| TopOpeBRepDS_BuildTool () |
| TopOpeBRepDS_BuildTool (const TopOpeBRepTool_OutCurveType OutCurveType) |
| TopOpeBRepDS_BuildTool (const TopOpeBRepTool_GeomTool >) |
const TopOpeBRepTool_GeomTool & | GetGeomTool () const |
TopOpeBRepTool_GeomTool & | ChangeGeomTool () |
void | MakeVertex (TopoDS_Shape &V, const TopOpeBRepDS_Point &P) const |
void | MakeEdge (TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &C) const |
void | MakeEdge (TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &C, const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure &DS) const |
void | MakeEdge (TopoDS_Shape &E, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &C, const Standard_Real Tol) const |
void | MakeEdge (TopoDS_Shape &E) const |
void | MakeWire (TopoDS_Shape &W) const |
void | MakeFace (TopoDS_Shape &F, const TopOpeBRepDS_Surface &S) const |
void | MakeShell (TopoDS_Shape &Sh) const |
void | MakeSolid (TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
void | CopyEdge (const TopoDS_Shape &Ein, TopoDS_Shape &Eou) const |
| Make an edge <Eou> with the curve of the edge <Ein> More...
void | GetOrientedEdgeVertices (TopoDS_Edge &E, TopoDS_Vertex &Vmin, TopoDS_Vertex &Vmax, Standard_Real &Parmin, Standard_Real &Parmax) const |
void | UpdateEdgeCurveTol (const TopoDS_Face &F1, const TopoDS_Face &F2, TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &C3Dnew, const Standard_Real tol3d, const Standard_Real tol2d1, const Standard_Real tol2d2, Standard_Real &newtol, Standard_Real &newparmin, Standard_Real &newparmax) const |
void | ApproxCurves (const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &C, TopoDS_Edge &E, Standard_Integer &inewC, const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > &HDS) const |
void | ComputePCurves (const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &C, TopoDS_Edge &E, TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &newC, const Standard_Boolean CompPC1, const Standard_Boolean CompPC2, const Standard_Boolean CompC3D) const |
void | PutPCurves (const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &newC, TopoDS_Edge &E, const Standard_Boolean CompPC1, const Standard_Boolean CompPC2) const |
void | RecomputeCurves (const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &C, const TopoDS_Edge &oldE, TopoDS_Edge &E, Standard_Integer &inewC, const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > &HDS) const |
void | CopyFace (const TopoDS_Shape &Fin, TopoDS_Shape &Fou) const |
| Make a face <Fou> with the surface of the face <Fin> More...
void | AddEdgeVertex (const TopoDS_Shape &Ein, TopoDS_Shape &Eou, const TopoDS_Shape &V) const |
void | AddEdgeVertex (TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopoDS_Shape &V) const |
void | AddWireEdge (TopoDS_Shape &W, const TopoDS_Shape &E) const |
void | AddFaceWire (TopoDS_Shape &F, const TopoDS_Shape &W) const |
void | AddShellFace (TopoDS_Shape &Sh, const TopoDS_Shape &F) const |
void | AddSolidShell (TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopoDS_Shape &Sh) const |
void | Parameter (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopoDS_Shape &V, const Standard_Real P) const |
| Sets the parameter. More...
void | Range (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const Standard_Real first, const Standard_Real last) const |
| Sets the range of edge <E>. More...
void | UpdateEdge (const TopoDS_Shape &Ein, TopoDS_Shape &Eou) const |
| Sets the range of edge <Eou> from <Ein> only when <Ein> has a closed geometry. More...
void | Parameter (const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &C, TopoDS_Shape &E, TopoDS_Shape &V) const |
| Compute the parameter of the vertex <V>, supported by the edge <E>, on the curve . More...
void | Curve3D (TopoDS_Shape &E, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &C, const Standard_Real Tol) const |
| Sets the curve for the edge <E> More...
void | PCurve (TopoDS_Shape &F, TopoDS_Shape &E, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &C) const |
| Sets the pcurve for the edge <E> on the face <F>. If OverWrite is True the old pcurve if there is one is overwritten, else the two pcurves are set. More...
void | PCurve (TopoDS_Shape &F, TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopOpeBRepDS_Curve &CDS, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &C) const |
void | Orientation (TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_Orientation O) const |
TopAbs_Orientation | Orientation (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
void | Closed (TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Boolean B) const |
Standard_Boolean | Approximation () const |
void | UpdateSurface (const TopoDS_Shape &F, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &SU) const |
void | UpdateSurface (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopoDS_Shape &oldF, const TopoDS_Shape &newF) const |
Standard_Boolean | OverWrite () const |
void | OverWrite (const Standard_Boolean O) |
Standard_Boolean | Translate () const |
void | Translate (const Standard_Boolean T) |