Open CASCADE Technology 7.9.0
BVH::BoundData< T, N > Struct Template Reference

#include <BVH_LinearBuilder.hxx>

Data Fields

BVH_Set< T, N > * mySet
 Set of geometric objects.
BVH_Tree< T, N > * myBVH
 BVH tree built over the set.
Standard_Integer myNode
 BVH node to update bounding box.
Standard_Integer myLevel
 Level of the processed BVH node.
 Height of the processed BVH node.

Field Documentation

◆ myBVH

template<class T, int N>
BVH_Tree<T, N>* BVH::BoundData< T, N >::myBVH

BVH tree built over the set.

◆ myHeight

template<class T, int N>
Standard_Integer* BVH::BoundData< T, N >::myHeight

Height of the processed BVH node.

◆ myLevel

template<class T, int N>
Standard_Integer BVH::BoundData< T, N >::myLevel

Level of the processed BVH node.

◆ myNode

template<class T, int N>
Standard_Integer BVH::BoundData< T, N >::myNode

BVH node to update bounding box.

◆ mySet

template<class T, int N>
BVH_Set<T, N>* BVH::BoundData< T, N >::mySet

Set of geometric objects.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: