Open CASCADE Technology
Definition of the B_spline curve. A B-spline curve can be Uniform or non-uniform Rational or non-rational Periodic or non-periodic. More...
#include <Geom_BSplineCurve.hxx>
Public Member Functions | |
Geom_BSplineCurve (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt &Poles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &Knots, const TColStd_Array1OfInteger &Multiplicities, const Standard_Integer Degree, const Standard_Boolean Periodic=Standard_False) | |
Creates a non-rational B_spline curve on the basis <Knots, Multiplicities> of degree <Degree>. More... | |
Geom_BSplineCurve (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt &Poles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &Weights, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &Knots, const TColStd_Array1OfInteger &Multiplicities, const Standard_Integer Degree, const Standard_Boolean Periodic=Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean CheckRational=Standard_True) | |
Creates a rational B_spline curve on the basis <Knots, Multiplicities> of degree <Degree>. Raises ConstructionError subject to the following conditions 0 < Degree <= MaxDegree. More... | |
void | IncreaseDegree (const Standard_Integer Degree) |
Increases the degree of this BSpline curve to Degree. As a result, the poles, weights and multiplicities tables are modified; the knots table is not changed. Nothing is done if Degree is less than or equal to the current degree. Exceptions Standard_ConstructionError if Degree is greater than Geom_BSplineCurve::MaxDegree(). More... | |
void | IncreaseMultiplicity (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Integer M) |
Increases the multiplicity of the knot <Index> to <M>. More... | |
void | IncreaseMultiplicity (const Standard_Integer I1, const Standard_Integer I2, const Standard_Integer M) |
Increases the multiplicities of the knots in [I1,I2] to <M>. More... | |
void | IncrementMultiplicity (const Standard_Integer I1, const Standard_Integer I2, const Standard_Integer M) |
Increment the multiplicities of the knots in [I1,I2] by <M>. More... | |
void | InsertKnot (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer M=1, const Standard_Real ParametricTolerance=0.0, const Standard_Boolean Add=Standard_True) |
Inserts a knot value in the sequence of knots. If <U> is an existing knot the multiplicity is increased by <M>. More... | |
void | InsertKnots (const TColStd_Array1OfReal &Knots, const TColStd_Array1OfInteger &Mults, const Standard_Real ParametricTolerance=0.0, const Standard_Boolean Add=Standard_False) |
Inserts a set of knots values in the sequence of knots. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | RemoveKnot (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Integer M, const Standard_Real Tolerance) |
Reduces the multiplicity of the knot of index Index to M. If M is equal to 0, the knot is removed. With a modification of this type, the array of poles is also modified. Two different algorithms are systematically used to compute the new poles of the curve. If, for each pole, the distance between the pole calculated using the first algorithm and the same pole calculated using the second algorithm, is less than Tolerance, this ensures that the curve is not modified by more than Tolerance. Under these conditions, true is returned; otherwise, false is returned. A low tolerance is used to prevent modification of the curve. A high tolerance is used to "smooth" the curve. Exceptions Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of the knots table. pole insertion and pole removing this operation is limited to the Uniform or QuasiUniform BSplineCurve. The knot values are modified . If the BSpline is NonUniform or Piecewise Bezier an exception Construction error is raised. More... | |
void | Reverse () override |
Changes the direction of parametrization of <me>. The Knot sequence is modified, the FirstParameter and the LastParameter are not modified. The StartPoint of the initial curve becomes the EndPoint of the reversed curve and the EndPoint of the initial curve becomes the StartPoint of the reversed curve. More... | |
Standard_Real | ReversedParameter (const Standard_Real U) const override |
Returns the parameter on the reversed curve for the point of parameter U on <me>. More... | |
void | Segment (const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by segmenting it between U1 and U2. Either of these values can be outside the bounds of the curve, but U2 must be greater than U1. All data structure tables of this BSpline curve are modified, but the knots located between U1 and U2 are retained. The degree of the curve is not modified. Warnings : Even if <me> is not closed it can become closed after the segmentation for example if U1 or U2 are out of the bounds of the curve <me> or if the curve makes loop. After the segmentation the length of a curve can be null. raises if U2 < U1. Standard_DomainError if U2 - U1 exceeds the period for periodic curves. i.e. ((U2 - U1) - Period) > Precision::PConfusion(). More... | |
void | SetKnot (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Real K) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning the value K to the knot of index Index in the knots table. This is a relatively local modification because K must be such that: Knots(Index - 1) < K < Knots(Index + 1) The second syntax allows you also to increase the multiplicity of the knot to M (but it is not possible to decrease the multiplicity of the knot with this function). Standard_ConstructionError if: More... | |
void | SetKnots (const TColStd_Array1OfReal &K) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning the array K to its knots table. The multiplicity of the knots is not modified. Exceptions Standard_ConstructionError if the values in the array K are not in ascending order. Standard_OutOfRange if the bounds of the array K are not respectively 1 and the number of knots of this BSpline curve. More... | |
void | SetKnot (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Real K, const Standard_Integer M) |
Changes the knot of range Index with its multiplicity. You can increase the multiplicity of a knot but it is not allowed to decrease the multiplicity of an existing knot. More... | |
void | PeriodicNormalization (Standard_Real &U) const |
returns the parameter normalized within the period if the curve is periodic : otherwise does not do anything More... | |
void | SetPeriodic () |
Changes this BSpline curve into a periodic curve. To become periodic, the curve must first be closed. Next, the knot sequence must be periodic. For this, FirstUKnotIndex and LastUKnotIndex are used to compute I1 and I2, the indexes in the knots array of the knots corresponding to the first and last parameters of this BSpline curve. The period is therefore: Knots(I2) - Knots(I1). Consequently, the knots and poles tables are modified. Exceptions Standard_ConstructionError if this BSpline curve is not closed. More... | |
void | SetOrigin (const Standard_Integer Index) |
Assigns the knot of index Index in the knots table as the origin of this periodic BSpline curve. As a consequence, the knots and poles tables are modified. Exceptions Standard_NoSuchObject if this curve is not periodic. Standard_DomainError if Index is outside the bounds of the knots table. More... | |
void | SetOrigin (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real Tol) |
Set the origin of a periodic curve at Knot U. If U is not a knot of the BSpline a new knot is inseted. KnotVector and poles are modified. Raised if the curve is not periodic. More... | |
void | SetNotPeriodic () |
Changes this BSpline curve into a non-periodic curve. If this curve is already non-periodic, it is not modified. Note: the poles and knots tables are modified. Warning If this curve is periodic, as the multiplicity of the first and last knots is not modified, and is not equal to Degree + 1, where Degree is the degree of this BSpline curve, the start and end points of the curve are not its first and last poles. More... | |
void | SetPole (const Standard_Integer Index, const gp_Pnt &P) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning P to the pole of index Index in the poles table. Exceptions Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of the poles table. Standard_ConstructionError if Weight is negative or null. More... | |
void | SetPole (const Standard_Integer Index, const gp_Pnt &P, const Standard_Real Weight) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning P to the pole of index Index in the poles table. This syntax also allows you to modify the weight of the modified pole, which becomes Weight. In this case, if this BSpline curve is non-rational, it can become rational and vice versa. Exceptions Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of the poles table. Standard_ConstructionError if Weight is negative or null. More... | |
void | SetWeight (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Real Weight) |
Changes the weight for the pole of range Index. If the curve was non rational it can become rational. If the curve was rational it can become non rational. More... | |
void | MovePoint (const Standard_Real U, const gp_Pnt &P, const Standard_Integer Index1, const Standard_Integer Index2, Standard_Integer &FirstModifiedPole, Standard_Integer &LastModifiedPole) |
Moves the point of parameter U of this BSpline curve to P. Index1 and Index2 are the indexes in the table of poles of this BSpline curve of the first and last poles designated to be moved. FirstModifiedPole and LastModifiedPole are the indexes of the first and last poles which are effectively modified. In the event of incompatibility between Index1, Index2 and the value U: More... | |
void | MovePointAndTangent (const Standard_Real U, const gp_Pnt &P, const gp_Vec &Tangent, const Standard_Real Tolerance, const Standard_Integer StartingCondition, const Standard_Integer EndingCondition, Standard_Integer &ErrorStatus) |
Move a point with parameter U to P. and makes it tangent at U be Tangent. StartingCondition = -1 means first can move EndingCondition = -1 means last point can move StartingCondition = 0 means the first point cannot move EndingCondition = 0 means the last point cannot move StartingCondition = 1 means the first point and tangent cannot move EndingCondition = 1 means the last point and tangent cannot move and so forth ErrorStatus != 0 means that there are not enought degree of freedom with the constrain to deform the curve accordingly. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsCN (const Standard_Integer N) const override |
Returns the continuity of the curve, the curve is at least C0. Raised if N < 0. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsG1 (const Standard_Real theTf, const Standard_Real theTl, const Standard_Real theAngTol) const |
Check if curve has at least G1 continuity in interval [theTf, theTl] Returns true if IsCN(1) or angle betweem "left" and "right" first derivatives at knots with C0 continuity is less then theAngTol only knots in interval [theTf, theTl] is checked. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsClosed () const override |
Returns true if the distance between the first point and the last point of the curve is lower or equal to Resolution from package gp. Warnings : The first and the last point can be different from the first pole and the last pole of the curve. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsPeriodic () const override |
Returns True if the curve is periodic. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsRational () const |
Returns True if the weights are not identical. The tolerance criterion is Epsilon of the class Real. More... | |
GeomAbs_Shape | Continuity () const override |
Returns the global continuity of the curve : C0 : only geometric continuity, C1 : continuity of the first derivative all along the Curve, C2 : continuity of the second derivative all along the Curve, C3 : continuity of the third derivative all along the Curve, CN : the order of continuity is infinite. For a B-spline curve of degree d if a knot Ui has a multiplicity p the B-spline curve is only Cd-p continuous at Ui. So the global continuity of the curve can't be greater than Cd-p where p is the maximum multiplicity of the interior Knots. In the interior of a knot span the curve is infinitely continuously differentiable. More... | |
Standard_Integer | Degree () const |
Returns the degree of this BSpline curve. The degree of a Geom_BSplineCurve curve cannot be greater than Geom_BSplineCurve::MaxDegree(). Computation of value and derivatives. More... | |
void | D0 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt &P) const override |
Returns in P the point of parameter U. More... | |
void | D1 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt &P, gp_Vec &V1) const override |
Raised if the continuity of the curve is not C1. More... | |
void | D2 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt &P, gp_Vec &V1, gp_Vec &V2) const override |
Raised if the continuity of the curve is not C2. More... | |
void | D3 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt &P, gp_Vec &V1, gp_Vec &V2, gp_Vec &V3) const override |
Raised if the continuity of the curve is not C3. More... | |
gp_Vec | DN (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer N) const override |
For the point of parameter U of this BSpline curve, computes the vector corresponding to the Nth derivative. Warning On a point where the continuity of the curve is not the one requested, this function impacts the part defined by the parameter with a value greater than U, i.e. the part of the curve to the "right" of the singularity. Exceptions Standard_RangeError if N is less than 1. More... | |
gp_Pnt | LocalValue (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2) const |
Raised if FromK1 = ToK2. More... | |
void | LocalD0 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, gp_Pnt &P) const |
Raised if FromK1 = ToK2. More... | |
void | LocalD1 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, gp_Pnt &P, gp_Vec &V1) const |
Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not C1 between the knot K1 and the knot K2. Raised if FromK1 = ToK2. More... | |
void | LocalD2 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, gp_Pnt &P, gp_Vec &V1, gp_Vec &V2) const |
Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not C2 between the knot K1 and the knot K2. Raised if FromK1 = ToK2. More... | |
void | LocalD3 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, gp_Pnt &P, gp_Vec &V1, gp_Vec &V2, gp_Vec &V3) const |
Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not C3 between the knot K1 and the knot K2. Raised if FromK1 = ToK2. More... | |
gp_Vec | LocalDN (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, const Standard_Integer N) const |
Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not CN between the knot K1 and the knot K2. Raised if FromK1 = ToK2. Raised if N < 1. More... | |
gp_Pnt | EndPoint () const override |
Returns the last point of the curve. Warnings : The last point of the curve is different from the last pole of the curve if the multiplicity of the last knot is lower than Degree. More... | |
Standard_Integer | FirstUKnotIndex () const |
Returns the index in the knot array of the knot corresponding to the first or last parameter of this BSpline curve. For a BSpline curve, the first (or last) parameter (which gives the start (or end) point of the curve) is a knot value. However, if the multiplicity of the first (or last) knot is less than Degree + 1, where Degree is the degree of the curve, it is not the first (or last) knot of the curve. More... | |
Standard_Real | FirstParameter () const override |
Returns the value of the first parameter of this BSpline curve. This is a knot value. The first parameter is the one of the start point of the BSpline curve. More... | |
Standard_Real | Knot (const Standard_Integer Index) const |
Returns the knot of range Index. When there is a knot with a multiplicity greater than 1 the knot is not repeated. The method Multiplicity can be used to get the multiplicity of the Knot. Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbKnots. More... | |
void | Knots (TColStd_Array1OfReal &K) const |
returns the knot values of the B-spline curve; Warning A knot with a multiplicity greater than 1 is not repeated in the knot table. The Multiplicity function can be used to obtain the multiplicity of each knot. More... | |
const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | Knots () const |
returns the knot values of the B-spline curve; Warning A knot with a multiplicity greater than 1 is not repeated in the knot table. The Multiplicity function can be used to obtain the multiplicity of each knot. More... | |
void | KnotSequence (TColStd_Array1OfReal &K) const |
Returns K, the knots sequence of this BSpline curve. In this sequence, knots with a multiplicity greater than 1 are repeated. In the case of a non-periodic curve the length of the sequence must be equal to the sum of the NbKnots multiplicities of the knots of the curve (where NbKnots is the number of knots of this BSpline curve). This sum is also equal to : NbPoles + Degree + 1 where NbPoles is the number of poles and Degree the degree of this BSpline curve. In the case of a periodic curve, if there are k periodic knots, the period is Knot(k+1) - Knot(1). The initial sequence is built by writing knots 1 to k+1, which are repeated according to their corresponding multiplicities. If Degree is the degree of the curve, the degree of continuity of the curve at the knot of index 1 (or k+1) is equal to c = Degree + 1 - Mult(1). c knots are then inserted at the beginning and end of the initial sequence: More... | |
const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | KnotSequence () const |
returns the knots of the B-spline curve. Knots with multiplicit greater than 1 are repeated More... | |
GeomAbs_BSplKnotDistribution | KnotDistribution () const |
Returns NonUniform or Uniform or QuasiUniform or PiecewiseBezier. If all the knots differ by a positive constant from the preceding knot the BSpline Curve can be : More... | |
Standard_Integer | LastUKnotIndex () const |
For a BSpline curve the last parameter (which gives the end point of the curve) is a knot value but if the multiplicity of the last knot index is lower than Degree + 1 it is not the last knot of the curve. This method computes the index of the knot corresponding to the last parameter. More... | |
Standard_Real | LastParameter () const override |
Computes the parametric value of the end point of the curve. It is a knot value. More... | |
void | LocateU (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real ParametricTolerance, Standard_Integer &I1, Standard_Integer &I2, const Standard_Boolean WithKnotRepetition=Standard_False) const |
Locates the parametric value U in the sequence of knots. If "WithKnotRepetition" is True we consider the knot's representation with repetition of multiple knot value, otherwise we consider the knot's representation with no repetition of multiple knot values. Knots (I1) <= U <= Knots (I2) . if I1 = I2 U is a knot value (the tolerance criterion ParametricTolerance is used). . if I1 < 1 => U < Knots (1) - Abs(ParametricTolerance) . if I2 > NbKnots => U > Knots (NbKnots) + Abs(ParametricTolerance) More... | |
Standard_Integer | Multiplicity (const Standard_Integer Index) const |
Returns the multiplicity of the knots of range Index. Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbKnots. More... | |
void | Multiplicities (TColStd_Array1OfInteger &M) const |
Returns the multiplicity of the knots of the curve. More... | |
const TColStd_Array1OfInteger & | Multiplicities () const |
returns the multiplicity of the knots of the curve. More... | |
Standard_Integer | NbKnots () const |
Returns the number of knots. This method returns the number of knot without repetition of multiple knots. More... | |
Standard_Integer | NbPoles () const |
Returns the number of poles. More... | |
const gp_Pnt & | Pole (const Standard_Integer Index) const |
Returns the pole of range Index. Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbPoles. More... | |
void | Poles (TColgp_Array1OfPnt &P) const |
Returns the poles of the B-spline curve;. More... | |
const TColgp_Array1OfPnt & | Poles () const |
Returns the poles of the B-spline curve;. More... | |
gp_Pnt | StartPoint () const override |
Returns the start point of the curve. Warnings : This point is different from the first pole of the curve if the multiplicity of the first knot is lower than Degree. More... | |
Standard_Real | Weight (const Standard_Integer Index) const |
Returns the weight of the pole of range Index . Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbPoles. More... | |
void | Weights (TColStd_Array1OfReal &W) const |
Returns the weights of the B-spline curve;. More... | |
const TColStd_Array1OfReal * | Weights () const |
Returns the weights of the B-spline curve;. More... | |
void | Transform (const gp_Trsf &T) override |
Applies the transformation T to this BSpline curve. More... | |
void | Resolution (const Standard_Real Tolerance3D, Standard_Real &UTolerance) |
Computes for this BSpline curve the parametric tolerance UTolerance for a given 3D tolerance Tolerance3D. If f(t) is the equation of this BSpline curve, UTolerance ensures that: | t1 - t0| < Utolerance ===> |f(t1) - f(t0)| < Tolerance3D. More... | |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Copy () const override |
Creates a new object which is a copy of this BSpline curve. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsEqual (const Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > &theOther, const Standard_Real thePreci) const |
Comapare two Bspline curve on identity;. More... | |
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virtual Standard_Real | TransformedParameter (const Standard_Real U, const gp_Trsf &T) const |
Returns the parameter on the transformed curve for the transform of the point of parameter U on <me>. More... | |
virtual Standard_Real | ParametricTransformation (const gp_Trsf &T) const |
Returns a coefficient to compute the parameter on the transformed curve for the transform of the point on <me>. More... | |
Handle< Geom_Curve > | Reversed () const |
Returns a copy of <me> reversed. More... | |
virtual Standard_Real | Period () const |
Returns the period of this curve. Exceptions Standard_NoSuchObject if this curve is not periodic. More... | |
gp_Pnt | Value (const Standard_Real U) const |
Computes the point of parameter U on <me>. If the curve is periodic then the returned point is P(U) with U = Ustart + (U - Uend) where Ustart and Uend are the parametric bounds of the curve. it is implemented with D0. More... | |
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void | Mirror (const gp_Pnt &P) |
Performs the symmetrical transformation of a Geometry with respect to the point P which is the center of the symmetry. More... | |
void | Mirror (const gp_Ax1 &A1) |
Performs the symmetrical transformation of a Geometry with respect to an axis placement which is the axis of the symmetry. More... | |
void | Mirror (const gp_Ax2 &A2) |
Performs the symmetrical transformation of a Geometry with respect to a plane. The axis placement A2 locates the plane of the symmetry : (Location, XDirection, YDirection). More... | |
void | Rotate (const gp_Ax1 &A1, const Standard_Real Ang) |
Rotates a Geometry. A1 is the axis of the rotation. Ang is the angular value of the rotation in radians. More... | |
void | Scale (const gp_Pnt &P, const Standard_Real S) |
Scales a Geometry. S is the scaling value. More... | |
void | Translate (const gp_Vec &V) |
Translates a Geometry. V is the vector of the tanslation. More... | |
void | Translate (const gp_Pnt &P1, const gp_Pnt &P2) |
Translates a Geometry from the point P1 to the point P2. More... | |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Mirrored (const gp_Pnt &P) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Mirrored (const gp_Ax1 &A1) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Mirrored (const gp_Ax2 &A2) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Rotated (const gp_Ax1 &A1, const Standard_Real Ang) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Scaled (const gp_Pnt &P, const Standard_Real S) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Transformed (const gp_Trsf &T) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Translated (const gp_Vec &V) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Translated (const gp_Pnt &P1, const gp_Pnt &P2) const |
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virtual void | Delete () const override |
Memory deallocator for transient classes. More... | |
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Standard_Transient () | |
Empty constructor. More... | |
Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &) | |
Copy constructor – does nothing. More... | |
Standard_Transient & | operator= (const Standard_Transient &) |
Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More... | |
virtual | ~Standard_Transient () |
Destructor must be virtual. More... | |
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | DynamicType () const |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Transient * | This () const |
Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More... | |
Standard_Integer | GetRefCount () const |
Get the reference counter of this object. More... | |
void | IncrementRefCounter () const |
Increments the reference counter of this object. More... | |
Standard_Integer | DecrementRefCounter () const |
Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Standard_Integer | MaxDegree () |
Returns the value of the maximum degree of the normalized B-spline basis functions in this package. More... | |
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static const char * | get_type_name () |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | get_type_descriptor () |
Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef void | base_type |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
Definition of the B_spline curve. A B-spline curve can be Uniform or non-uniform Rational or non-rational Periodic or non-periodic.
a b-spline curve is defined by : its degree; the degree for a Geom_BSplineCurve is limited to a value (25) which is defined and controlled by the system. This value is returned by the function MaxDegree;
References : . A survey of curve and surface methods in CADG Wolfgang BOHM CAGD 1 (1984) . On de Boor-like algorithms and blossoming Wolfgang BOEHM cagd 5 (1988) . Blossoming and knot insertion algorithms for B-spline curves Ronald N. GOLDMAN . Modelisation des surfaces en CAO, Henri GIAUME Peugeot SA . Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design, a practical guide Gerald Farin
Geom_BSplineCurve::Geom_BSplineCurve | ( | const TColgp_Array1OfPnt & | Poles, |
const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | Knots, | ||
const TColStd_Array1OfInteger & | Multiplicities, | ||
const Standard_Integer | Degree, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | Periodic = Standard_False |
) |
Creates a non-rational B_spline curve on the basis <Knots, Multiplicities> of degree <Degree>.
Geom_BSplineCurve::Geom_BSplineCurve | ( | const TColgp_Array1OfPnt & | Poles, |
const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | Weights, | ||
const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | Knots, | ||
const TColStd_Array1OfInteger & | Multiplicities, | ||
const Standard_Integer | Degree, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | Periodic = Standard_False , |
const Standard_Boolean | CheckRational = Standard_True |
) |
Creates a rational B_spline curve on the basis <Knots, Multiplicities> of degree <Degree>. Raises ConstructionError subject to the following conditions 0 < Degree <= MaxDegree.
Weights.Length() == Poles.Length()
Knots.Length() == Mults.Length() >= 2
Knots(i) < Knots(i+1) (Knots are increasing)
1 <= Mults(i) <= Degree
On a non periodic curve the first and last multiplicities may be Degree+1 (this is even recommanded if you want the curve to start and finish on the first and last pole).
On a periodic curve the first and the last multicities must be the same.
on non-periodic curves
Poles.Length() == Sum(Mults(i)) - Degree - 1 >= 2
on periodic curves
Poles.Length() == Sum(Mults(i)) except the first or last
overridevirtual |
Returns the global continuity of the curve : C0 : only geometric continuity, C1 : continuity of the first derivative all along the Curve, C2 : continuity of the second derivative all along the Curve, C3 : continuity of the third derivative all along the Curve, CN : the order of continuity is infinite. For a B-spline curve of degree d if a knot Ui has a multiplicity p the B-spline curve is only Cd-p continuous at Ui. So the global continuity of the curve can't be greater than Cd-p where p is the maximum multiplicity of the interior Knots. In the interior of a knot span the curve is infinitely continuously differentiable.
Implements Geom_Curve.
overridevirtual |
Creates a new object which is a copy of this BSpline curve.
Implements Geom_Geometry.
overridevirtual |
Returns in P the point of parameter U.
Implements Geom_Curve.
overridevirtual |
Raised if the continuity of the curve is not C1.
Implements Geom_Curve.
overridevirtual |
Raised if the continuity of the curve is not C2.
Implements Geom_Curve.
overridevirtual |
Raised if the continuity of the curve is not C3.
Implements Geom_Curve.
Standard_Integer Geom_BSplineCurve::Degree | ( | ) | const |
Returns the degree of this BSpline curve. The degree of a Geom_BSplineCurve curve cannot be greater than Geom_BSplineCurve::MaxDegree(). Computation of value and derivatives.
overridevirtual |
For the point of parameter U of this BSpline curve, computes the vector corresponding to the Nth derivative. Warning On a point where the continuity of the curve is not the one requested, this function impacts the part defined by the parameter with a value greater than U, i.e. the part of the curve to the "right" of the singularity. Exceptions Standard_RangeError if N is less than 1.
The following functions compute the point of parameter U and the derivatives at this point on the B-spline curve arc defined between the knot FromK1 and the knot ToK2. U can be out of bounds [Knot (FromK1), Knot (ToK2)] but for the computation we only use the definition of the curve between these two knots. This method is useful to compute local derivative, if the order of continuity of the whole curve is not greater enough. Inside the parametric domain Knot (FromK1), Knot (ToK2) the evaluations are the same as if we consider the whole definition of the curve. Of course the evaluations are different outside this parametric domain.
Implements Geom_Curve.
overridevirtual |
Returns the last point of the curve. Warnings : The last point of the curve is different from the last pole of the curve if the multiplicity of the last knot is lower than Degree.
Implements Geom_BoundedCurve.
overridevirtual |
Returns the value of the first parameter of this BSpline curve. This is a knot value. The first parameter is the one of the start point of the BSpline curve.
Implements Geom_Curve.
Standard_Integer Geom_BSplineCurve::FirstUKnotIndex | ( | ) | const |
Returns the index in the knot array of the knot corresponding to the first or last parameter of this BSpline curve. For a BSpline curve, the first (or last) parameter (which gives the start (or end) point of the curve) is a knot value. However, if the multiplicity of the first (or last) knot is less than Degree + 1, where Degree is the degree of the curve, it is not the first (or last) knot of the curve.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::IncreaseDegree | ( | const Standard_Integer | Degree | ) |
Increases the degree of this BSpline curve to Degree. As a result, the poles, weights and multiplicities tables are modified; the knots table is not changed. Nothing is done if Degree is less than or equal to the current degree. Exceptions Standard_ConstructionError if Degree is greater than Geom_BSplineCurve::MaxDegree().
void Geom_BSplineCurve::IncreaseMultiplicity | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index, |
const Standard_Integer | M | ||
) |
Increases the multiplicity of the knot <Index> to <M>.
If <M> is lower or equal to the current multiplicity nothing is done. If <M> is higher than the degree the degree is used. If <Index> is not in [FirstUKnotIndex, LastUKnotIndex]
void Geom_BSplineCurve::IncreaseMultiplicity | ( | const Standard_Integer | I1, |
const Standard_Integer | I2, | ||
const Standard_Integer | M | ||
) |
Increases the multiplicities of the knots in [I1,I2] to <M>.
For each knot if <M> is lower or equal to the current multiplicity nothing is done. If <M> is higher than the degree the degree is used. If <I1,I2> are not in [FirstUKnotIndex, LastUKnotIndex]
void Geom_BSplineCurve::IncrementMultiplicity | ( | const Standard_Integer | I1, |
const Standard_Integer | I2, | ||
const Standard_Integer | M | ||
) |
Increment the multiplicities of the knots in [I1,I2] by <M>.
If <M> is not positive nithing is done.
For each knot the resulting multiplicity is limited to the Degree. If <I1,I2> are not in [FirstUKnotIndex, LastUKnotIndex]
void Geom_BSplineCurve::InsertKnot | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Integer | M = 1 , |
const Standard_Real | ParametricTolerance = 0.0 , |
const Standard_Boolean | Add = Standard_True |
) |
Inserts a knot value in the sequence of knots. If <U> is an existing knot the multiplicity is increased by <M>.
If U is not on the parameter range nothing is done.
If the multiplicity is negative or null nothing is done. The new multiplicity is limited to the degree.
The tolerance criterion for knots equality is the max of Epsilon(U) and ParametricTolerance.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::InsertKnots | ( | const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | Knots, |
const TColStd_Array1OfInteger & | Mults, | ||
const Standard_Real | ParametricTolerance = 0.0 , |
const Standard_Boolean | Add = Standard_False |
) |
Inserts a set of knots values in the sequence of knots.
For each U = Knots(i), M = Mults(i)
If <U> is an existing knot the multiplicity is increased by <M> if <Add> is True, increased to <M> if <Add> is False.
If U is not on the parameter range nothing is done.
If the multiplicity is negative or null nothing is done. The new multiplicity is limited to the degree.
The tolerance criterion for knots equality is the max of Epsilon(U) and ParametricTolerance.
overridevirtual |
Returns true if the distance between the first point and the last point of the curve is lower or equal to Resolution from package gp. Warnings : The first and the last point can be different from the first pole and the last pole of the curve.
Implements Geom_Curve.
overridevirtual |
Returns the continuity of the curve, the curve is at least C0. Raised if N < 0.
Implements Geom_Curve.
Standard_Boolean Geom_BSplineCurve::IsEqual | ( | const Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > & | theOther, |
const Standard_Real | thePreci | ||
) | const |
Comapare two Bspline curve on identity;.
Standard_Boolean Geom_BSplineCurve::IsG1 | ( | const Standard_Real | theTf, |
const Standard_Real | theTl, | ||
const Standard_Real | theAngTol | ||
) | const |
Check if curve has at least G1 continuity in interval [theTf, theTl] Returns true if IsCN(1) or angle betweem "left" and "right" first derivatives at knots with C0 continuity is less then theAngTol only knots in interval [theTf, theTl] is checked.
overridevirtual |
Returns True if the curve is periodic.
Implements Geom_Curve.
Standard_Boolean Geom_BSplineCurve::IsRational | ( | ) | const |
Returns True if the weights are not identical. The tolerance criterion is Epsilon of the class Real.
Standard_Real Geom_BSplineCurve::Knot | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index | ) | const |
Returns the knot of range Index. When there is a knot with a multiplicity greater than 1 the knot is not repeated. The method Multiplicity can be used to get the multiplicity of the Knot. Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbKnots.
GeomAbs_BSplKnotDistribution Geom_BSplineCurve::KnotDistribution | ( | ) | const |
Returns NonUniform or Uniform or QuasiUniform or PiecewiseBezier. If all the knots differ by a positive constant from the preceding knot the BSpline Curve can be :
void Geom_BSplineCurve::Knots | ( | TColStd_Array1OfReal & | K | ) | const |
returns the knot values of the B-spline curve; Warning A knot with a multiplicity greater than 1 is not repeated in the knot table. The Multiplicity function can be used to obtain the multiplicity of each knot.
Raised K.Lower() is less than number of first knot or K.Upper() is more than number of last knot.
const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Geom_BSplineCurve::Knots | ( | ) | const |
returns the knot values of the B-spline curve; Warning A knot with a multiplicity greater than 1 is not repeated in the knot table. The Multiplicity function can be used to obtain the multiplicity of each knot.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::KnotSequence | ( | TColStd_Array1OfReal & | K | ) | const |
Returns K, the knots sequence of this BSpline curve. In this sequence, knots with a multiplicity greater than 1 are repeated. In the case of a non-periodic curve the length of the sequence must be equal to the sum of the NbKnots multiplicities of the knots of the curve (where NbKnots is the number of knots of this BSpline curve). This sum is also equal to : NbPoles + Degree + 1 where NbPoles is the number of poles and Degree the degree of this BSpline curve. In the case of a periodic curve, if there are k periodic knots, the period is Knot(k+1) - Knot(1). The initial sequence is built by writing knots 1 to k+1, which are repeated according to their corresponding multiplicities. If Degree is the degree of the curve, the degree of continuity of the curve at the knot of index 1 (or k+1) is equal to c = Degree + 1 - Mult(1). c knots are then inserted at the beginning and end of the initial sequence:
const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Geom_BSplineCurve::KnotSequence | ( | ) | const |
returns the knots of the B-spline curve. Knots with multiplicit greater than 1 are repeated
overridevirtual |
Computes the parametric value of the end point of the curve. It is a knot value.
Implements Geom_Curve.
Standard_Integer Geom_BSplineCurve::LastUKnotIndex | ( | ) | const |
For a BSpline curve the last parameter (which gives the end point of the curve) is a knot value but if the multiplicity of the last knot index is lower than Degree + 1 it is not the last knot of the curve. This method computes the index of the knot corresponding to the last parameter.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::LocalD0 | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Integer | FromK1, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToK2, | ||
gp_Pnt & | P | ||
) | const |
Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::LocalD1 | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Integer | FromK1, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToK2, | ||
gp_Pnt & | P, | ||
gp_Vec & | V1 | ||
) | const |
Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not C1 between the knot K1 and the knot K2. Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::LocalD2 | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Integer | FromK1, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToK2, | ||
gp_Pnt & | P, | ||
gp_Vec & | V1, | ||
gp_Vec & | V2 | ||
) | const |
Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not C2 between the knot K1 and the knot K2. Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::LocalD3 | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Integer | FromK1, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToK2, | ||
gp_Pnt & | P, | ||
gp_Vec & | V1, | ||
gp_Vec & | V2, | ||
gp_Vec & | V3 | ||
) | const |
Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not C3 between the knot K1 and the knot K2. Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
gp_Vec Geom_BSplineCurve::LocalDN | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Integer | FromK1, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToK2, | ||
const Standard_Integer | N | ||
) | const |
Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not CN between the knot K1 and the knot K2. Raised if FromK1 = ToK2. Raised if N < 1.
gp_Pnt Geom_BSplineCurve::LocalValue | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Integer | FromK1, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToK2 | ||
) | const |
Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::LocateU | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Real | ParametricTolerance, | ||
Standard_Integer & | I1, | ||
Standard_Integer & | I2, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | WithKnotRepetition = Standard_False |
) | const |
Locates the parametric value U in the sequence of knots. If "WithKnotRepetition" is True we consider the knot's representation with repetition of multiple knot value, otherwise we consider the knot's representation with no repetition of multiple knot values. Knots (I1) <= U <= Knots (I2) . if I1 = I2 U is a knot value (the tolerance criterion ParametricTolerance is used). . if I1 < 1 => U < Knots (1) - Abs(ParametricTolerance) . if I2 > NbKnots => U > Knots (NbKnots) + Abs(ParametricTolerance)
static |
Returns the value of the maximum degree of the normalized B-spline basis functions in this package.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::MovePoint | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const gp_Pnt & | P, | ||
const Standard_Integer | Index1, | ||
const Standard_Integer | Index2, | ||
Standard_Integer & | FirstModifiedPole, | ||
Standard_Integer & | LastModifiedPole | ||
) |
Moves the point of parameter U of this BSpline curve to P. Index1 and Index2 are the indexes in the table of poles of this BSpline curve of the first and last poles designated to be moved. FirstModifiedPole and LastModifiedPole are the indexes of the first and last poles which are effectively modified. In the event of incompatibility between Index1, Index2 and the value U:
void Geom_BSplineCurve::MovePointAndTangent | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const gp_Pnt & | P, | ||
const gp_Vec & | Tangent, | ||
const Standard_Real | Tolerance, | ||
const Standard_Integer | StartingCondition, | ||
const Standard_Integer | EndingCondition, | ||
Standard_Integer & | ErrorStatus | ||
) |
Move a point with parameter U to P. and makes it tangent at U be Tangent. StartingCondition = -1 means first can move EndingCondition = -1 means last point can move StartingCondition = 0 means the first point cannot move EndingCondition = 0 means the last point cannot move StartingCondition = 1 means the first point and tangent cannot move EndingCondition = 1 means the last point and tangent cannot move and so forth ErrorStatus != 0 means that there are not enought degree of freedom with the constrain to deform the curve accordingly.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::Multiplicities | ( | TColStd_Array1OfInteger & | M | ) | const |
Returns the multiplicity of the knots of the curve.
Raised if the length of M is not equal to NbKnots.
const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& Geom_BSplineCurve::Multiplicities | ( | ) | const |
returns the multiplicity of the knots of the curve.
Standard_Integer Geom_BSplineCurve::Multiplicity | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index | ) | const |
Returns the multiplicity of the knots of range Index. Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbKnots.
Standard_Integer Geom_BSplineCurve::NbKnots | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of knots. This method returns the number of knot without repetition of multiple knots.
Standard_Integer Geom_BSplineCurve::NbPoles | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of poles.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::PeriodicNormalization | ( | Standard_Real & | U | ) | const |
returns the parameter normalized within the period if the curve is periodic : otherwise does not do anything
const gp_Pnt& Geom_BSplineCurve::Pole | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index | ) | const |
Returns the pole of range Index. Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbPoles.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::Poles | ( | TColgp_Array1OfPnt & | P | ) | const |
Returns the poles of the B-spline curve;.
Raised if the length of P is not equal to the number of poles.
const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& Geom_BSplineCurve::Poles | ( | ) | const |
Returns the poles of the B-spline curve;.
Standard_Boolean Geom_BSplineCurve::RemoveKnot | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index, |
const Standard_Integer | M, | ||
const Standard_Real | Tolerance | ||
) |
Reduces the multiplicity of the knot of index Index to M. If M is equal to 0, the knot is removed. With a modification of this type, the array of poles is also modified. Two different algorithms are systematically used to compute the new poles of the curve. If, for each pole, the distance between the pole calculated using the first algorithm and the same pole calculated using the second algorithm, is less than Tolerance, this ensures that the curve is not modified by more than Tolerance. Under these conditions, true is returned; otherwise, false is returned. A low tolerance is used to prevent modification of the curve. A high tolerance is used to "smooth" the curve. Exceptions Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of the knots table. pole insertion and pole removing this operation is limited to the Uniform or QuasiUniform BSplineCurve. The knot values are modified . If the BSpline is NonUniform or Piecewise Bezier an exception Construction error is raised.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::Resolution | ( | const Standard_Real | Tolerance3D, |
Standard_Real & | UTolerance | ||
) |
Computes for this BSpline curve the parametric tolerance UTolerance for a given 3D tolerance Tolerance3D. If f(t) is the equation of this BSpline curve, UTolerance ensures that: | t1 - t0| < Utolerance ===> |f(t1) - f(t0)| < Tolerance3D.
overridevirtual |
Changes the direction of parametrization of <me>. The Knot sequence is modified, the FirstParameter and the LastParameter are not modified. The StartPoint of the initial curve becomes the EndPoint of the reversed curve and the EndPoint of the initial curve becomes the StartPoint of the reversed curve.
