1 : true, complete, clearing (erasing result) <mode> >= 0 : simple "stripping", see ResultFromModel, in particular, 0 for simple internal strip, 10 for all but final result, 11 for all : just label, status and filename are kept Returns True when done, False if nothing was to clear.

◆ Context()

NCollection_DataMap< TCollection_AsciiString, Handle< Standard_Transient > > & XSControl_TransferReader::Context ( )

Returns (modifiable) the whole definition of Context Rather for internal use (ex.: preparing and setting in once)

◆ EntitiesFromShapeList()

Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient > XSControl_TransferReader::EntitiesFromShapeList ( const Handle< TopTools_HSequenceOfShape > &  theRes,
const Standard_Integer  theMode = 0 
) const

Returns the list of entities from which some shapes were produced : it corresponds to a loop on EntityFromShapeResult, but is optimised.

◆ EntityFromResult()

Handle< Standard_Transient > XSControl_TransferReader::EntityFromResult ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theRes,
const Standard_Integer  theMode = 0 
) const

Returns an entity from which a given result was produced. If <mode> = 0 (D), searches in last root transfers If <mode> = 1, searches in last (root & sub) transfers If <mode> = 2, searches in root recorded results If <mode> = 3, searches in all (root & sub) recordeds <res> can be, either a transient object (result itself) or a binder. For a binder of shape, calls EntityFromShapeResult Returns a Null Handle if <res> not recorded.

◆ EntityFromShapeResult()

Handle< Standard_Transient > XSControl_TransferReader::EntityFromShapeResult ( const TopoDS_Shape theRes,
const Standard_Integer  theMode = 0 
) const

Returns an entity from which a given shape result was produced Returns a Null Handle if <res> not recorded or not a Shape.

◆ FileName()

Standard_CString XSControl_TransferReader::FileName ( ) const

Returns actual value of file name.

◆ FinalEntityLabel()

Standard_CString XSControl_TransferReader::FinalEntityLabel ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt) const

Returns the label attached to an entity recorded for final, or an empty string if not recorded.

◆ FinalEntityNumber()

Standard_Integer XSControl_TransferReader::FinalEntityNumber ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt) const

Returns the number attached to the entity recorded for final, or zero if not recorded (looks in the ResultFromModel)

◆ FinalResult()

Handle< Transfer_ResultFromModel > XSControl_TransferReader::FinalResult ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt) const

Returns the final result recorded for an entity, as such.

◆ GetContext()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::GetContext ( const Standard_CString  theName,
const Handle< Standard_Type > &  theType,
Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theCtx 
) const

Returns the Context attached to a name, if set and if it is Kind of the type, else a Null Handle Returns True if OK, False if no Context.

◆ HasChecks()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::HasChecks ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt,
const Standard_Boolean  FailsOnly 
) const

Returns True if an entity (with a final result) has checks :

  • failsonly = False : any kind of check message
  • failsonly = True : fails only Returns False if <ent> is not recorded

◆ HasResult()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::HasResult ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt) const

Returns True if a final result is recorded AND BRINGS AN EFFECTIVE RESULT (else, it brings only fail messages)

◆ IsMarked()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::IsMarked ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt) const

Returns True if an entity has been asked for transfert, hence it is marked, as : Recorded (a computation has ran, with or without an effective result), or Skipped (case ignored)

◆ IsRecorded()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::IsRecorded ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt) const

Returns True if a final result is recorded for an entity Remark that it can bring no effective result if transfer has completely failed (FinalResult brings only fail messages ...)

◆ IsSkipped()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::IsSkipped ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt) const

Returns True if an entity is noted as skipped.

◆ LastCheckList()

Interface_CheckIterator XSControl_TransferReader::LastCheckList ( ) const

Returns the CheckList resulting from last TransferRead i.e. from TransientProcess itself, recorded from last Clear.

◆ LastTransferList()

Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient > XSControl_TransferReader::LastTransferList ( const Standard_Boolean  theRoots) const

Returns the list of entities recorded as lastly transferred i.e. from TransientProcess itself, recorded from last Clear If <roots> is True , considers only roots of transfer If <roots> is False, considers all entities bound with result.

◆ Model()

const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > & XSControl_TransferReader::Model ( ) const

Returns the currently set InterfaceModel.

◆ PrintStats()

void XSControl_TransferReader::PrintStats ( Standard_OStream theStream,
const Standard_Integer  theWhat,
const Standard_Integer  theMode = 0 
) const

Prints statistics on current Trace File, according <what> and <mode>. See PrintStatsProcess for details.

◆ PrintStatsOnList()

static void XSControl_TransferReader::PrintStatsOnList ( const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > &  theTP,
const Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient > &  theList,
const Standard_Integer  theWhat,
const Standard_Integer  theMode = 0 

Works as PrintStatsProcess, but displays data only on the entities which are in


◆ PrintStatsProcess()

static void XSControl_TransferReader::PrintStatsProcess ( const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > &  theTP,
const Standard_Integer  theWhat,
const Standard_Integer  theMode = 0 

This routines prints statistics about a TransientProcess It can be called, by a TransferReader, or isolately Prints are done on the default trace file <what> defines what kind of statistics are to be printed : 0 : basic figures 1 : root results 2 : all recorded (roots, intermediate, checked entities) 3 : abnormal records 4 : check messages (warnings and fails) 5 : fail messages.

<mode> is used according <what> : <what> = 0 : <mode> is ignored <what> = 1,2,3 : <mode> as follows : 0 (D) : just lists numbers of concerned entities in the model 1 : for each entity, gives number,label, type and result type and/or status (fail/warning...) 2 : for each entity, gives maximal information (i.e. checks) 3 : counts per type of starting entity (class type) 4 : counts per result type and/or status 5 : counts per couple (starting type / result type/status) 6 : idem plus gives for each item, the list of numbers of entities in the starting model

<what> = 4,5 : modes relays on an enum PrintCount : 0 (D) : ItemsByEntity (sequential list by entity) 1 : CountByItem 2 : ShortByItem (count + 5 first numbers) 3 : ListByItem (count + entity numbers) 4 : EntitiesByItem (count + entity numbers and labels)

◆ Recognize()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::Recognize ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt)

Tells if an entity is recognized as a valid candidate for Transfer. Calls method Recognize from the Actor (if known)

◆ RecordedList()

Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient > XSControl_TransferReader::RecordedList ( ) const

Returns the list of entities to which a final result is attached (i.e. processed by RecordResult)

◆ RecordResult()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::RecordResult ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt)

Records a final result of transferring an entity This result is recorded as a ResultFromModel, taken from the TransientProcess Returns True if a result is available, False else.

◆ ResultFromNumber()

Handle< Transfer_ResultFromModel > XSControl_TransferReader::ResultFromNumber ( const Standard_Integer  theNum) const

Returns the final result recorded for a NUMBER of entity (internal use). Null if out of range.

◆ SetActor()

void XSControl_TransferReader::SetActor ( const Handle< Transfer_ActorOfTransientProcess > &  theActor)

Sets the Actor directly : this value will be used if the Controller is not set.

◆ SetContext()

void XSControl_TransferReader::SetContext ( const Standard_CString  theName,
const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theCtx 

Sets a Context : according to receiving appli, to be interpreted by the Actor.

◆ SetController()

void XSControl_TransferReader::SetController ( const Handle< XSControl_Controller > &  theControl)

Sets a Controller. It is required to generate the Actor. Elsewhere, the Actor must be provided directly.

◆ SetFileName()

void XSControl_TransferReader::SetFileName ( const Standard_CString  theName)

Sets a new value for (loaded) file name.

◆ SetGraph()

void XSControl_TransferReader::SetGraph ( const Handle< Interface_HGraph > &  theGraph)

Sets a Graph and its InterfaceModel (calls SetModel)

◆ SetModel()

void XSControl_TransferReader::SetModel ( const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > &  theModel)

Sets an InterfaceModel. This causes former results, computed from another one, to be lost (see also Clear)

◆ SetTransientProcess()

void XSControl_TransferReader::SetTransientProcess ( const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > &  theTP)

Forces the TransientProcess Remark : it also changes the Model and the Actor, from those recorded in the new TransientProcess.

◆ ShapeResult()

TopoDS_Shape XSControl_TransferReader::ShapeResult ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt) const

Returns the resulting object as a Shape Null Shape if no result or result not a shape.

◆ ShapeResultList()

const Handle< TopTools_HSequenceOfShape > & XSControl_TransferReader::ShapeResultList ( const Standard_Boolean  theRec)

Returns a list of result Shapes If <rec> is True , sees RecordedList If <rec> is False, sees LastTransferList (last ROOT transfers) For each one, if it is a Shape, it is cumulated to the list If no Shape is found, returns an empty Sequence.

◆ Skip()

Standard_Boolean XSControl_TransferReader::Skip ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt)

Note that an entity has been required for transfer but no result at all is available (typically : case not implemented) It is not an error, but it gives a specific status : Skipped Returns True if done, False if <ent> is not in starting model.

◆ TransferClear()

void XSControl_TransferReader::TransferClear ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt,
const Standard_Integer  theLevel = 0 

Clears the results attached to an entity if <ents> equates the starting model, clears all results.

◆ TransferList()

Standard_Integer XSControl_TransferReader::TransferList ( const Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient > &  theList,
const Standard_Boolean  theRec = Standard_True,
const Message_ProgressRange theProgress = Message_ProgressRange() 

Commands the transfer on reading for a list of entities to data for Imagine, using the selected Actor for Read Returns count of transferred entities, ok or with fails (0/1) If <rec> is True (D), the results are recorded by RecordResult.

◆ TransferOne()

Standard_Integer XSControl_TransferReader::TransferOne ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt,
const Standard_Boolean  theRec = Standard_True,
const Message_ProgressRange theProgress = Message_ProgressRange() 

Commands the transfer on reading for an entity to data for Imagine, using the selected Actor for Read Returns count of transferred entities, ok or with fails (0/1) If <rec> is True (D), the result is recorded by RecordResult.

◆ TransferRoots()

Standard_Integer XSControl_TransferReader::TransferRoots ( const Interface_Graph theGraph,
const Message_ProgressRange theProgress = Message_ProgressRange() 

Transfers the content of the current Interface Model to data handled by Imagine, starting from its Roots (determined by the Graph <G>), using the selected Actor for Read Returns the count of performed root transfers (i.e. 0 if none) or -1 if no actor is defined.

◆ TransientProcess()

const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > & XSControl_TransferReader::TransientProcess ( ) const

Returns the currently used TransientProcess It is computed from the model by TransferReadRoots, or by BeginTransferRead.

◆ TransientResult()

Handle< Standard_Transient > XSControl_TransferReader::TransientResult ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theEnt) const

Returns the resulting object as a Transient Null Handle if no result or result not transient.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: