Open CASCADE Technology
Interface_MSG Class Reference

This class gives a set of functions to manage and use a list of translated messages (messagery) More...

#include <Interface_MSG.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 Interface_MSG (const Standard_CString key)
 A MSG is created to write a "functional code" in conjunction with operator () attached to Value Then, to have a translated message, write in C++ :
 Interface_MSG (const Standard_CString key, const Standard_Integer i1)
 Translates a message which contains one integer variable It is just a help which avoid the following : char mess[100]; sprintf(mess,Interface_MSG("code"),ival); then AddFail(mess); replaced by AddFail (Interface_MSG("code",ival));.
 Interface_MSG (const Standard_CString key, const Standard_Integer i1, const Standard_Integer i2)
 Translates a message which contains two integer variables As for one integer, it is just a writing help.
 Interface_MSG (const Standard_CString key, const Standard_Real r1, const Standard_Integer intervals=-1)
 Translates a message which contains one real variable <intervals> if set, commands the variable to be rounded to an interval (see below, method Intervals) As for one integer, it is just a writing help.
 Interface_MSG (const Standard_CString key, const Standard_CString str)
 Translates a message which contains one string variable As for one integer, it is just a writing help.
 Interface_MSG (const Standard_CString key, const Standard_Integer ival, const Standard_CString str)
 Translates a message which contains one integer and one string variables As for one integer, it is just a writing help Used for instance to say "Param n0.<ival> i.e. <str> is not..".
void Destroy ()
 Optimised destructor (applies for additional forms of Create)
 ~Interface_MSG ()
Standard_CString Value () const
 Returns the translated message, in a functional form with operator () was C++ : return const.
 operator Standard_CString () const

Static Public Member Functions

static Standard_Integer Read (Standard_IStream &S)
 Reads a list of messages from a stream, returns read count 0 means empty file, -1 means error.
static Standard_Integer Read (const Standard_CString file)
 Reads a list of messages from a file defined by its name.
static Standard_Integer Write (Standard_OStream &S, const Standard_CString rootkey="")
 Writes the list of messages recorded to be translated, to a stream. Writes all the list (Default) or only keys which begin by <rootkey>. Returns the count of written messages.
static Standard_Boolean IsKey (const Standard_CString mess)
 Returns True if a given message is surely a key (according to the form adopted for keys) (before activating messages, answer is false)
static Standard_CString Translated (const Standard_CString key)
 Returns the item recorded for a key. Returns the key itself if :
static void Record (const Standard_CString key, const Standard_CString item)
 Fills the dictionary with a couple (key-item) If a key is already recorded, it is possible to :
static void SetTrace (const Standard_Boolean toprint, const Standard_Boolean torecord)
 Sets the trace system to work when activated, as follow :
static void SetMode (const Standard_Boolean running, const Standard_Boolean raising)
 Sets the main modes for MSG :
static void PrintTrace (Standard_OStream &S)
 Prints the recorded errors (without title; can be empty, this is the normally expected case)
static Standard_Real Intervalled (const Standard_Real val, const Standard_Integer order=3, const Standard_Boolean upper=Standard_False)
 Returns an "intervalled" value from a starting real <val> : i.e. a value which is rounded on an interval limit Interval limits are defined to be in a coarsely "geometric" progression (two successive intervals are inside a limit ratio)
static void TDate (const Standard_CString text, const Standard_Integer yy, const Standard_Integer mm, const Standard_Integer dd, const Standard_Integer hh, const Standard_Integer mn, const Standard_Integer ss, const Standard_CString format="")
 Codes a date as a text, from its numeric value (-> seconds) : YYYY-MM-DD:HH-MN-SS fixed format, completed by leading zeros Another format can be provided, as follows : C:d ... C like format, preceded by C: S:... format to call system (not yet implemented)
static Standard_Boolean NDate (const Standard_CString text, Standard_Integer &yy, Standard_Integer &mm, Standard_Integer &dd, Standard_Integer &hh, Standard_Integer &mn, Standard_Integer &ss)
 Decodes a date to numeric integer values Returns True if OK, False if text does not fit with required format. Incomplete forms are allowed (for instance, for only YYYY-MM-DD, hour is zero)
static Standard_Integer CDate (const Standard_CString text1, const Standard_CString text2)
 Returns a value about comparison of two dates 0 : equal. <0 text1 anterior. >0 text1 posterior.
static Standard_CString Blanks (const Standard_Integer val, const Standard_Integer max)
 Returns a blank string, of length between 0 and <max>, to fill the printing of a numeric value <val>, i.e. : If val < 10 , max-1 blanks If val between 10 and 99, max-2 blanks ... etc...
static Standard_CString Blanks (const Standard_CString val, const Standard_Integer max)
 Returns a blank string, to complete a given string <val> up to <max> characters : If strlen(val) is 0, max blanks If strlen(val) is 5, max-5 blanks etc...
static Standard_CString Blanks (const Standard_Integer count)
 Returns a blank string of <count> blanks (mini 0, maxi 76)
static void Print (Standard_OStream &S, const Standard_CString val, const Standard_Integer max, const Standard_Integer just=-1)
 Prints a String on an Output Stream, as follows : Accompanied with blanks, to give up to <max> charis at all, justified according just : -1 (D) : left 0 : center 1 : right Maximum 76 characters.

Detailed Description

This class gives a set of functions to manage and use a list of translated messages (messagery)

Keys are strings, their corresponding (i.e. translated) items are strings, managed by a dictionary (a global one).

If the dictionary is not set, or if a key is not recorded, the key is returned as item, and it is possible to :

  • trace or not this fail, record or not it for further trace

It is also possible to suspend the translation (keys are then always returned as items)

This class also provides a file format for loading : It is made of couples of lines, the first one begins by '@' the following is the key, the second one is the message Lines which are empty or which begin by '@' are skipped

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Interface_MSG() [1/6]

Interface_MSG::Interface_MSG ( const Standard_CString key)

A MSG is created to write a "functional code" in conjunction with operator () attached to Value Then, to have a translated message, write in C++ :

Interface_MSG("...mykey...") which returns a CString See also some help which follow

◆ Interface_MSG() [2/6]

Interface_MSG::Interface_MSG ( const Standard_CString key,
const Standard_Integer i1 )

Translates a message which contains one integer variable It is just a help which avoid the following : char mess[100]; sprintf(mess,Interface_MSG("code"),ival); then AddFail(mess); replaced by AddFail (Interface_MSG("code",ival));.

The basic message is intended to be in C-sprintf format, with one d form in it

◆ Interface_MSG() [3/6]

Interface_MSG::Interface_MSG ( const Standard_CString key,
const Standard_Integer i1,
const Standard_Integer i2 )

Translates a message which contains two integer variables As for one integer, it is just a writing help.

The basic message is intended to be in C-sprintf format with two d forms in it

◆ Interface_MSG() [4/6]

Interface_MSG::Interface_MSG ( const Standard_CString key,
const Standard_Real r1,
const Standard_Integer intervals = -1 )

Translates a message which contains one real variable <intervals> if set, commands the variable to be rounded to an interval (see below, method Intervals) As for one integer, it is just a writing help.

The basic message is intended to be in C-sprintf format with one f form (or equivalent : e etc) in it

◆ Interface_MSG() [5/6]

Interface_MSG::Interface_MSG ( const Standard_CString key,
const Standard_CString str )

Translates a message which contains one string variable As for one integer, it is just a writing help.

The basic message is intended to be in C-sprintf format with one s form in it

◆ Interface_MSG() [6/6]

Interface_MSG::Interface_MSG ( const Standard_CString key,
const Standard_Integer ival,
const Standard_CString str )

Translates a message which contains one integer and one string variables As for one integer, it is just a writing help Used for instance to say "Param n0.<ival> i.e. <str> is not..".

The basic message is intended to be in C-sprintf format with one d then one s forms in it

◆ ~Interface_MSG()

Interface_MSG::~Interface_MSG ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Blanks() [1/3]

static Standard_CString Interface_MSG::Blanks ( const Standard_CString val,
const Standard_Integer max )

Returns a blank string, to complete a given string <val> up to <max> characters : If strlen(val) is 0, max blanks If strlen(val) is 5, max-5 blanks etc...

◆ Blanks() [2/3]

static Standard_CString Interface_MSG::Blanks ( const Standard_Integer count)

Returns a blank string of <count> blanks (mini 0, maxi 76)

◆ Blanks() [3/3]

static Standard_CString Interface_MSG::Blanks ( const Standard_Integer val,
const Standard_Integer max )

Returns a blank string, of length between 0 and <max>, to fill the printing of a numeric value <val>, i.e. : If val < 10 , max-1 blanks If val between 10 and 99, max-2 blanks ... etc...

◆ CDate()

static Standard_Integer Interface_MSG::CDate ( const Standard_CString text1,
const Standard_CString text2 )

Returns a value about comparison of two dates 0 : equal. <0 text1 anterior. >0 text1 posterior.

◆ Destroy()

void Interface_MSG::Destroy ( )

Optimised destructor (applies for additional forms of Create)

◆ Intervalled()

static Standard_Real Interface_MSG::Intervalled ( const Standard_Real val,
const Standard_Integer order = 3,
const Standard_Boolean upper = Standard_False )

Returns an "intervalled" value from a starting real <val> : i.e. a value which is rounded on an interval limit Interval limits are defined to be in a coarsely "geometric" progression (two successive intervals are inside a limit ratio)

<order> gives the count of desired intervals in a range <1-10> <upper> False, returns the first lower interval (D) <upper> True, returns the first upper interval Values of Intervals according <order> : 0,1 : 1 10 100 ... 2 : 1 3 10 30 100 ... 3(D): 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 ... 4 : 1 2 3 6 10 20 30 60 100 ... 6 : 1 1.5 2 3 5 7 10 15 20 ... 10 : 1 1.2 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 ...

◆ IsKey()

static Standard_Boolean Interface_MSG::IsKey ( const Standard_CString mess)

Returns True if a given message is surely a key (according to the form adopted for keys) (before activating messages, answer is false)

◆ NDate()

static Standard_Boolean Interface_MSG::NDate ( const Standard_CString text,
Standard_Integer & yy,
Standard_Integer & mm,
Standard_Integer & dd,
Standard_Integer & hh,
Standard_Integer & mn,
Standard_Integer & ss )

Decodes a date to numeric integer values Returns True if OK, False if text does not fit with required format. Incomplete forms are allowed (for instance, for only YYYY-MM-DD, hour is zero)

◆ operator Standard_CString()

Interface_MSG::operator Standard_CString ( ) const

◆ Print()

static void Interface_MSG::Print ( Standard_OStream & S,
const Standard_CString val,
const Standard_Integer max,
const Standard_Integer just = -1 )

Prints a String on an Output Stream, as follows : Accompanied with blanks, to give up to <max> charis at all, justified according just : -1 (D) : left 0 : center 1 : right Maximum 76 characters.

◆ PrintTrace()

static void Interface_MSG::PrintTrace ( Standard_OStream & S)

Prints the recorded errors (without title; can be empty, this is the normally expected case)

◆ Read() [1/2]

static Standard_Integer Interface_MSG::Read ( const Standard_CString file)

Reads a list of messages from a file defined by its name.

◆ Read() [2/2]

static Standard_Integer Interface_MSG::Read ( Standard_IStream & S)

Reads a list of messages from a stream, returns read count 0 means empty file, -1 means error.

◆ Record()

static void Interface_MSG::Record ( const Standard_CString key,
const Standard_CString item )

Fills the dictionary with a couple (key-item) If a key is already recorded, it is possible to :

  • keep the last definition, and activate the trace system

◆ SetMode()

static void Interface_MSG::SetMode ( const Standard_Boolean running,
const Standard_Boolean raising )

Sets the main modes for MSG :

  • if <running> is True, translation works normally
  • if <running> is False, translated item equate keys
  • if <raising> is True, errors (from Record or Translate) cause MSG to raise an exception
  • if <raising> is False, MSG runs without exception, then see also Trace Modes above

◆ SetTrace()

static void Interface_MSG::SetTrace ( const Standard_Boolean toprint,
const Standard_Boolean torecord )

Sets the trace system to work when activated, as follow :

  • if <toprint> is True, print immediately on standard output
  • if <torecord> is True, record it for further print

◆ TDate()

static void Interface_MSG::TDate ( const Standard_CString text,
const Standard_Integer yy,
const Standard_Integer mm,
const Standard_Integer dd,
const Standard_Integer hh,
const Standard_Integer mn,
const Standard_Integer ss,
const Standard_CString format = "" )

Codes a date as a text, from its numeric value (-> seconds) : YYYY-MM-DD:HH-MN-SS fixed format, completed by leading zeros Another format can be provided, as follows : C:d ... C like format, preceded by C: S:... format to call system (not yet implemented)

◆ Translated()

static Standard_CString Interface_MSG::Translated ( const Standard_CString key)

Returns the item recorded for a key. Returns the key itself if :

  • it is not recorded (then, the trace system is activated)
  • MSG has been required to be hung on

◆ Value()

Standard_CString Interface_MSG::Value ( ) const

Returns the translated message, in a functional form with operator () was C++ : return const.

◆ Write()

static Standard_Integer Interface_MSG::Write ( Standard_OStream & S,
const Standard_CString rootkey = "" )

Writes the list of messages recorded to be translated, to a stream. Writes all the list (Default) or only keys which begin by <rootkey>. Returns the count of written messages.

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