Implements Geom_Curve.
overridevirtual |
Returns the parameter on the reversed curve for the point of parameter U on <me>.
returns UFirst + ULast - U
Implements Geom_Curve.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::Segment | ( | const Standard_Real | U1, |
const Standard_Real | U2 | ||
) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by segmenting it between U1 and U2. Either of these values can be outside the bounds of the curve, but U2 must be greater than U1. All data structure tables of this BSpline curve are modified, but the knots located between U1 and U2 are retained. The degree of the curve is not modified. Warnings : Even if <me> is not closed it can become closed after the segmentation for example if U1 or U2 are out of the bounds of the curve <me> or if the curve makes loop. After the segmentation the length of a curve can be null. raises if U2 < U1. Standard_DomainError if U2 - U1 exceeds the period for periodic curves. i.e. ((U2 - U1) - Period) > Precision::PConfusion().
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetKnot | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index, |
const Standard_Real | K | ||
) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning the value K to the knot of index Index in the knots table. This is a relatively local modification because K must be such that: Knots(Index - 1) < K < Knots(Index + 1) The second syntax allows you also to increase the multiplicity of the knot to M (but it is not possible to decrease the multiplicity of the knot with this function). Standard_ConstructionError if:
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetKnot | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index, |
const Standard_Real | K, | ||
const Standard_Integer | M | ||
) |
Changes the knot of range Index with its multiplicity. You can increase the multiplicity of a knot but it is not allowed to decrease the multiplicity of an existing knot.
Raised if K >= Knots(Index+1) or K <= Knots(Index-1). Raised if M is greater than Degree or lower than the previous multiplicity of knot of range Index. Raised if Index < 1 || Index > NbKnots
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetKnots | ( | const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | K | ) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning the array K to its knots table. The multiplicity of the knots is not modified. Exceptions Standard_ConstructionError if the values in the array K are not in ascending order. Standard_OutOfRange if the bounds of the array K are not respectively 1 and the number of knots of this BSpline curve.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetNotPeriodic | ( | ) |
Changes this BSpline curve into a non-periodic curve. If this curve is already non-periodic, it is not modified. Note: the poles and knots tables are modified. Warning If this curve is periodic, as the multiplicity of the first and last knots is not modified, and is not equal to Degree + 1, where Degree is the degree of this BSpline curve, the start and end points of the curve are not its first and last poles.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetOrigin | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index | ) |
Assigns the knot of index Index in the knots table as the origin of this periodic BSpline curve. As a consequence, the knots and poles tables are modified. Exceptions Standard_NoSuchObject if this curve is not periodic. Standard_DomainError if Index is outside the bounds of the knots table.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetOrigin | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Real | Tol | ||
) |
Set the origin of a periodic curve at Knot U. If U is not a knot of the BSpline a new knot is inseted. KnotVector and poles are modified. Raised if the curve is not periodic.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetPeriodic | ( | ) |
Changes this BSpline curve into a periodic curve. To become periodic, the curve must first be closed. Next, the knot sequence must be periodic. For this, FirstUKnotIndex and LastUKnotIndex are used to compute I1 and I2, the indexes in the knots array of the knots corresponding to the first and last parameters of this BSpline curve. The period is therefore: Knots(I2) - Knots(I1). Consequently, the knots and poles tables are modified. Exceptions Standard_ConstructionError if this BSpline curve is not closed.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetPole | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index, |
const gp_Pnt & | P | ||
) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning P to the pole of index Index in the poles table. Exceptions Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of the poles table. Standard_ConstructionError if Weight is negative or null.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetPole | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index, |
const gp_Pnt & | P, | ||
const Standard_Real | Weight | ||
) |
Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning P to the pole of index Index in the poles table. This syntax also allows you to modify the weight of the modified pole, which becomes Weight. In this case, if this BSpline curve is non-rational, it can become rational and vice versa. Exceptions Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of the poles table. Standard_ConstructionError if Weight is negative or null.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::SetWeight | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index, |
const Standard_Real | Weight | ||
) |
Changes the weight for the pole of range Index. If the curve was non rational it can become rational. If the curve was rational it can become non rational.
Raised if Index < 1 || Index > NbPoles Raised if Weight <= 0.0
overridevirtual |
Returns the start point of the curve. Warnings : This point is different from the first pole of the curve if the multiplicity of the first knot is lower than Degree.
Implements Geom_BoundedCurve.
overridevirtual |
Applies the transformation T to this BSpline curve.
Implements Geom_Geometry.
Standard_Real Geom_BSplineCurve::Weight | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index | ) | const |
Returns the weight of the pole of range Index . Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbPoles.
void Geom_BSplineCurve::Weights | ( | TColStd_Array1OfReal & | W | ) | const |
Returns the weights of the B-spline curve;.
Raised if the length of W is not equal to NbPoles.
const TColStd_Array1OfReal* Geom_BSplineCurve::Weights | ( | ) | const |
Returns the weights of the B-spline curve;.